#MyWe a 1 of 3 How to get Best Value blog series - Badges

Friday 6th May 2016 by @NRCUK

This series of 3 blogs is designed to help you get the best from the marvelous #MyWe tool embedded into your WeCommunities tweets.

#MyWe has been purposefully designed to add value to being part of a tweeting WeCommunity, you can read more about how we made #MyWe happen here with continued thanks go to @danielsHCltd for funding the solution.

Things you need to know about #MyWe:

1. It is a free resource to use!

2. It is designed to help you get the most out of Tweeting professionally

3. You can get to #MyWe by the main menu above

We all know that Twitter is a public space, an open platform, but did you know that it is actually really open! Open to the extent that with the right skills you can write programs to listen and harness tweets, that's how we record, archive and share all the tweetchats you all join. If you give permission, when you authorise a twitter app/login into it, more information can be shared like who you follow, who follows you etc and this is how we been able to build up a view of who you tweet with, what you tweet about and how it is relevant to your WeCommunity activity in #MyWe. 

This, a 1st of 3 blogs, starts to explain how to get the most out of #MyWe badges, we'll cover "Suggested Follows" and "Tweetchat CPD" in the follow up blogs over the next few days.

How do #MyWe Badges work?

Having logged in to #MyWe we combine all of your We #'d tweets with those that you tweet with and follow within the communities, from there we can focus in on your activity and give you a little reward (Badges). You can use this to see where you fit in the community and track your progress as you tweet with more of each other.

The badges we've created are however more than just a little fun:

Sometimes called "gamification" collecting these badges will steer you through getting the most from tweeting alongside your peers, let's explore how with each of them in turn:

Have you hosted a tweetchat yet? Unless you are super new to the WeCommunities you'll know, as their names suggests, the communities are designed to enable a place to talk about things relevant to you and your peers. So who decides what is relevant to discuss....well.... you do as part of the community. You  can use this opportunity to guest host a tweetchat by completing the form here and sending it to your relevant We (Details in the form). This opportunity can be used to either crowd-source ideas or share best practice and can be utilised by any tweeting WeCommunity member whether you are a bit new here, a seasoned tweeter or somewhere in between. The experience is overwhelmingly positive and the process and resulting chat can deliver great change as well personal and professional growth...so get your "chat badge" soon.

How many #We chats have you been on, of course this is simple to count but #MyWe takes into account all the chats from all the communities you've chatted with, because you don't just stick to one We do you? With patients needing care from such a wide variety of skills that are commissioned from many different services, the opportunity to learn from your peers in other specialty fields has never been easier than being part of multiple WeCommunities. To see what topics other We's are chatting about either follow a few from here or check in regularly with the whole We chat calendar.  

Which We #'s do you use? Again this badge takes into account all the We #'s so you can see how many times you've engaged with your tweeting peers. We'll talk a little later about the dashboards but if you do already engage across multiple We #'s this dashboard is for you!

We often talk about being "engaging on twitter" but what does this mean? We define it in #MyWe as the tweets you have with other people, the conversations and the sharing. Due to the way Twitter and #MyWe works we can tell you how many times you've engaged with other community members and this will get you closer to your next badge. You'll find the more you engage the more value you'll be able to give and get from twitter.

Who are you connected to via Twitter? This badge will not only tell you the number of followers you have from within the WeCommunities but also, via the dashboard, show you a word cloud of their bios too. Are your followers who you think they are? Of course if you wanted to keep these badges stacking up then you'll find the more Engagement badges you have the faster you'll get to your next Followers badge too.

One of the downsides to twitter can be the boiling down to a few stats surmising its and your value like "how many followers have you got" or  "how many RTs did you get". But on the huge flip-side it also enables you to connect with a huge variety of like minded and passionate people too, AND somewhat wonderfully it also connects you to people that think differently, have different aspersions, drivers and goals and We hope you follow them too. You may aim for your Following badge dashboard to reflect the diversity of people you follow, or to demonstrate that you tweet with people just like you ... go take a look.

Have you commented on a We blog? Writing a blog, whether it is a guide or reflection, takes time and effort that hopefully adds value to the intended audience. This badge reminds us all to add a comment or maybe just a quick "thanks" if you found it useful, not a practice to stick to just on the WeBlog.

Have you written a WeBlog? Luckily we are opening out the Community blog again in the Summer of 2016 so it will be much easier to go beyond twitter and share your thoughts, experiences and ideas here on the WeCommunities web site. Blogging (or writing a small piece) is different everybody whether it simply helps you order your thoughts that others may find interesting, or starts a whole new conversation connecting you to people, ideas and solutions. It isn't that difficult to blog and with a little courage can be a really valuable exercise both personally and professionally too.

How to make #MyWe Badges work for you?

Now we have spun you through all the #MyWe badges it is time for you to work out which ones are most aligned to why you tweet, what value you would like to obtain from tweeting alongside the WeCommunities. Create a plan and use the badges track your progress, set yourself a badge challenge and see if that behavior increases the value you get from tweeting with your peers.

Badge Dashboards...

Each badge has it's own dashboard, these help you go beyond the single counting and see some more information related to the badge, for example "Who do you engage with most in the WeCommunities?" the Engagement badge dashboard will tell you:

And finally...

Proud of your badges?

Give them a share....this will allow others to see your dashboards too and hopefully show and the encourage them to get the value you have our of tweeting professionally in your community:


Please feel free to post in to this blog; you'll need to be logged in via twitter from the top right of the menu to post.
{{Comment.DateCreated | date:"dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm"}}
14 May 2016 21:57
Thank you, this was such a helpful guide for me to read especially as i'm new to #MyWe and #wecommunities and a little confused about it all, and I could understand clearly what was being explained to me, thank you ^_^

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