#WeMHNs - Wednesday 15th June 2016 7:30pm (GMT Standard Time) Student nurse bursaries & MH nursing

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Hosted by WeMHNurses using #WeMHNs

Last month, @VanessaLGarrity from @WeMHNurses attended #MHProud16 at Middlesex University on International Nurses Day and as part of the day, took part in a debate about current mental health nursing issues.

Unsurprisingly, one of the issues debated that created a lot of discussion, both offline and offline was the question of whether the Nursing Student Bursary should be scrapped.  You can take part in the Department of Health consultation on this issue here https://consultations.dh.gov.uk/workforce/healthcare-education-funding/consult_view  . It runs till June 30th, so be quick!

You can read about the proposals in full here


The current position

At the moment, the position is that all students in England on university courses in nursing leading to registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council are eligible for financial support from the NHS while studying. The NHS also currently pays the course tuition fees and nursing students are not required to pay their NHS bursary once they complete the course.

The government is proposing that from August 2017 nursing and allied health care students in England will have their bursaries replaced with student loans and that students will also start to be responsible for tuition fees, whilst they study (up to £9,000 per year)

The earning threshold for repayments currently stands at £21, 000 and repayments are currently calculated at 9% of earnings over £21,000. In the consultation, the Department of Health calculates that a Band 5 nurse earning £21,700 per year will pay back around £5.25 per month. If the loan is not paid off after 30 years, the remaining balance will be written off. (RCN, 2016)

There is some factual information here from the Funding Clinic about what this will mean to you if you are applying for a Pre registration course to start after August 2017


The case for change…

Currently, two thirds of people that apply for a pre registration-nursing course are not accepted. The government is arguing that up to 10,000 more training places will be created by 2020, allowing universities to accept more applicants with the right qualifications than they normally do. It is also been argued that student nurses will receive 25% more financial support while they study, under the proposed new scheme.

From a nursing workforce perspective, it is claimed that these changes will help to create more homegrown future Nurses, not just for the NHS, but for the independent and private sector as well. This is because the cost of training currently is borne by the NHS. Because of this, there has been an artificial cap on the numbers in training that has been limited only to the numbers needed to meet basic workforce requirements. The lack of flexibility in training numbers has increased the risk of workforce supply shortages, resulting in it being necessary to recruit a significant number of nurses from overseas and to rely on bank and agency staff to fill the shortfall.

Under the proposed new scheme, it is suggested that there will be a number of benefits

  • A greater supply of domestically trained nurses, once the cap on training numbers is removed.
  • More students will have their ambitions fulfilled around applying for nurse training
  • Universities will be able to invest in healthcare higher education for the long term, by increasing their income for teaching costs and giving them security on the number of places
  • Students will see a gain of 25% or more in financial support for their living expenses.
  • For Social Care, these reforms will provide access to a longer term, more stable home grown workforce supply.

You can read the full proposals here


The case against…


  • Bursaries are an essential for many nursing students,who could not manage financially without this support. This may discourage many people from entering the nursing profession, which will have a significant impact on the NHS and society as a whole.
  • The student bursary ensures that people from a wide variety of socio economic backgrounds are able to enter the nursing profession,thus increasing the diversity of the nursing workforce.
  • Student nurses are not like other students in that they spend 50% of their time in clinical practice and have much shorter holidays than other students. This leaves them with less time to find part time jobs to support their studies and effectively means that we are charging nurses who are working for the NHS during their placements.
  • These proposals will mean that the future generation of nurses will be saddled with debt and unless nurse’s pay improves significantly, many will never be able to afford to pay their loans back.

You can read the RCN’s position in full here


At a Parliament debate, Heidi Alexander, the Shadow Health Secretary suggests that

  • As the average student nurse is 28 years old at the beginning of the course, many future nurses will be paying off loans to within years of retirement
  • One fifth of nursing students have children to support. The fear of debt is likely to be greater for them than what it would be for a carefree student.
  • The new system will reduce diversity and will mean that those best placed to pay, rather than care will be the nurses of the future
  • Mental Health Nursing relies on mature students and those with additional life experiences. Under the new scheme, this group may feel less able to apply because of the financial implications.
  • Nursing students are different to other students and they should be treated differently as they are the people who look after us when we need this most.

“A few months ago, I met Marina, a young woman who has not had an easy life, but who is now on a mission to become a mental health nurse. When Marina says she thinks some of the people best placed to care for others are those who have experienced hardships themselves, I think she has a point; and when she says she would not have been able to start the training without the bursary, I believe her ( Heidi Alexander)

You can watch the full opposition debate here



  • Under the proposed new scheme, nurses will have to payout £900 per year.
  • Debts of £47,712 and £59,106 for those with maximum tuition and maintenance loans
  • The fear of debt is likely to discourage people from becoming nurses. This will have disastrous repercussions for patient safety.
  • According to an independent analysis, around 2,000 fewer people will study for a career in the NHS each year, meaning that Trusts will be spending more, rather than less on agency staff and over seas recruitment
  • Universities will be worse off, as fewer students will be applying for courses
  • Without workforce planning from a central body, the recould be insufficient numbers across the four branches of nursing, with some being more popular than others.

You can read a number of links here regarding UNISON’s position on these proposed changes


The original debate of the keep NHS bursary transcript is  also available here


We will be running a chat on this onWednesday 15th June at 7.30p.m -8.30 p.m on our regular hashtag#Wemhns .

Weare particularly interested in exploring how these proposed changes might affect mental health nursing in the future or indeed, whether the proposed changes might improve things for the better, as the government suggests

Please join us and share your views. We hope it will be a lively debate!

As with all our chats, everyone is welcome to join the conversation.

This pre chat has been put together by @VanessaLGarrity who will be facilitating the chat.

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 #WeMHNs transcript

15 June 2016 19:30
Student nurse bursaries & MH nursing via #WeMHNs on now http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/2808 via @WeMHNurses
15 June 2016 19:30
Student nurse bursaries & MH nursing via #WeMHNs on now http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/2808 via @WeMHNurses
15 June 2016 19:30
Hello @VanessaLGarrity here from #wemhns for tonight's chat on the proposals to reform the nursing bursary system http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-calendar
15 June 2016 19:31
Say hello if you're about for tonight's chat & let us know a bit about your interest in tonight's topic #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:31
Here's the consultation link if you want to have your say before it closes at the end of June #wemhns https://consultations.dh.gov.uk/workforce/healthcare-education-funding/consult_view
15 June 2016 19:35
So, let's start with a general question- what are people's overall thoughts on the proposed changes? #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:37
RT @UCLanMH: Student nurse bursaries & MH nursing via #WeMHNs on now http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/2808 via @WeMHNurses
15 June 2016 19:39
#wemhns Who is about to join us? https://twitter.com/darzidave/status/743150723555266562
15 June 2016 19:39
Under the current system, tuition fees are paid along with a bursary for living expenses #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:39
Under new scheme, nursing students will need to apply for grants to cover tuition fees and living, which will have to be paid back #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:40
Starting with students, will having to pay back student loans put people off applying for nursing? #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:41
@darzidave Thanks for reminding everyone else ??#wemhns
15 June 2016 19:42
#wemhns Good point. How might the changes affect workforce diversity? https://twitter.com/pfrench123/status/743151097318080512
15 June 2016 19:43
#wemhns Average age for nurses completing training is around 28yrs. Will changes put off mature students? https://twitter.com/pfrench123/status/743151271008477185
15 June 2016 19:44
What about people of lower income and those with children? #wemhns https://twitter.com/pfrench123/status/743152120036265985
15 June 2016 19:45
Join us for Student nurse bursaries & MH nursing via #WeMHNs http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/2808 via @WeMHNurses
15 June 2016 19:45
Who is around to join us over at #wemhns to talk about the proposed changes to nursing bursaries..
15 June 2016 19:47
Are some branches of nursing likely to be more popular than others of the NHS isn't overseeing places? #wemhns https://twitter.com/pfrench123/status/743152456868069377
15 June 2016 19:47
What do you think #students would it put you off? #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743151260535238656
15 June 2016 19:47
#wemhns https://twitter.com/pfrench123/status/743152876122406912
15 June 2016 19:47
RT @UCLanMH: What do you think #students would it put you off? #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743151260535238656
15 June 2016 19:48
@VanessaLGarrity am loitering with intent and hoping there are others - would be good to hear their views #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:48
The govt claims it will increase the number of future nurses because the cap on numbers will be lifted. Thoughts? #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:49
Potentially #debt for future #students ?? #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743150956330819584
15 June 2016 19:50
@WeMHNurses hi, I'm a CMHN worried for our future students, particularly those with dependants #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:50
In mental health, are we likely to see people with lived experience less likely to apply because of personal finance situations? #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:50
RT @Jones23Emma: Potentially #debt for future #students ?? #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743150956330819584
15 June 2016 19:50
@WeMHNurses #wemhns It's not so much having to pay loans back as never paying them back & having a lifetime of debt hanging over you.
15 June 2016 19:50
Yes very valid point here #wemhns https://twitter.com/sectioned_/status/743153720490360832
15 June 2016 19:51
RT @Sectioned_: @WeMHNurses #wemhns It's not so much having to pay loans back as never paying them back & having a lifetime of debt hanging…
15 June 2016 19:52
#wemhns yes sad loss potentially reduce #diversity https://twitter.com/pfrench123/status/743152876122406912
15 June 2016 19:52
@WeMHNurses @pfrench123 it may affect my choice over next few years as may be financially unviable, shame as I live to nurse esp MH #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:52
@WeMHNurses #wemhns Yes the number of nurses qualifying will increase - but will they all find nursing jobs, or just be left with big debt?
15 June 2016 19:52
RT @Sectioned_: @WeMHNurses #wemhns Yes the number of nurses qualifying will increase - but will they all find nursing jobs, or just be lef…
15 June 2016 19:53
#wemhns @Sectioned_ good point always having debt there #interest https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743153831886860288
15 June 2016 19:53
@WeMHNurses I wonder what evidence they have for this? and Will there be more jobs to accommodate the supposed increase? #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:53
@Sectioned_ Do you think this might lead to a trend in nurses working in private sector because of better pay options? #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:53
@WeMHNurses #wemhns we also have to remember students can supplement grant by working part time - this won't be an option for student nurses
15 June 2016 19:53
What do people think? #wemhns https://twitter.com/acejody/status/743154402224128000
15 June 2016 19:53
RT @UCLanMH: #wemhns @Sectioned_ good point always having debt there #interest https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743153831886860288
15 June 2016 19:54
RT @Jones23Emma: #wemhns yes sad loss potentially reduce #diversity https://twitter.com/pfrench123/status/743152876122406912
15 June 2016 19:54
@WeMHNurses #wemhns Mental health nurse students tend to be older & with life experiences - good! But makes taking on student debt harder.
15 June 2016 19:54
Yes, are student nurses different to other students because of placement commitments and shorter holidays #wemhns https://twitter.com/pfrench123/status/743154516728627201
15 June 2016 19:55
@WeMHNurses where are all the extra placement spaces be found though? Student placement numbers difficult - particularly paeds..#wemhns
15 June 2016 19:55
@WeMHNurses #wemhns So much of inpatient mental health care is already outsourced to private sector. But does it pay better? I don't know.
15 June 2016 19:55
Yes, are we likely to see this in mental health nursing workforce in particular? #wemhns https://twitter.com/sectioned_/status/743154647129534464
15 June 2016 19:55
It's a tough course, #students are in full time when on #placement #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743154826914177024
15 June 2016 19:56
Does anyone have any examples of whether pay better in private sector? #wemhns https://twitter.com/sectioned_/status/743155018199601152
15 June 2016 19:56
@WeMHNurses @pfrench123 this one's esp tricky as son is about to start college & beyond, school has been hard enough #wemhns seems far off
15 June 2016 19:56
Yes high number of #mature #students #mentalhealth #wemhns @WeMHNurses https://twitter.com/sectioned_/status/743154647129534464
15 June 2016 19:57
Yes, really important. Can NHS organisations manage increased placement demands. Already difficult to manage #wemhns https://twitter.com/sherwoodzs/status/743154946506395648
15 June 2016 19:57
@WeMHNurses #wemhns If training as a nurse means taking on huge debt, of course wages will become a factor in employer choice.
15 June 2016 19:57
RT @Sectioned_: @WeMHNurses #wemhns Mental health nurse students tend to be older & with life experiences - good! But makes taking on stude…
15 June 2016 19:57
RT @pfrench123: @WeMHNurses #wemhns we also have to remember students can supplement grant by working part time - this won't be an option f…
15 June 2016 19:58
RT @Sectioned_: @WeMHNurses #wemhns If training as a nurse means taking on huge debt, of course wages will become a factor in employer choi…
15 June 2016 19:58
Hi @WeMHNurses sorry to be late, and never been accused of being fashionable #wemhns ??????
15 June 2016 19:58
Yes agree. How do people feel about 50k debt when they qualify as a nurse #wemhns https://twitter.com/darzidave/status/743155450766565376
15 June 2016 19:58
We will forgive you! Welcome :-) #wemhns https://twitter.com/anthonylongbone/status/743155667402391552
15 June 2016 19:58
#students have #family #work while on #placement full time, difficult for them, with limited #finance #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743153659291238400
15 June 2016 19:58
RT @Jones23Emma: #students have #family #work while on #placement full time, difficult for them, with limited #finance #wemhns https://t.c…
15 June 2016 19:59
@WeMHNurses #wemhns I had free tuition & grant 4 BSc & bursary 4 DipHE -don't know wot £50k st loan debt feels like -does it weigh on u?
15 June 2016 19:59
RT @darzidave: @WeMHNurses #wemhns I had free tuition & grant 4 BSc & bursary 4 DipHE -don't know wot £50k st loan debt feels like -does it…
15 June 2016 19:59
@Jones23Emma @WeMHNurses @Sectioned_ couldn't agree more, piling further debt onto new students #discouraging & working for it to #wemhns
15 June 2016 19:59
RT @Jones23Emma: Yes high number of #mature #students #mentalhealth #wemhns @WeMHNurses https://twitter.com/sectioned_/status/743154647129534464
15 June 2016 19:59
RT @Jones23Emma: #students have #family #work while on #placement full time, difficult for them, with limited #finance #wemhns https://t.c…
15 June 2016 19:59
Interesting point #wemhns https://twitter.com/sectioned_/status/743155418717884421
15 June 2016 20:00
RT @Jones23Emma: #students have #family #work while on #placement full time, difficult for them, with limited #finance #wemhns https://t.c…
15 June 2016 20:00
Student nurse bursaries & MH nursing via #WeMHNs http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/2808 via @WeMHNurses
15 June 2016 20:00
Interesting. What about #placements? #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743153287843749889
15 June 2016 20:01
Because they have less free time due to balance of placements with academic study, plus shorter holidays #wemhns https://twitter.com/corbetlisa/status/743156125177159680
15 June 2016 20:01
RT @UCLanMH: Interesting. What about #placements? #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743153287843749889
15 June 2016 20:01
@SherwoodZs @WeMHNurses yes good point #placement #capacity ? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:02
Yes discouraging, may miss some fab #students and #nurses #wemhns @WeMHNurses https://twitter.com/anthonylongbone/status/743156051504148480
15 June 2016 20:02
@WeMHNurses #wemhns I once paid £3.5k for a course & £3k for another. I don't understand why degree students think they should get it free.
15 June 2016 20:02
Ok that's good. What do other people think ? #wemhns https://twitter.com/corbetlisa/status/743156427884224513
15 June 2016 20:02
Can be tricky in mental health as well as in general nursing!Mature students may find difficult to start uni #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743153659291238400
15 June 2016 20:02
RT @Sectioned_: @WeMHNurses #wemhns I once paid £3.5k for a course & £3k for another. I don't understand why degree students think they sho…
15 June 2016 20:02
@pfrench123 @WeMHNurses #wemhns @MartinSLewis quotes as saying students will be 25% better off - is 3 years better off worth 30 year debts?
15 June 2016 20:02
@WeMHNurses hardly going to be feasible for anyone surely? nearly 3 years wages as debt before you get started ?? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:03
@gosia_bal Thinking about people who may have mental health issues #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:03
RT @AceJody: @WeMHNurses hardly going to be feasible for anyone surely? nearly 3 years wages as debt before you get started ?? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:03
Good to hear ???? #wemhns @WeMHNurses https://twitter.com/corbetlisa/status/743156427884224513
15 June 2016 20:03
RT @darzidave: @pfrench123 @WeMHNurses #wemhns @MartinSLewis quotes as saying students will be 25% better off - is 3 years better off wort…
15 June 2016 20:03
RT @gosia_bal: Can be tricky in mental health as well as in general nursing!Mature students may find difficult to start uni #wemhns https:/…
15 June 2016 20:03
RT @Jones23Emma: Yes discouraging, may miss some fab #students and #nurses #wemhns @WeMHNurses https://twitter.com/anthonylongbone/status/743156051504148480
15 June 2016 20:04
What are the advantages of the new scheme for universities and the NHS? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:04
@WeMHNurses good evening #wemhns I think we are going to see a younger workforce with little life experience and loss of resilience
15 June 2016 20:04
RT @psych2608: @WeMHNurses good evening #wemhns I think we are going to see a younger workforce with little life experience and loss of res…
15 June 2016 20:05
@WeMHNurses #wemhns Seems to me a very middle-class preoccupation to single out graduate education for free courses; loads of others pay.
15 June 2016 20:05
It sounds promising but what is the reality? Placement capacity? Support? Jobs? etc #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743153287843749889
15 June 2016 20:06
@Sectioned_ Do you think it's unfair though for student nurses to pay to do clinical placements as well as study? #wemhns #DevilsAdvocate
15 June 2016 20:06
RT @Sectioned_: @WeMHNurses #wemhns Seems to me a very middle-class preoccupation to single out graduate education for free courses; loads…
15 June 2016 20:07
@Jones23Emma @WeMHNurses @CorbetLisa @Sectioned_ I will be considering it when the time comes, passion 4 role & 2 #makeadifference #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:07
RT @gosia_bal: It sounds promising but what is the reality? Placement capacity? Support? Jobs? etc #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743153287843749889
15 June 2016 20:08
@WeMHNurses #wemhns in theory it allows Unis to increase intake sizes and generate more income, so fits Uni business model.
15 June 2016 20:08
@WeMHNurses @Sectioned_ 1997 was last year of free uni ed for all. Was uni ed more accessible back then? F/T course equal 2 2 days. #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:08
#wemhns So here is a positive? Will this be the reality or not? https://t.co/OutOES9VK8
15 June 2016 20:09
@Sectioned_ :) #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:09
@WeMHNurses @pfrench123 #wemhns Nursing students are very different the course is split 50/50 theory/practice they have to wk shift patterns
15 June 2016 20:09
Valid point! #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743157746011344899
15 June 2016 20:09
@SherwoodZs Nursing Students have an additional commitment though of clinical placements #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:09
RT @psych2608: @WeMHNurses @pfrench123 #wemhns Nursing students are very different the course is split 50/50 theory/practice they have to w…
15 June 2016 20:10
RT @drljbaldwin: @WeMHNurses #wemhns in theory it allows Unis to increase intake sizes and generate more income, so fits Uni business model.
15 June 2016 20:10
@CorbetLisa @Sectioned_ @WeMHNurses #wemhns You are lucky I'm afraid there won't be many older student nurses able to make that sacrifice
15 June 2016 20:10
Very interesting, less #patientfocused ? #wemhns @WeMHNurses https://twitter.com/drljbaldwin/status/743158164976246784
15 June 2016 20:10
RT @psych2608: @CorbetLisa @Sectioned_ @WeMHNurses #wemhns You are lucky I'm afraid there won't be many older student nurses able to make t…
15 June 2016 20:10
RT @Jones23Emma: Very interesting, less #patientfocused ? #wemhns @WeMHNurses https://twitter.com/drljbaldwin/status/743158164976246784
15 June 2016 20:10
@WeMHNurses #wemhns I took a large pat drop moving from private to NHS
15 June 2016 20:11
@Jones23Emma @drljbaldwin Are some branches of nursing likely to be more popular than others under new scheme? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:11
RT @psych2608: @WeMHNurses #wemhns I took a large pat drop moving from private to NHS
15 June 2016 20:12
RT @WeMHNurses: @Sectioned_ Do you think it's unfair though for student nurses to pay to do clinical placements as well as study? #wemhns #…
15 June 2016 20:12
RT @WeMHNurses: @Jones23Emma @drljbaldwin Are some branches of nursing likely to be more popular than others under new scheme? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:12
May depend on future employment perspective.... #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743158890351726592
15 June 2016 20:14
RT @gosia_bal: May depend on future employment perspective.... #wemhns https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743158890351726592
15 June 2016 20:14
Less #patientfocused??? Sad ?? and Scary !!!! #wemhns https://twitter.com/jones23emma/status/743158696344166400
15 June 2016 20:14
@Jones23Emma @WeMHNurses #wemhns ..you would have to trust the current generation of nurse lecturers to ensure that this didn't happen..
15 June 2016 20:14
RT @psych2608: @WeMHNurses @pfrench123 #wemhns Nursing students are very different the course is split 50/50 theory/practice they have to w…
15 June 2016 20:14
RT @WeMHNurses: Because they have less free time due to balance of placements with academic study, plus shorter holidays #wemhns https://t…
15 June 2016 20:15
@drljbaldwin @WeMHNurses yep defo ???? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:15
#wemhns Here's a real life example https://twitter.com/chris21stevens/status/743159786410221572
15 June 2016 20:15
@WeMHNurses longer student year/less hols too. Without funding I know I couldn't have retrained. #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:15
RT @drljbaldwin: @Jones23Emma @WeMHNurses #wemhns ..you would have to trust the current generation of nurse lecturers to ensure that this d…
15 June 2016 20:16
#wemhns https://twitter.com/ianhulattrcn/status/743160087171170306
15 June 2016 20:16
@IanHulattRCN Good to have your perspective tonight #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:16
@WeMHNurses @Jones23Emma @drljbaldwin #WeMHNs I think currently adult and child branches are much easier to recruit to...
15 June 2016 20:16
RT @Jones23Emma: @drljbaldwin @WeMHNurses yep defo ???? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:17
RT @darzidave: @WeMHNurses @Jones23Emma @drljbaldwin #WeMHNs I think currently adult and child branches are much easier to recruit to...
15 June 2016 20:17
@darzidave @Jones23Emma @drljbaldwin if the NHS isn't coordinating places will Mental Health courses will be less subscribed 2? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:18
Does anyone know if these schemes will continue? #wemhns https://twitter.com/amyhindle91/status/743160603838119936
15 June 2016 20:18
#wemhns https://twitter.com/amyhindle91/status/743160603838119936
15 June 2016 20:18
@darzidave @WeMHNurses @Jones23Emma @drljbaldwin I wish there were more dual courses tbh #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:18
Maybe #wemhns @UCLanMH https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743160633177313281
15 June 2016 20:18
RT @SherwoodZs: @darzidave @WeMHNurses @Jones23Emma @drljbaldwin I wish there were more dual courses tbh #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:19
RT @Jones23Emma: Maybe #wemhns @UCLanMH https://twitter.com/wemhnurses/status/743160633177313281
15 June 2016 20:19
@WeMHNurses I was told they wouldn't, it's been great for me, no pressure to work as well as uni and placement #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:20
RT @AmyHindle91: @WeMHNurses I was told they wouldn't, it's been great for me, no pressure to work as well as uni and placement #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:21
We run these schemes with @LancashireCare ???? #wemhns @WeMHNurses https://twitter.com/amyhindle91/status/743161037474701314
15 June 2016 20:21
RT @AmyHindle91: @WeMHNurses I was told they wouldn't, it's been great for me, no pressure to work as well as uni and placement #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:21
@WeMHNurses @AmyHindle91 nurse apprenticeship places? Earn whilst learn, employer chosen candidate & training uni? #WeMHNs
15 June 2016 20:21
@drljbaldwin @WeMHNurses #wemhns could this also allow Unis to drop economically less viable courses or Spring intakes?
15 June 2016 20:22
@UCLanMH the secondment meant I didn't have to add to the student debt I already had from a previous degree ???????? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:23
@SherwoodZs @WeMHNurses @LancashireCare pay me a salary whilst I go to university to gain a degree in mental health nursing #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:23
RT @UCLanMH: We run these schemes with @LancashireCare ???? #wemhns @WeMHNurses https://twitter.com/amyhindle91/status/743161037474701314
15 June 2016 20:23
RT @darzidave: @drljbaldwin @WeMHNurses #wemhns could this also allow Unis to drop economically less viable courses or Spring intakes?
15 June 2016 20:23
@darzidave @drljbaldwin Very good point. Seems like a possibility #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:23
RT @darzidave: @drljbaldwin @WeMHNurses #wemhns could this also allow Unis to drop economically less viable courses or Spring intakes?
15 June 2016 20:24
What do people think? #wemhns https://twitter.com/sherwoodzs/status/743161652061872128
15 June 2016 20:24
RT @SherwoodZs: @WeMHNurses @AmyHindle91 nurse apprenticeship places? Earn whilst learn, employer chosen candidate & training uni? #WeMHNs
15 June 2016 20:24
RT @AmyHindle91: @UCLanMH the secondment meant I didn't have to add to the student debt I already had from a previous degree ???????? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:25
#wemhns 5 more minutes to go, so any final questions or overall thoughts?
15 June 2016 20:26
#wemhns We are going to run a poll for this. Please vote . Tweet to follow
15 June 2016 20:27
RT @WeMHNurses: #wemhns We are going to run a poll for this. Please vote . Tweet to follow
15 June 2016 20:27
#wemhns https://twitter.com/veritytay/status/743162975608004609
15 June 2016 20:27
#wemhns https://twitter.com/amyhindle91/status/743163035779473408
15 June 2016 20:28
We're looking at #nurse #apprenticeships #wemhns @WeMHNurses @UCLanHealth https://twitter.com/sherwoodzs/status/743161652061872128
15 June 2016 20:28
RT @UCLanMH: We're looking at #nurse #apprenticeships #wemhns @WeMHNurses @UCLanHealth https://twitter.com/sherwoodzs/status/743161652061872128
15 June 2016 20:28
#wemhns if this all goes ahead despite all these concerns & the choice is stdnt loan or apprenticeship, the consumers dictate the market 1/2
15 June 2016 20:28
#wemhns how do we all then help attract more people to the profession to keep Unis interested and numbers and quality up? 2/2
15 June 2016 20:28
@WeMHNurses #wemhns https://twitter.com/amyhindle91/status/743161719049027584
15 June 2016 20:28
Any points we've missed before tonight's chat closes? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:29
RT @UCLanMH: @WeMHNurses #wemhns https://twitter.com/amyhindle91/status/743161719049027584
15 June 2016 20:29
RT @WeMHNurses: Any points we've missed before tonight's chat closes? #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:29
RT @SherwoodZs: @WeMHNurses @AmyHindle91 nurse apprenticeship places? Earn whilst learn, employer chosen candidate & training uni? #WeMHNs
15 June 2016 20:29
RT @darzidave: @VanessaLGarrity am loitering with intent and hoping there are others - would be good to hear their views #wemhns
15 June 2016 20:29
RT @WeMHNurses: Hello @VanessaLGarrity here from #wemhns for tonight's chat on the proposals to reform the nursing bursary system https://t…
15 June 2016 20:29
RT @darzidave: #wemhns if this all goes ahead despite all these concerns & the choice is stdnt loan or apprenticeship, the consumers dictat…
15 June 2016 20:29
RT @darzidave: #wemhns how do we all then help attract more people to the profession to keep Unis interested and numbers and quality up? 2/2


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