#WeLDNs - Tuesday 2nd May 2017 8:30pm (GMT Standard Time) Being online : Threat or opportunity for #pwld & #LDNurses

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 Chat Details


Hosted by WeLDnurses using #WeLDNs

This chat is guest hosted by @Gillian_HH

Internet usage continues to increase among adults with learning disabilities (LD) but many are scared to use the internet or are denied access by those who care for them. The internet offers many opportunities, such as increasing an individual’s social network, independence and access to health information and support, for example using a virtual environment so that adults with LD can experience a hospital environment and make informed decisions (Hall et al.,2011. Full article link; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3222201/) .However other literature has highlighted that accessing the internet can have some negative effects on the wellbeing of adults with LD and leave them vulnerable to online and offline exploitation (Holmes and O’Loughlin, 2012).

Because of a lack of qualitative researchinto the everyday online experiences of adults with LD living in the United Kingdom, there is a reliance on the media and children’s internet safety information to make decisions about using the internet by this group and those who support them. I interviewed 8 adults with LD, who were aged between 19 to 62, about their online experiences and wellbeing using a descriptive phenomenological approach called reflective lifeworld research. Some participants used the internet a lot whilst some only used the internet as partof their volunteering role. Some of the themes that are emerging from the dataare;


  • The internet is providing some people with LD friendship, a sense of freedom, friendship, a sense of belonging, emotional support and feelings of being valued and respected.

  • What happens in virtual worlds; friendships, relationships and the roles they play are very important, meaningful and valuable to some of the participants, but are often discounted by those who support them.

  • Offline experiences and perceptions can influence online experiences and perceptions, such as ‘friendship’ and what this means.


The real world creates many barriers to people with LD and the internet can make things easier and often possible, but should we encourage people with LD to use the internet or virtual environments to increase their health and wellbeing, or to have virtual jobs, friendships, relationships and families?


Do you think the internet is an opportunity or a threat to people with an LD?


Do you encourage the people you work with touse the internet to increase their health and wellbeing?


There are some Youtube video links of people’s experiences in Second Life and what they gain from living in an online virtual world;


Linden, X. (2015) Second Life: What SL Means to Me – Xiola Linden [online] YouTube. Available:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF2VQ7WqEfI (accessed 12.4.2017)


Linden, T. (2016) Second Life: What SL Means to Me – Toley Linden [online] YouTube. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAXSBdXymBA (accessed 12.4.2017).


If you want to read more, you may find these books interesting to read;


Boellstorff, T. (2008) Coming of Age inSecond Life. An Anthropologist Explores the Virtual Human. Princeton University Press: New Jersey, US.


Turkle, S. (2011) Alone Together. Why We Expext More From Technology and Less From Each Other. Basic Books: New York,US.


Chadwick, D., Quinn, S. & Fullwood, C.(2016). Perceptions of the risks and benefits of Internet access and use bypeople with intellectual disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities [doi:10.1111/bld.12170.


Holmes, K.M. & O'Loughlin, N. (2014) The experiences of people with learning disabilities on social networking sites. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 42 (1), 3-7.


Löfgren-Mårtenson, L. (2008) Love in Cyberspace: Swedish Young People with Intellectual Disabilities and the Internet. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 10 (2), 125-138.


McClimens, A. & Gordon, F. (2009) People with intellectual disabilities as bloggers: What's social capital got to do with it anyway? Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 13 (1), 19-30


Shpigelman, C. & Gill, C.,J. (2014) How to adults with intellectual disabilities use Facebook? Disability and Society,29 (10), 1601-1616.

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 Chat Summary


Well this was my first time hosting a WeChat and it was so interesting to hear everyone’s views and the discussions. Here are the general themes/summary that emerged from the #WeLDNurses chat;

Most agreed that the internet can be both an opportunity (a blessing/godsend/a fabulous tool) and a threat (a curse/lots of risks) for anybody, depending on how it was used. Because of its wide reach, the internet had the potential to cause serious repercussions for any individual if not managed properly. The opportunities the internet could bring to everyone included; better social inclusion through greater networking opportunities, enabling people to form friendships in aspace that felt safe (even establishing close ‘virtual’ friendships), which offered that person someone to ‘turn to’ and receive ‘great support’ from. The internet could be used by those limited by their offline environment and increase interaction in offline spaces, e.g. finding Pokemons. Learning (including forming Facebook groups) and sharing information with colleagues and peers was cited as a way to gain advice and support from one another. It also made people feel more connected with others who may not be at a close distance to them, helped to ‘spark’ ideas and bring communities together. The internet could also be a powerful way to build up your reputation and allow people, whofind face-to-face contact ‘awkward’, to find information or communicate withothers more easily.

The problems associated with spending too much time on the internet included; disruption to sleep patterns/insomnia, not being able to switch off and dreaming about games that they had been playing, negative effects on posture, obesity/weight gain due to inactivity, eye strain,‘disassociation with reality’, withdrawing from social engagement, ‘altered perceptions’, not being able to escape an online world where bullying may be happening and addiction. Some of these the community members or those they hadworked with had experienced. There was a worry about the online world becoming an alternative to human interaction.

People spoke about how they encouraged people with LD, they worked with, to look up bus timetables, use social media to connect or stay in touch with friends they didn’t see regularly or to use apps to monitor health, and Fitbits to encourage reaching competitive goals in physical fitness. One community member saw a news post about an app that helped someone with disabilities to make new friends; http://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/sci-tech/teen-develops-app-to-help-brother-with-disabilities-make-new-friends-1.3337657

As we are all in the digital era, many thought that internet activities, such as gaming, should be available for all, and that we needed to ensure that we were all educated about online safety, benefits and risks, from pre-school to adulthood. As more information becomes available online we need to ensure that people with LD are not left behind or excluded. Day hubs/‘clinics’ were highlighted as a potential creative and enjoyable way to support internet education.

Many felt that everyone has the right to take a risk, if they are prepared to accept responsibility and are aware of the consequences. It was acknowledged that some people with LD may be less aware of or not have the ability to weigh up online risks, benefits, and consequences or may have different perceptions. Education and support were seen as important to encouraging this group’s safe internet use, but questions were raised over how we can do this for someone else without ‘overstepping boundaries’ and how we can empower people with LD to assess these risks themselves, rather than the professional.

Education, online decision making and weighing up risks, was a key area to support people with LD, but there was some debate over how much (and if it was internet focused enough) young people received in SEN schools. In some people’s experience, this was either not happening or they were dubious about how internet safety was actually explored in these settings. Online education was not only seen as important for young people with learning disabilities, (‘digital natives’), but also for adults with learning disabilities too (‘digital immigrants’), and a lack of online education was highlighted in adult forensic practice. One community member had developed a psychoeducational intervention to support skilldevelopment for people with LD who were offenders in the area of risk awareness in this area, which was published in 2013; available at; http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/JIDOB-04-2013-0008 (Batey and Comer). He felt it was a shame that this could not be translated into a free resource. Others had heard of people with LD getting into‘mischief’ or financial difficulties online and were let off with a ‘bless & head tilt’.

Community members felt that they had an online role in educating others, and moderating and reporting what they saw online as negative, as well as an offline role in helping those they worked with recognise what is acceptable online, encouraging them to report bullying and signpost safe websites for them to use. Some members felt it was important not to get too caught up in the negatives and to remember that people with LD should be encouraged to have a wide range of experiences, both online and offline. Buddying, by more experiences social media users, for new starters, who would benefit from their advice, could be beneficial for both LD professionals and people with LD. People had experienced parents not understanding the benefits of social media and being concerned for a child with LD using the internet. There was agreement that there should be a collaborative/shared approach, targeted at individual’s need, which included parents/families/carers, so everyone could learn from each other.

Most people generally felt safe online, often due to the education they had received on this and how their account settings were set up. However, some had experienced, or knew of others that had been, trolling/ed and experienced racism online. With the support of their friends, they had been able to get though this experience, or had felt that it was better to hear this online than offline.  Cyberbullying was highlighted as something that appeared to be increasing and some members had responded to racist comments by muting or blocking, and reporting them. It was suggested that people with LD were often punished if they had been victims of cyberbullying or trolling, by having their internet access restricted or taken away. Supporting people with LD to stop interacting with bullies, maintain genuine friendships and recognise hate crime was suggested. It was highlighted that there was good guidance and work on this area, but it wasn’t well distributed or there was reluctance to do so. Good advice and work, highlighted in this area, was from SaferNet, Glenn Batey and Theresa Comer (link above) and Darren Chadwick http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/bld.12170/abstract

Some people preferred to keep one type of social media for their personal life and one for professional life, whilst others were comfortable merging their social and professional lives across many social media platforms. Some had experienced ‘patients’ trying to add them as friends and it was highlighted that it was important to be careful and know who to connect with and who not to connect with. This was an area in nurse training that was ‘drilled into’ students, so that boundaries are maintained between patients and professionals.

As a result of this WeLDNurses chat, many community members stated that they would go and find out more about how social media was being used, and the support available, in their work area, and what role the LD nurses take in this. Others thought about widening access to the internet to people they worked with, minimising risks like cyberbullying, and supported internet education, through ‘clinics’, ‘drop ins’, etc.. It was realised that those taking part in this chat were people who already knew about the opportunities the internet brings to both themselves and to those they work with. Perhaps we need to spread the word to those who only see the internet as a risk to people with LD and are not aware of the opportunities?

I personally found it interesting the boundaries we, and the NMC, set between the patient and professional, when it comes to social media. I wonder what will happen in the future when we may be regularly communicating with ‘patients’, for example facilitating online support and self-management groups when needed, as using technology is one of the government and NHS aims,and the idea of GP appointment online is not that far away! Facebook has already created a social media platform for our professional life, allowing usto separate this from our personal life, but it seems that through this chat, many gain so much support and friendship from other professional peers and colleagues, that separating this may be difficult. I also found something one member raised interesting; how do we support people with LD to access the internet safely without ‘overstepping boundaries’? Thus who is deciding what is risky and what is not? Is a professional’s perception of risk different to a person with LD? How do we manage our role in this area without ‘overstepping[those] boundaries’ and deciding for someone with LD, rather than with them?

Thanks to @Gillian_HH for her comprehensive analysis of the transcript of last night's chat.


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 #WeLDNs transcript

02 May 2017 20:30
Evening all, welcome to another #weldns chat. Can we have some hello's from those chatting and lurking! #weldns
02 May 2017 20:30
RT @WeLDnurses: Evening all, welcome to another #weldns chat. Can we have some hello's from those chatting and lurking! #weldns
02 May 2017 20:30
Hi all, Sal here #waving from Leicester & very excited about this chat #safetyonline #digitalsafety #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:30
@WeLDnurses #WeLDNs hi folks x
02 May 2017 20:30
Hi I'm Emma. PhD student at Hull Uni and previous co-author with @Gillian_HH Looking forward to tonight's chat #Weldns
02 May 2017 20:31
@WeLDnurses Evening! Lurking from behind the books! Learning never stops! #weldns
02 May 2017 20:31
Hello everyone, Gillian here #weldns Looking forward to the chat.
02 May 2017 20:31
@helen_laverty @WeLDnurses Good to 'see' you Helen :) #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:31
@WeLDnurses Hi Ross from Edge Hill here #weldns
02 May 2017 20:31
Hi all, Sal here #waving from Leicester & very excited about this chat #safetyonline #digitalsafety #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:31
@WeLDnurses Evening all #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:31
@Gillian_HH Really looking forward to this chat Gillian #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:32
RT @giveawayweeps: Hi all, Sal here #waving from Leicester & very excited about this chat #safetyonline #digitalsafety #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:32
Hello everyone, Gillian here #WeLDNs looking forward to tonights chat
02 May 2017 20:33
Thanks to @Gillian_hh for suggesting tonight's chat subject #weldns
02 May 2017 20:33
RT @WeLDnurses: Thanks to @Gillian_hh for suggesting tonight's chat subject #weldns
02 May 2017 20:33
@Gillian_HH #weldns just have to say so proud of all your achievements since decide commit proceed x
02 May 2017 20:34
RT @WeLDnurses: Thanks to @Gillian_hh for suggesting tonight's chat subject #weldns
02 May 2017 20:35
Questions are going to come thick & fast tonight from this account as pictures. Don't forget to use #weldns and #ebp for links & references
02 May 2017 20:35
And so to Question 1 #weldns https://t.co/EQHsy5sibX
02 May 2017 20:35
RT @WeLDnurses: Questions are going to come thick & fast tonight from this account as pictures. Don't forget to use #weldns and #ebp for li…
02 May 2017 20:35
Glenn from Durham ?? #weldns
02 May 2017 20:36
@WeLDnurses both #weldns
02 May 2017 20:36
@WeLDnurses Evening all, Ross here #waves #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:36
RT @WeLDnurses: And so to Question 1 #weldns https://t.co/EQHsy5sibX
02 May 2017 20:36
RT @dmarsden49: @WeLDnurses Evening all #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:36
RT @ross_6479: @WeLDnurses Evening all, Ross here #waves #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:37
@WeLDnurses Hi just lurking #WeLDNs ????
02 May 2017 20:37
RT @CommunityLd: @WeLDnurses both #weldns
02 May 2017 20:37
@WeLDnurses Both dependent how it is used, lots of opportunities out there #Weldns
02 May 2017 20:37
@_donnacoombs_ @WeLDnurses Hi Donna, do feel free to be a noisy lurker ;) #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:37
@WeLDnurses everyone has the right to take a risk if they are prepared 2 accept the responsibility and are aware of the consequences #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:38
@_donnacoombs_ Welcome! We love a lurker! #weldns
02 May 2017 20:38
#weldns Hi Anne here. Half lurking- had to accompany my son to the pub for a champions league game, ?
02 May 2017 20:38
@WeLDnurses Both. It can be a blessing or a curse. Depends what we do on it and what it does for us #internet #weldns
02 May 2017 20:38
@salsa442 @WeLDnurses both as there is a need to ensure people are educated about risks/opps #weldns
02 May 2017 20:38
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses I guess there are lots of threats too if not used properly #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:39
RT @CommunityLd: @salsa442 @WeLDnurses both as there is a need to ensure people are educated about risks/opps #weldns
02 May 2017 20:39
RT @WeLDnurses: And so to Question 1 #weldns https://t.co/EQHsy5sibX
02 May 2017 20:39
@AWebster67 Welcome Anne #weldns
02 May 2017 20:39
@AWebster67 dirty work but glad you'll take one for the team! #weldns
02 May 2017 20:39
RT @chris_dlamini: @WeLDnurses Both. It can be a blessing or a curse. Depends what we do on it and what it does for us #internet #weldns
02 May 2017 20:39
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses what do you see as some of the opportunities? #weldns
02 May 2017 20:40
@CommunityLd @salsa442 @WeLDnurses Is that any different for any of us? #weldns
02 May 2017 20:40
And Question 2 #weldns https://t.co/6Ylt73tG7i
02 May 2017 20:40
@samabdulla @CommunityLd @WeLDnurses I guess not,maybe awareness of risks is different? #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:40
@samabdulla @salsa442 @WeLDnurses no but people with learning disabilities may need more support/education #weldns
02 May 2017 20:40
RT @samabdulla: @CommunityLd @salsa442 @WeLDnurses Is that any different for any of us? #weldns
02 May 2017 20:40
@salsa442 @WeLDnurses Def, some good guidance out there but not sure it's well distributed, also there's some reluctance IME #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:41
RT @WeLDnurses: And Question 2 #weldns https://t.co/6Ylt73tG7i
02 May 2017 20:41
RT @WeLDnurses: And Question 2 #weldns https://t.co/6Ylt73tG7i
02 May 2017 20:41
@salsa442 @samabdulla @WeLDnurses perhaps more about perception and ability to weigh up consequences #weldns
02 May 2017 20:42
#WeLDNs 2nd year student nurse at Teesside Uni, lurking on my first ever twitter chat
02 May 2017 20:42
@Gillian_HH can think of at least 2 pwld who have got into mischief or ££ probs and got let off with the 'bless' & head tilt #weldns
02 May 2017 20:42
RT @WeLDnurses: And Question 2 #weldns https://t.co/6Ylt73tG7i
02 May 2017 20:43
RT @Lauralovexx: #WeLDNs 2nd year student nurse at Teesside Uni, lurking on my first ever twitter chat
02 May 2017 20:43
#weldns @carterjenny16 Jenny wondered if you are able to make this chat. Aware that you have a lot of experience of using social media.
02 May 2017 20:43
@Lauralovexx you are very welcome #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:43
@Lauralovexx Welcome...how do you use the internet when working with people with learning disabilities? #WeLDNS
02 May 2017 20:43
@WeLDnurses look up bus timetables etc #weldns
02 May 2017 20:43
@Lauralovexx You've graduated from lurking, you've just commented! Welcome! #weldns
02 May 2017 20:43
RT @CommunityLd: @samabdulla @salsa442 @WeLDnurses no but people with learning disabilities may need more support/education #weldns
02 May 2017 20:44
@samabdulla @salsa442 @WeLDnurses not in my experience #weldns
02 May 2017 20:44
@salsa442 @WeLDnurses Totally agree, seeing more of this in schools but needs a wider reach to adults too #weldns
02 May 2017 20:44
@salsa442 @ross_6479 @WeLDnurses it's the digital native vs immigrant debate at a different level #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:44
Fab #EBP #WeLDNs https://t.co/Y4Ie9FvPiI
02 May 2017 20:45
#weldns Question 3 https://t.co/tgJ86JJR1v
02 May 2017 20:45
@samabdulla @CommunityLd @WeLDnurses I somehow doubt it,& SEN education needs to have as much if not more about internet safety #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:45
@WeLDnurses I've signposted to apps and social sites for info #weldns
02 May 2017 20:45
RT @Emma8Stevens: Hi I'm Emma. PhD student at Hull Uni and previous co-author with @Gillian_HH Looking forward to tonight's chat #Weldns
02 May 2017 20:46
@Lauralovexx Great you could join us,feel free to be a noisy lurker!! We do love a lurker! #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:46
RT @WeLDnurses: #weldns Question 3 https://t.co/tgJ86JJR1v
02 May 2017 20:46
@Gillian_HH @samabdulla @salsa442 @WeLDnurses developed a psychoeducational intervention to support skill development as no didnt #weldns
02 May 2017 20:46
@salsa442 @samabdulla @CommunityLd @WeLDnurses remember Glen Batty's work #weldns
02 May 2017 20:46
IMExp PWLD don't get enough support or education in internet safety #WeLDNs https://t.co/3nyC9NFztU
02 May 2017 20:47
Beautifully and creatively put as always! #weldns https://t.co/6PZYkhyBwC
02 May 2017 20:47
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses Awkward personal contact? I know that is something people with autism have noted in their online communities. #weldns
02 May 2017 20:47
RT @salsa442: Fab #EBP #WeLDNs https://t.co/Y4Ie9FvPiI
02 May 2017 20:47
RT @WeLDnurses: #weldns Question 3 https://t.co/tgJ86JJR1v
02 May 2017 20:47
PWLDs should be encouraged to have a wide range of experiences both online and offline #weldns
02 May 2017 20:48
RT @Emma8Stevens: PWLDs should be encouraged to have a wide range of experiences both online and offline #weldns
02 May 2017 20:49
@Gillian_HH @samabdulla @salsa442 @WeLDnurses look up Batey & Comer 2013 #weldns
02 May 2017 20:49
RT @CommunityLd: @samabdulla @salsa442 @WeLDnurses no but people with learning disabilities may need more support/education #weldns
02 May 2017 20:49
RT @CommunityLd: @Gillian_HH @samabdulla @salsa442 @WeLDnurses look up Batey & Comer 2013 #weldns
02 May 2017 20:50
RT @CommunityLd: @Gillian_HH @samabdulla @salsa442 @WeLDnurses look up Batey & Comer 2013 #weldns
02 May 2017 20:50
@Gillian_HH @WeLDnurses For me an absolute Godsend. Where would l be without #weldns
02 May 2017 20:51
@chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses exactly!! It's also about realising online life can spill over into real life #weldns
02 May 2017 20:51
As more & more info is only available online need to ensure PWLD are not left behind or excluded #weldns https://t.co/13YmchqhzA
02 May 2017 20:52
@CommunityLd @Gillian_HH @samabdulla @salsa442 Have you got a link, Glenn? #weldns
02 May 2017 20:52
RT @Emma8Stevens: PWLDs should be encouraged to have a wide range of experiences both online and offline #weldns
02 May 2017 20:52
@CommunityLd @chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses And that can have some serious repercussions if not managed properly #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:52
RT @livinginhope: As more & more info is only available online need to ensure PWLD are not left behind or excluded #weldns https://t.co/13Y…
02 May 2017 20:52
@CommunityLd @WeLDnurses Most definitely. Can follow you right to your doorstep #weldns
02 May 2017 20:53
@CommunityLd @chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses just think about that 9 million reach @PCConf Hull #weldns
02 May 2017 20:53
@WeLDnurses @Gillian_HH @samabdulla @salsa442 https://t.co/sqDHjvOCyO #weldns
02 May 2017 20:53
@livinginhope Lots of companies pushing towards online and offering lower price, need to ensure all can access and benefit #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:53
@salsa442 @chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses yes I have dealt with a few #weldns
02 May 2017 20:54
Hi @WeLDnurses #weldns Sorry to chip in & go, but this research by @DrDDChadwick & colleagues very interesting #ebp https://t.co/0XsgNbZgco
02 May 2017 20:54
Great #EBP thanks to @CommunityLd #WeLDNs https://t.co/wPoE56072k
02 May 2017 20:54
RT @chrishattoncedr: Hi @WeLDnurses #weldns Sorry to chip in & go, but this research by @DrDDChadwick & colleagues very interesting #ebp ht…
02 May 2017 20:54
Excellent, thank you! #weldns #ebp https://t.co/YN3Sph3NYH
02 May 2017 20:54
RT @chrishattoncedr: Hi @WeLDnurses #weldns Sorry to chip in & go, but this research by @DrDDChadwick & colleagues very interesting #ebp ht…
02 May 2017 20:54
@CommunityLd @chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses Same here & it's very challenging to support people through them #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:55
#weldns Question 4 https://t.co/YdBUpPy2os
02 May 2017 20:55
Excellent, thank you Chris for this #ebp #weldns https://t.co/mQYB6rNdlM
02 May 2017 20:55
RT @chrishattoncedr: Hi @WeLDnurses #weldns Sorry to chip in & go, but this research by @DrDDChadwick & colleagues very interesting #ebp ht…
02 May 2017 20:56
Disassociation with reality, withdrawal from social engagement, altered perceptions & sleep problems #WeLDNs https://t.co/tiUj3KZlRH
02 May 2017 20:56
@chris_dlamini @salsa442 @CommunityLd @WeLDnurses Perhaps the cyber and 'real' worlds are closer than you think? #weldns
02 May 2017 20:56
@chris_dlamini @salsa442 @WeLDnurses we have to remember there are no social boundaries online like real World #weldns
02 May 2017 20:56
@WeLDnurses Also some games seem to really resonate with some of the people I've supported #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:56
RT @WeLDnurses: #weldns Question 4 https://t.co/YdBUpPy2os
02 May 2017 20:56
Goggle eyes from too much time online :) #weldns
02 May 2017 20:57
@WeLDnurses Lots of people I have worked with needing support around times of use and this having an impact on sleep #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:57
@Gillian_HH @chris_dlamini @salsa442 @WeLDnurses they are too close to point they have merged #weldns
02 May 2017 20:57
RT @Gillian_HH: @chris_dlamini @salsa442 @CommunityLd @WeLDnurses Perhaps the cyber and 'real' worlds are closer than you think? #weldns
02 May 2017 20:58
RT @ross_6479: @WeLDnurses Lots of people I have worked with needing support around times of use and this having an impact on sleep #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 20:58
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses just don't want the online world to become an alternative to human interaction 'warehousing by iPad' #weldns
02 May 2017 20:58
Hi sorry to join late I had to use social media as a platform to speak up as my voice was taken away!#weldns
02 May 2017 20:59
@chrishattoncedr @WeLDnurses @DrDDChadwick #weldns No chip in. It's a great piece of work. Read a lot from Darren Chadwick and colleagues.
02 May 2017 20:59
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses No but can understand that the will be #weldns
02 May 2017 20:59
@WeLDnurses Weight gain due to inactivity #weldns
02 May 2017 20:59
RT @carterjenny16: Hi sorry to join late I had to use social media as a platform to speak up as my voice was taken away!#weldns
02 May 2017 20:59
@salsa442 @chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses yes but who teaches these to people with LD? #weldns
02 May 2017 20:59
@carterjenny16 Welcome! #weldns
02 May 2017 20:59
@carterjenny16 Welcome... #weldns
02 May 2017 21:00
@Gillian_HH @salsa442 @CommunityLd @WeLDnurses I suppose it is the perception of closeness or impact of explosion #weldns
02 May 2017 21:00
This is a really good point, internet use not promoting active lifestyle #WeLDNs https://t.co/j8vllsCYWb
02 May 2017 21:00
@salsa442 @ross_6479 @WeLDnurses ...and then dreams of #weldns
02 May 2017 21:01
@WeLDnurses Have to remember it's a powerful tool to build up your reputation #weldns
02 May 2017 21:01
@CommunityLd @chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses Good question,is that a role for LDNs? Teachers in SEN schools? Parents? #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:01
@salsa442 @WeLDnurses Yes, I've done this, or planning my day around my 'lives' becoming full #weldns #badhabit
02 May 2017 21:01
RT @Gillian_HH: @chrishattoncedr @WeLDnurses @DrDDChadwick #weldns No chip in. It's a great piece of work. Read a lot from Darren Chadwick…
02 May 2017 21:01
@WeLDnurses For me an opportunity #weldns
02 May 2017 21:02
@WeLDnurses Hello hello!! Very late to the party this evening.. but hello beautiful people #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:02
@salsa442 @chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses collective but targeted at the individual #weldns
02 May 2017 21:02
RT @carterjenny16: @WeLDnurses Have to remember it's a powerful tool to build up your reputation #weldns
02 May 2017 21:03
@WeLDnurses #weldns got to go folks need to back a bag off to London tomorrow- great chat folks xx
02 May 2017 21:03
@carterjenny16 Hi Jenny #weldns
02 May 2017 21:03
@CommunityLd @salsa442 @WeLDnurses I like that #weldns
02 May 2017 21:03
@Lauralovexx @WeLDnurses Cyberbullying is certainly increasing, how can we support PWLD to avoid this? #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:03
@Lauralovexx @WeLDnurses Bullying can happen online and offline, so it's about educating people to tell someone they trust #weldns
02 May 2017 21:04
@florenceella Welcome! #weldns
02 May 2017 21:04
@florenceella @WeLDnurses Welcome ...please share your views #weldns
02 May 2017 21:04
@helen_laverty @WeLDnurses Take care in the big smoke Helen xx #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:04
Sometimes your forced to work around something to make something happen and I used social media to help make SA happen in Wirral #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:04
@helen_laverty @WeLDnurses Enjoy London! #weldns
02 May 2017 21:05
#weldns Question 5 https://t.co/Cj6i3THIye
02 May 2017 21:05
@carterjenny16 I saw you did do a #weldns tweet Jenny ? It's hard work to keep adding the hash tag I find.
02 May 2017 21:05
RT @WeLDnurses: #weldns Question 5 https://t.co/Cj6i3THIye
02 May 2017 21:06
@salsa442 @ross_6479 @WeLDnurses Ill agree with on that as well #weldns
02 May 2017 21:07
#weldns Perhaps there is now a blur between the online and offline self.
02 May 2017 21:07
@WeLDnurses I found that again I find it's better to build your self influence online #weldns
02 May 2017 21:08
@Gillian_HH @ross_6479 @WeLDnurses I think there's a risk of that happening, some of the games I play are scarily addictive! #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:08
RT @carterjenny16: @WeLDnurses I found that again I find it's better to build your self influence online #weldns
02 May 2017 21:09
@Lauralovexx @salsa442 @WeLDnurses ...and also educating people not to bully others? #weLDNS
02 May 2017 21:09
@salsa442 @Gillian_HH @WeLDnurses Yeah I agree, it's about finding the balance and working with the person to make it work #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:10
@ross_6479 @AWebster67 @helen_laverty @WeLDnurses And you have passed on your addiction to Fantastic Beasts to me!! #sharingiscaring #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:10
#weldns Question 6 https://t.co/ladh3V1O1y
02 May 2017 21:10
@WeLDnurses #learn #learn #learn is all l love about online me. #weldns
02 May 2017 21:11
@salsa442 @AWebster67 @helen_laverty @WeLDnurses We need to link up on FB so we can share energy etc #WeLDNs #onlineinteraction
02 May 2017 21:11
RT @WeLDnurses: #weldns Question 6 https://t.co/ladh3V1O1y
02 May 2017 21:11
@chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses Like this a lot, some of my patients really benefited from having a fitbit and competing with themselves #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:11
@carterjenny16 @WeLDnurses jenny do you think it gives you more confidence I. Your everyday life (your online activity?) #weldns
02 May 2017 21:12
@Gillian_HH @Lauralovexx @WeLDnurses Absolutely, but sadly I think there will always be bullys... #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:12
@WeLDnurses patients trying to add you as 'friends' #weldns
02 May 2017 21:13
@salsa442 @WeLDnurses Can get addictive as well. Competitive. Better than being sedentary l suppose #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:14
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses Account settings are crucial to my perception of online safety #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:15
#weldns Question 7 https://t.co/UNlTHKQhxW
02 May 2017 21:15
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses Do you help the people you work to do this as well? #weldns
02 May 2017 21:15
@salsa442 @WeLDnurses Something that needs to be a priority in education I think, could do with 'set up clinics' to support in this #weldns
02 May 2017 21:16
RT @Gillian_HH: @ross_6479 @WeLDnurses Do you help the people you work to do this as well? #weldns
02 May 2017 21:16
RT @WeLDnurses: #weldns Question 7 https://t.co/UNlTHKQhxW
02 May 2017 21:17
@ross_6479 @salsa442 @WeLDnurses I agree #weldns
02 May 2017 21:17
@WeLDnurses I have been lucky but i have known people not to be so #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:17
@CommunityLd @WeLDnurses Has this happened to you? #weldns
02 May 2017 21:17
@WeLDnurses How about empowering people with learning disabilities to asses these risks for themselves? #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:17
@Gillian_HH @WeLDnurses yes #weldns
02 May 2017 21:17
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses I agree,& these could be set up so easily using day hubs, existing groups etc #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:17
@WeLDnurses We can make educate people about what the dangers and positives are #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:18
@salsa442 #WeLDNs agree - trolling can be a problem like bullying it's important others support and don't tolerate… https://t.co/GLKay0LvUl
02 May 2017 21:18
@Gillian_HH @WeLDnurses I point out the importance and direct people to the places to do it, I'd like to think people do it #weldns
02 May 2017 21:18
@chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses That's interesting, but saddens me you have experienced such racism #weldns
02 May 2017 21:18
RT @DebDMA: @salsa442 #WeLDNs agree - trolling can be a problem like bullying it's important others support and don't tolerate but overall…
02 May 2017 21:18
@Gillian_HH @florenceella @WeLDnurses Hate crime for example #weldns
02 May 2017 21:18
@florenceella @WeLDnurses If we ask the right questions it can help to tailor the answers I guess #weldns
02 May 2017 21:19
@salsa442 Great point this #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:19
@WeLDnurses Also say it's ok to use social media to connect with people who we know or know off and find out stuff #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:20
#weldns Question 8 https://t.co/lS64OrwXfH
02 May 2017 21:20
@salsa442 @WeLDnurses Absolutely, so many creative and enjoyable ways to approach this too #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:21
@WeLDnurses #WeLDNs buddying new starters to the internet might help some - I know I have benefitted from advice mo… https://t.co/ZGJMcJeHAg
02 May 2017 21:21
RT @WeLDnurses: #weldns Question 8 https://t.co/lS64OrwXfH
02 May 2017 21:21
@AWebster67 @WeLDnurses @LearningDisEng I did at 1 time but not as much as I used to #weldns
02 May 2017 21:21
@Gillian_HH @WeLDnurses People with nothing better to do. #mute #block #report #obliterate #exterminate #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:22
I do, and I love that we can use #SoMe as a platform to share all the good stuff #jointeameliot #WeLDNs… https://t.co/yJzib518Rl
02 May 2017 21:22
RT @DebDMA: @WeLDnurses #WeLDNs buddying new starters to the internet might help some - I know I have benefitted from advice more experienc…
02 May 2017 21:22
@ross_6479 @salsa442 @WeLDnurses I think everyone would benefit from this! #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:22
RT @DebDMA: @WeLDnurses #WeLDNs buddying new starters to the internet might help some - I know I have benefitted from advice more experienc…
02 May 2017 21:23
@ross_6479 @salsa442 @WeLDnurses Saw this the other day - interesting #weLDNs https://t.co/H6IdLwSxuQ
02 May 2017 21:23
RT @salsa442: I do, and I love that we can use #SoMe as a platform to share all the good stuff #jointeameliot #WeLDNs #togetherwearebetter…
02 May 2017 21:23
@WeLDnurses I use facebook with people I see outside of work and use twitter to connect professionally #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:23
@florenceella @ross_6479 @WeLDnurses It could be a really good way to bring communities together actually #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:23
@WeLDnurses #WeLDNs I do and find it really useful especially as we are often at distance - helps you feel connecte… https://t.co/p2yeNUvErc
02 May 2017 21:24
@WeLDnurses Yes but at the same time need to help people to understand who they can connect with and not #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:24
This is useful #ebp #weldns https://t.co/hK1dVMsnEX
02 May 2017 21:24
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses Me too. Keeps them seperate #weldns
02 May 2017 21:24
@ross_6479 @WeLDnurses I am the same Facebook for social and twitter for professional #weldns
02 May 2017 21:25
#weldns Question 9 https://t.co/RNZmc3nUW0
02 May 2017 21:25
@salsa442 @ross_6479 @WeLDnurses Also to get carers/ families involved - I've seen a lot of parents concerned for their child #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:25
@salsa442 @Lauralovexx @WeLDnurses I agree. But I think bullies, and people who abuse and exploit can be very clever and subtle. #weldns
02 May 2017 21:25
@DebDMA @WeLDnurses This is one of the things I love most about #SoMe - there's always someone you can turn to #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:25
RT @WeLDnurses: This is useful #ebp #weldns https://t.co/hK1dVMsnEX
02 May 2017 21:26
@everussell97 @WeLDnurses Fantastic way to share valuable information as students! #weldns
02 May 2017 21:26
@WeLDnurses Keep going #weldns
02 May 2017 21:26
@chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses I have had similar experiences - some of my closest friends I met on Twitter #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:27
@salsa442 @WeLDnurses That's what I meant too ;) lots of my closest friends come from professional contacts #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:27
RT @ross_6479: @WeLDnurses I use facebook with people I see outside of work and use twitter to connect professionally #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:27
@salsa442 @WeLDnurses Like me of course. Same here Sally #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:28
RT @DebDMA: @WeLDnurses #WeLDNs buddying new starters to the internet might help some - I know I have benefitted from advice more experienc…
02 May 2017 21:28
RT @WeLDnurses: #weldns Question 9 https://t.co/RNZmc3nUW0
02 May 2017 21:29
@WeLDnurses Look into widening access maybe through clinics, drop ins, group approaches #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:29
@chris_dlamini @WeLDnurses Of course Chris :) #WeLDNs
02 May 2017 21:29
@salsa442 @florenceella @WeLDnurses Make it a collaborative, joint and shared approach, lots we can learn from each other #WeLDNs


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