#WeNurses - Tuesday 24th March 2015 8pm (GMT Standard Time) #StudentNight - Sustainability & the nursing curriculum

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Hosted by WeNurses using #WeNurses

This chat is guest hosted by @NurSus_EU

Should topics about sustainability and climate change be included in the nursing curriculum?

Sustainable development is a concept vital to healthcare: due to its relatively large carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, the use of toxic materials and the production of vast amounts of waste, healthcare is ultimately compromising public health and damaging the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In the EU, the health sector creates at least 5% of total CO2 emissions[KPMG 2012]. Improving energy and resource efficiency, procurement policies and waste management are vital for a more sustainable health sector. The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report emphasises the risk of climate change to human health; all countries and sectors are at risk and opportunities to reduce impacts and adapt need to be created. Research proposes greater EU leadership in climate change policy that puts peoples’ health first. The Europe 2020 flagship initiative for a resource efficient Europe stresses the need for transition towards using natural resources more efficiently; thus improving energy/resource/cost efficiency in health care for and ageing population (e.g. the EU health strategy).

Limited resources are available to support sustainability in European nursing curricula; nurse educators are poorly prepared to teach students the connections between resources, climate change, sustainability and health. There is no European framework for Sustainability Literacy and Competency (SLC), and no guidelines for sustainability competency or pedagogies. A recent survey of 363 student nurses undertaken by the partners in UK, Spain and Germany highlights the need to embed sustainability in nursing curricula. The importance of education in sustainable development (ESD) was recognised under the U.N. Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014). Recently, the new Global Action Programme on ESD was discussed by UNESCO. This is a unique opportunity for a European project to pioneer sustainability within the nursing curricula. Nurses are agents of change, have a remit to promote health and control the use of health resources; nursing is one of the largest professions in Europe. As Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) is increasingly taken up by healthcare institutions, nurses need knowledge and skills to support this sustainable health care sector transition. Improving the level of key sustainability competencies in nursing will meet this education gap ensuring that nurses are ‘fit for purpose’ to practice in a changing climate. The challenge is to make education for sustainability relevant to nursing, and this can be achieved in a very practical way alongside clinical skills sessions. A European project designed to develop teaching and learning materials will assist in the delivery of a ‘sustainability in nursing’ education agenda. 

It could be argued that embedding climate change and sustainability into nursing curricula could have a qualitative impact on how health care is delivered, allowing for a holistic approach to nurses' training to take non-medical issues into account. However some might suggest that nursing curricula is already too full of content, with little opportunity to integrate what might be seen as some as tangential issues.

Should topics about sustainability and climate change be included in the nursing curriculum?

So what do you think? 

What is sustainability?

What topics about sustainability and climate change should / could be included in nursing curricula?

What could you do to promote sustainability in your practice / teaching?

Remember 26th March 2015 is the NHS Sustainability Day


Sustainable development Unit

Centre for Sustainable Healthcare

NurSusTOOLKIT Project website

Plymouth University Sustainability, Society and Health Research 


Nursing Sustainability by Design: Embedding healthcare sustainability in curricula through interdisciplinary learning webinar 10th June 12md – 13:00 GMT: http://www.eauc.org.uk/shop/mms_single_event.php?event_id=4154

The Lancet Series on health and climate change: http://www.thelancet.com/series/health-and-climate-change

Goodman, B. (2011) The need for a ‘sustainability’ curriculum in nurse education. Nurse Education Today 31(8): 733-737 

Grose J., Richardson J. (2013) Strategies to identify future shortages due to interruptions in the healthcare procurement supply chain: a method from the English National Health Service. Journal of Health Service Research Policy and Practice. http://hsr.sagepub.com/content/19/1/19

Grose, J., Richardson, J. (2013) “Managing a sustainable, low carbon supply chain in the English National Health Service: The views of senior managers”, Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 18(2): 83-89 

KPMG (2012). Care in a changing world. Challenges and opportunities for sustainable 5. health care

Nichols A., Maynard V., Goodman B., Richardson J. (2009) Health, Climate Change and Sustainability: A systematic Review and Thematic Analysis of the Literature. http://www.la-press.com/health-climate-change-and-sustainability-a-systematic-review-and-thema-article-a1603

Richardson J., Grose J., Gill JL., Hertel J., Jackson B., Sadeghian H., Kelsey J. (2014). Effect of climate change and resource scarcity on health care. Nursing Standard 28(45):44-49 http://rcnpublishing.com/doi/pdfplus/10.7748/ns.28.45.44.e8415

Richardson J., Grose J., Doman M., Kelsey J. (2104) The use of evidence-informed sustainability scenarios in the nursing curriculum: development and evaluation of teaching methods. Nurse Education Today. 34:490-93 

The team:

Professor Janet Richardson BSc., PhD., PGCE., RN., DN., CPsychol

Janet Richardson is Professor of Health Service Research in the Faculty of Health, Education and Society at Plymouth University. Janet is a nurse with clinical experience in cancer and supportive care. Following a psychology degree she began to research patients’ views of healthcare, and health service effectiveness. Much of this work focused on engaging staff and users in the development, commissioning and evaluation of services using participatory approaches. She teaches research methods, evidence-based practice, and health and sustainability. Her current research engages healthcare providers in finding solutions to the challenges that climate change and resource depletion could impact on health and healthcare delivery. She leads the Sustainability, Society and Health Research Cluster at Plymouth University, her multi-disciplinary team work on embedding sustainability in healthcare curricula won a Green Gown Award in the 2014 courses and learning category.  

Lecturer Manuel Linares Abad. Registered Nurse and Specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology care and medical and surgical care. Bachelor of Social and Cultural Anthropology. PhD from the University of Jaen (Studies of Women and Gender).

Manuel Linares is lecturer of the department of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Jaen University. Manuel is teaching in Nursing since 1991, before he worked as a nurse and a midwife from the year 1982. In the university he has developed tasks of management as dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences from 2004 until 2012, being a member of the Board of directors of the Deans' National Conference of Nursing from 2006 to 2012. His lines of research and publications are centred on nursing of the sexual and reproductive health and gender and health. He teaches Nursing of the sexual and reproductive health to undergraduate Nursing students, and gender and health to the student body of different official masters of the University of Jaén.


Soy José Felix Paulano Martínez nacido en Jaén, desde pequeño siempre me llamó la atención la profesión de enfermería que su principal objetivo es el arte para cuidar a las personas. Soy de la Segunda Promoción de Grado de la Universidad de Jaén. Por sostenibilidad ambiental ante el cambio climático entiendo que es la administración eficiente y racional de los bienes y servicios ambientales, de manera que sea posible el bienestar de la población actual, garantizando el acceso a éstos por los sectores más vulnerables, y evitando comprometer la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas y la calidad de vida de las generaciones futuras, algo que me parece fundamental implantarlo en los jóvenes a mi modo de ver. Es por ello por lo que deberían los estudiantes conocerlo desde pequeños su importancia y la relación que tiene con la mejora de salud y calidad de vida para un futuro más sostenible. 



@LittlePink_3. Mi nombre es Cristina Garcia-Laez Camacho soy estudiante de 2°de enfermería en la Universidad de Jaén y técnica superior en Dietética y nutrición. Siempre he tenido vocación pero la descubrí gracias al apoyo de dos enfermeras que dedicaron tiempo en mí y que me animaron a entrar en su mundo que ahora es mi mundo también. Como nutricionista también aprendí a identificar los recursos que nuestro entorno nos ofrece y con ello valorar el medio que nos rodea, integrando en mi, además del cuidado del ser humano, el cuidado de nuestra tierra siendo igual de importante, ya que promocionar como enfermeros el cuidado de nuestro entorno también es salud comunitaria.

Mi nombre es María Ruiz Zambrana, nací en Úbeda y tengo 23 años. Soy estudiante de segundo de Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Jaén y técnica superior en Laboratorio de Análisis Clínico e Imagen para el Diagnóstico. Desde pequeña, antes incluso de ser capaz de escribir mi nombre, supe que quería dedicarme a una disciplina tan gratificante e interesante como es Enfermería. Me gusta ayudar a las personas, empatía es una de mis cualidades favoritas y cuidar es mi verbo de referencia. Considero que para el desempeño de nuestra profesión es imprescindible una visión holística, que incorpora como una de sus piezas claves el medio ambiente que nos rodea. Por ello, una actuación enfermera orientada al conocimiento, conservación, valoración y defensa de los recursos que el mismo nos ofrece es de gran ayuda para una adecuada promoción de la salud de la actual generación y las futuras. @lmnaps.

Mi nombre es José Luis Jiménez Laínez, tengo 20 años y estudio segundo de enfermería en la universidad de Jaén. ¿Por qué enfermería?

Simple, enfermería y sus profesionales son agentes de cambio que tienen en sus manos mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas mediante:

• Resolución de problemas biopsicosociales.

• Empoderación de la persona dotándole de estrategias y herramientas para su día a dia.

• Educación y concienciación.

Y es desde esta labor educativa desde donde podemos abordar la inserción de la sostenibilidad en el curriculum de enfermería. Ya que los efectos colaterales del cambio climático sobre la salud pueden ser devastadores en los colectivos de riesgo. Del mismo modo, la sostenibilidad en los centros hospitalarios debe ser objeto de estudio para la mejora del propio sistema sanitario y del medio ambiente. 

Por eso, hoy en día un proyecto como #Nursus_EU es más necesario que nunca. 


@JLCastilloGalan Mi nombre es José Luis Castillo Galán y soy estudiante de 2º curso del Grado de Enfermería en la Universidad de Jaén. Nunca tuve claro qué estudiar en la universidad, incluso antes de enfermería probé otras carreras, pero siempre me ha gustado ayudar a los demás y una chica con la que estuve saliendo me enseñó el camino enfermero, camino del que me he dado cuenta que para mi es el más correcto, ya que me encanta. Para mi la sostenibilidad es de gran importancia en el campo de la enfermería, debido a que el medio ambiente y todo aquello que engloba a la persona va a afectar a ésta y por lo tanto a su salud. Por lo tanto es fundamental actuar sobre ello, como medida primaria, para así mejorar la salud tanto de nuestros pacientes como las de el resto de personas que viven en el mundo. 

Hola, me llamo Mar, tengo 46 años y estudio 3º curso del Grado de Enfermería en la Universidad de Jaén. Comencé mis estudios porque siempre me gustó cuidar a los demás. Desde pequeña ya quería ser enfermera y observaba con fijación como aquel practicante preparaba el material para inyectar a mi abuelo. ¿Por qué ahora? Porque ahora me he atrevido a comenzar estos estudios que suponen tanto sacrificio.

Sobre la sostenibilidad, decir que siempre he pensado que con un poco esfuerzo por parte de cada uno es posible que este pequeño planeta nuestro pueda llegar en condiciones favorables a futuras generaciones. En mi experiencia como Scout aprendí que se puede “dejar el mundo mejor que lo encontramos” (Baden Powell). Por tanto, considero que cuidando nuestro medioambiente mejoraremos la salud de los demás y de futuras generaciones. Otra manera de cuidar a los otros a largo plazo. 

Hi my name is Joanne Ford, I decided I wanted to be a nurse years ago when a very close family member of mine suffered a life changing stroke, this family member being my father, I am incredibly grateful for all the medical profession did for him to make sure he still could reach his maximum potential in life, although life has changed, not only for him but for all of the family we have all adjusted, and I could not imagine life without caring now! I would love to give back to all those who gave so much to my family. To think that I could do for others what those nurses did for my dad makes me incredibly proud! I want to give back all they gave to us, and without sustainability of compounds such as oils and plastics I don't think we would be where we are today with him as these compounds make up some of the wonderful life saving equipment used in every day medical industry, such as gloves, oxygen masks, feeding tubes etc...

My name is Rebecca Palmer. I'm a student nurse at @plymuni, 3 years from now I'll be a dedicated nurse working hard for a better world & better health. Together we're a better tomorrow.

My name is Clare Eccles and I am a first year BSc Adult Nursing student at Plymouth University. Nursing has been something I have aspired to ‘do’ from my earliest memories. I am Mum to four sons aged between seventeen and six! I completed ¾ of my training in the mid nineties at King’s College London; sustainability in Nursing was unheard of at that time or simply not a part of our training or education.

The issues around sustainability were brought into stark focus after listening to one of my first lectures at Plymouth University, delivered by Professor Janet Richardson. I left feeling that as Nurses we can no longer avoid the issues around sustainability if we are to truly care for our Patients. I believe passionately that we cannot ignore our responsibility to make positive contributions towards a more sustainable health care provision, in our daily practice.

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100 Tweets
200 Tweets
20000 Impressions
20000 Impressions
20000 Impressions

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 Chat Summary


Should topics about sustainability and climate change be included in the nursing curriculum?

This chat was guest hosted by @NurSus_EU English transcripts were analysed by Dr Jane Grose, Plymouth University. A longer version of this report together with the analysis from the Spanish tweets will be available at http://nursus.eu/sustainability-and-nurse-education-twitter-discussion/

This was an excellent twitter chat with tweeters from a range of Institutions and countries including Somerset, Torbay, Leeds, Salford, Oxford, Brighton, Middlesborough, and wider afield in Maastricht, Esslingen and New York.

Many of our students at the Universities of Jaen and Plymouth participated as well as those who co-hosted the chat with us.

We began with the question: What does sustainability mean for you?

The participants recognised that sustainability and climate change were both issues that needed to be tackled with some immediacy because they would ultimately have an impact on generations to come. As health workers they were particularly concerned about the most vulnerable in society and the effect that just a few degrees increase in global temperatures would negatively affect this group.  

‘It is about social justice, protecting the vulnerable, giving nurses the right to appropriate this as a foundation for practice’

Sustainability in the curriculum

The discussion developed into broader issues of how sustainability could be taught to students. The question they asked was ‘what the requirements would be to ensure it was a holistic approach with sustainability principles embedded throughout the curriculum rather than a stand-alone module?’. A voluntary or one off session was seen as inferior to a much more comprehensive approach. As one nurse said: 

‘Education is the key!’

However there were concerns that mentors and all nurse educators might not be ready to teach through a ‘sustainability lens’:

‘Are practice mentors receptive to sustainability issues? How can we support them in this?’

Other concerns related to the time availability in the curriculum and whether sustainability would be the first subject to be dropped as time became pressured or equally the subject was seen as important but:

‘Barriers might include a perception that it's everyone's business so no one takes the lead?

Social marketing, behaviour change, life cycle approaches, ecological public health, using such approaches as a mindset of 'planetism' and the concept of ‘interdependence’ and imaginative ways to include sustainability were all discussed. 

‘incase you were wondering I sneaked sustainability into psychology lecture...integrated into curriculum ??’

Specific considerations were given to waste and resources

The participants asked:

How can we encourage students to speak up when they see waste?

There were some practical responses:

Asking questions is a good way - do we need to dispose of this?

The issues in relation to glove and plastic apron usage fell into two categories the first was the perceived unnecessary use of non-sterile gloves and aprons and the second were the real concerns the participants had about speaking up when they saw poor practice

In terms of glove usage it was clear that participants felt there was a great deal of confusion about when to wear gloves which didn’t necessarily relate to practice. Simple hand washing was seen as a viable alternative

‘Biggest single factor in reducing infection is hand washing not gloves’

Participants felt that there needed to be more input from waste managers and infection control staff about the correct procedure. The discussion continued and focussed particularly on the use of gloves to wash a patient’s face. There was a feeling this was:  

‘Degrading and dehumanising to pt,wasteful and often unnecessary!’

The second area in this section was the concern about whether it was possible to challenge the overuse of materials. The messages suggested that it might be better to do as you were told at the time and have a discussion afterwards. However this thread was concerning as there was clear anxiety about how best to question practice with many suggesting they might not feel able to.

Issues of the use of energy within the NHS were a cause of concern. This not just related to leaving lightbulbs switched on but also on the poor habits around leaving electronic equipment turned on or running down the internal lithium batteries. There was recognition that many of the machines used contained rare materials that had to be mined so were therefore carbon intensive and ultimately vulnerable to supply reduction

‘as well as the mining of rare elements required to produce the internal parts’ 

Considerations going forward 

The enthusiasm for increasing sustainability education was tangible. Participants could think of a multitude of ways of increasing understanding and behaviour change and there was a strong feeling that nurses had the power to take this forward:

‘Nursing must be one of the largest professions in Europe, imagine the impact sustainability education could have’

With support nurses educators could develop modules on global leadership and awareness of the socio-political issues and political economy effects so that students would understand the need for behaviour change and the greater ramifications of not meeting the challenge of climate change.

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 #WeNurses transcript

24 March 2015 20:00
Tweedeck has a translate option to help chat with our Spanish colleagues via #WeNurses starting in less than 1 min!!!
24 March 2015 20:00
My latest Bedsore article in 'The Doctor Weighs In' http://t.co/1R7Fqk82FE #nursing #caregivers #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:00
RT @WeNurses: Not joined a #WeNurses before? Don't worry :) Here's a really simple guide: http://t.co/EfM0BaccIm See you in 15mins! http://…
24 March 2015 20:00
Que es para vosotr@s #sostenibilidad ambiental ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:00
RT @JoseLuuGimenez: Vamos que empezamos! Lets go team! @WeNurses @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:00
RT @NurSus_EU: Bienvenid@S a la noche de #sostenibilidad y #enfermeria #Wenurses
24 March 2015 20:00
RT @JoseLuuGimenez: Vamos que empezamos! Lets go team! @WeNurses @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:00
RT @PUNC14tristan: Ready for tonights e-chat on Sustainability in Nursing @PUNC14 @WeNurses #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:01
Great to be tweeting with you all tonight so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:01
RT @NurSus_EU: Great to be tweeting with you all tonight so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:01
RT @MlinaresManuel: Participa en tweet/chat sobre #sostenibilidad y #enfermeria siguiendo a @NurSus_EU con el hashtag #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:01
Gracias a Google , hola a los tweets de España esta noche! #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:01
Welcome all tonights #WeNurses hosted by @NurSus_EU Please say hi and wave from wherever you are tweeting from :)
24 March 2015 20:01
RT @NurSus_EU: Great to be tweeting with you all tonight so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:01
RT @NurSus_EU: Que es para vosotr@s #sostenibilidad ambiental ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:01
RT @WePharmacists: #students Have U covered sustainability in your curriculum? @WeNurses are chatting about it via #WeNurses for NHS Sustai…
24 March 2015 20:01
RT @WeParamedics: #students Have U covered sustainability in your curriculum? @WeNurses are chatting about it via #WeNurses for NHS Sustain…
24 March 2015 20:01
RT @WeMidwives: #students Have U covered sustainability in your curriculum? @WeNurses are chatting about it via #WeNurses for NHS Sustainab…
24 March 2015 20:01
Hello from Plymouth, Buenas Tardes a todo, #sustainability #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:01
RT @NurSus_EU: Counting down to our chat about #sustainability and #climatechange in the nursing curriculum?#WeNurses @PUNC14 @plymuni
24 March 2015 20:02
RT @NurSus_EU: Great to be tweeting with you all tonight so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:02
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU #Wave from #Leeds #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:02
La #Sostenibilidad ambiental es un tema de gran importancia hoy en día en el campo de la salud, sobre todo para #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:02
for me @NurSus_EU sustainability is adding a policy that nobody ever reads i guess, when working in NHS software #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:02
RT @PUNC14: Hello from Plymouth, Buenas Tardes a todo, #sustainability #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:02
RT @NurSus_EU: Que es para vosotr@s #sostenibilidad ambiental ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:02
RT @Pam007Nelmes: #Sustainability in healthcare - explore this and you may never look at a cotton wool ball in the same way! #WeNurses Fol…
24 March 2015 20:02
hi @LeggeAngie @NurSus_EU lovely to see you again #wenurses :)
24 March 2015 20:02
RT @MlinaresManuel: Participa en tweet/chat sobre #sostenibilidad y #enfermeria siguiendo a @NurSus_EU con el hashtag #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:02
#WeNurses hi
24 March 2015 20:02
RT @NurSus_EU: Que es para vosotr@s #sostenibilidad ambiental ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:03
Is sustainability an important factor to our nursing education? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:03
looking forward to tonight e-chat on sustainability @PUNC14 #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:03
RT @NRCUK: for me @NurSus_EU sustainability is adding a policy that nobody ever reads i guess, when working in NHS software #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:03
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU hello there #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:03
@NurSus_EU respeto y garantía de calidad ambiental!!!! #wenurses #Sostenibilidad #UJAEN
24 March 2015 20:03
@WeMidwives @WeNurses looking forward to the chat tonight! #sustainability #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:03
Hi @WeNurses Joining from Plymouth. #studentnurse @PUNC #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:03
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU Good Afternoon from Plymouth, United Kingdom! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:03
RT @WeNurses: hi @LeggeAngie @NurSus_EU lovely to see you again #wenurses :)
24 March 2015 20:04
Don't forget to add: #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses To your tweets, once will do, but do it once :)
24 March 2015 20:04
RT @WeNurses: Gracias a Google , hola a los tweets de España esta noche! #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:04
#WeNurses hi Harry tweeting from plymouth University
24 March 2015 20:04
#sostenibilidad es salud comunitaria para todos #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:04
no, that will be the policy team :) sometimes big, often small, rarely useful i think @NurSus_EU tick box exercise in procurement? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:04
RT @NurSus_EU: Great to be tweeting with you all tonight so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:04
RT @PUNC14Rebecca: @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Good Afternoon from Plymouth, United Kingdom! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:04
RT @PUNC14MMills: Hi @WeNurses Joining from Plymouth. #studentnurse @PUNC #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:04
RT @punc14_katie: @WeMidwives @WeNurses looking forward to the chat tonight! #sustainability #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:05
RT @lauraoctubre10: @NurSus_EU respeto y garantía de calidad ambiental!!!! #wenurses #Sostenibilidad #UJAEN
24 March 2015 20:05
Hello teresa here #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:05
#wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses !!!
24 March 2015 20:05
Es posible implantar un bloque temático sobre la gestión de residuos en la titulación de enfermería? @WeNurses #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:05
.@PUNC14Rach @WeNurses @NurSus_EU hello :) #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:05
don't forget to add #WeNurses to your tweets so we can all see each others input :)
24 March 2015 20:05
RT @NurSus_EU: Que es para vosotr@s #sostenibilidad ambiental ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:05
@NurSus_EU NurSus_EU To reduce environmental impact of healthcare #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:05
RT @PUNC14Rebecca: @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Good Afternoon from Plymouth, United Kingdom! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:05
so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:05
RT @NurSus_EU: so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:05
@PUNC14Rebecca #wenurses #wenurses important for your future to enable you to think about how you care
24 March 2015 20:06
RT @EnferEvidente: @NurSus_EU NurSus_EU To reduce environmental impact of healthcare #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:06
@WeNurses ok, #wenurses :)
24 March 2015 20:06
HELLO @SamSherrington lovely to have you with us this eve, We've missed you, lots! :) @PUNC14Rach @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:06
RT @WeNurses: Welcome all tonights #WeNurses hosted by @NurSus_EU Please say hi and wave from wherever you are tweeting from :)
24 March 2015 20:06
@jfpaulano @WeNurses Does it need a full block? Or a few hours? How much is there to learn? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:06
.@PUNC14Rebecca #wenurses yes I would say so, important for long term population health, public health communities
24 March 2015 20:06
Hello y hola #WeNurses Joining in Plymouth
24 March 2015 20:06
RT @WeNurses: Welcome all tonights #WeNurses hosted by @NurSus_EU Please say hi and wave from wherever you are tweeting from :)
24 March 2015 20:06
@NRCUK @NurSus_EU that's why it is important to include in clinical curricula - to change attitudes & practice, understanding why #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:06
RT @PuncClaire: #wenurses @NurSus_EU Hi from Somerset :)
24 March 2015 20:06
@NurSus_EU Atender a las necesidades actuales sin comprometer la capacidad de las generaciones futuras de satisfacer las suyas #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:06
Hello from Maastricht! Looking forward to hear what nurse students think about sustainability in health care #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:07
RT @WeNurses: RT @PuncClaire: #wenurses @NurSus_EU Hi from Somerset :)
24 March 2015 20:07
welcome UK and Spanish tweeters #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:07
Formacion n #sostenibilidad ,nuevos tiempos y nuevas maneras de afrontar los problemas que ocasione el #cambioclimatico #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:07
@jfpaulano la gestión de residuos es un tema muy interesante para implantar en la titulación de #enfermeria #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:07
@PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU Then should it be more through the entire curriculum? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:07
RT @NYCElderLawFirm: My latest Bedsore article in 'The Doctor Weighs In' http://t.co/1R7Fqk82FE #nursing #caregivers #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:07
24 March 2015 20:07
RT @WeNurses: HELLO @SamSherrington lovely to have you with us this eve, We've missed you, lots! :) @PUNC14Rach @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:07
@NRCUK @NurSus_EU just including tick box methods whether in software, clinical practice or wherevr is not enough #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:07
RT @WeNurses: don't forget to add #WeNurses to your tweets so we can all see each others input :)
24 March 2015 20:07
RT @NurSus_EU: so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:07
@NurSus_EU garantizando el equilibrio entre crecimiento económico, cuidado del medio ambiente y bienestar social #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:07
RT @WeNurses: Don't forget to add: #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses #wenurses To your tweets, once will do, but …
24 March 2015 20:07
Hello @WeNurses from @uniofBrighton #sustainability #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:08
RT @LittlePink_3: @jfpaulano la gestión de residuos es un tema muy interesante para implantar en la titulación de #enfermeria #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:08
RT @WeNurses: hi @LeggeAngie @NurSus_EU lovely to see you again #wenurses :)
24 March 2015 20:08
I think sustainability is imp to nurse education we will be affected by limited resources and to protect environment #wenurses #PUNC14
24 March 2015 20:08
@NurSus_EU finding alternative ways to sustain and maintain the environment rather than use up all the resources we have on Earth #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:08
Sostenibilidad es avanzar hacia un futuro medio ambiental seguro, lo que favorecerá nuestra salud comunitaria #wenurses #Sostenibilidad
24 March 2015 20:08
@WeNurses @Alli01Ward #Wave #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:08
Hello @WeNurses joining you all from sunny Torbay :) @PUNC14 #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:08
@WeNurses #sustainability #sustaiability means looking at the materials we use and how we can cut down on finite resources #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:08
#sostenibilidad sin duda, es un paso hacia adelante si se implantara en el grado de #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:08
lot's of UK and Spanish students joining tonights #WeNurses - can't wait for the wordloud!!! :)
24 March 2015 20:08
@NurSus_EU reduce, re-use, recycle. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:08
RT @NurSus_EU: so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:08
@NurSus_EU Medidas y planes de educación en #Sostenibilidad . Ganan los pacientes, gana la población y ganamos los profesionales. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:08
@PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU isn't it best integrated throughout whole curriculum? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:08
RT @PUNC14: @NRCUK @NurSus_EU just including tick box methods whether in software, clinical practice or wherevr is not enough #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:09
#wenurses #sustainability NMC asks us to consider health of not only individuals but of communities and populations, sus is also global
24 March 2015 20:09
Sustainability is very important to me on a personal level - so I feel the same when translating to healthcare practice #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:09
Sustainability to me means knowing the true cost of the resources we use so as not to waste them #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:09
#wenurses I think sustainability must be included as a transversal consideration in all the nursing curriculum
24 March 2015 20:09
@WeNurses waves from a chilly Middlesbrough #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:09
RT @PUNC14MMills: Sustainability to me means knowing the true cost of the resources we use so as not to waste them #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:09
So #sustainability important so we can care in the future with low impact on environment? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:09
@SamSherrington in what way do you suggest we can change our ways now to help generations to come? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:09
hi from Somerset! @wenurses @PUNC14Rebecca @punc14jmford1 @punc14Clare #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:09
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses #sustainability NMC asks us to consider health of not only individuals but of communities and populations, …
24 March 2015 20:09
RT @NurSus_EU: So #sustainability important so we can care in the future with low impact on environment? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:10
RT @LittlePink_3: #sostenibilidad sin duda, es un paso hacia adelante si se implantara en el grado de #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:10
#wenurses sustanabiolity is a frame of mind, it is an internal philosophy as well as external actions
24 March 2015 20:10
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses #sustainability NMC asks us to consider health of not only individuals but of communities and populations, …
24 March 2015 20:10
@jfpaulano @WeNurses I’m just wondering then if it needs to be fully integrated, rather than separate? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:10
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses #sustainability NMC asks us to consider health of not only individuals but of communities and populations, …
24 March 2015 20:10
@NRCUK I agree, I wonder how we can change attitudes? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:10
@cardioconscript bbrrrrr #WeNurses creo que es mucho más caliente en España que aquí en el Reino Unido!
24 March 2015 20:10
@puncCatherine @WeNurses @theRCN will look at sustainable procurement as part of our follow on work from #smallchnages today #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:10
RT @PUNC14MMills: Sustainability to me means knowing the true cost of the resources we use so as not to waste them #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:10
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses sustanabiolity is a frame of mind, it is an internal philosophy as well as external actions
24 March 2015 20:10
RT @PUNC14MMills: Sustainability to me means knowing the true cost of the resources we use so as not to waste them #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:10
Ajustar el concepto de sostenibilidad al campo de conocimiento de Enfermería: cuidados de enfermería sostenibles @NurSus_EU #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:10
There's so many elements to #sustainability @jakivy made such valid points re: inappropriate/wasteful use of PPE #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:11
El cambio climático, afecta gravemente a la salud de las personas por ello es necesario enseñar #Sostenibilidad desde #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:11
#wenurses but nurses need to have certain knowledge about sustainability and the keys on 3 R politics
24 March 2015 20:11
RT @NurSus_EU: So #sustainability important so we can care in the future with low impact on environment? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:11
Es importante en Enfermería el conocimiento del medio ambiente que nos rodea para una buena promoción de la salud @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:11
@PUNC14Rebecca it maintains the education of changing practice and procedures us as new Nurses will undertake #wenurses #studentnurse @punc
24 March 2015 20:11
RT @WeNurses: @cardioconscript bbrrrrr #WeNurses creo que es mucho más caliente en España que aquí en el Reino Unido!
24 March 2015 20:11
Student nurses: how do you think sustainability can be integrated into nurse education? #sustainability #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:11
@NurSus_EU #sustainability means to me looking at the materials we use and how we can reduce the use of finite resources #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:11
@PUNC14MMills waste is a key issue #wenurses in the sustainability discussion for nurses, & all healthcare profs #valuemaker @FFFPartnership
24 March 2015 20:11
RT @LeggeAngie: @jfpaulano @WeNurses I’m just wondering then if it needs to be fully integrated, rather than separate? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:11
RT @punc14_katie: @NurSus_EU reduce, re-use, recycle. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:11
RT @PUNC14Rebecca: @SamSherrington in what way do you suggest we can change our ways now to help generations to come? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:11
Understanding sustainability to me means being educated on the effects of the product we use as a whole e.g. cost and environment #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:11
RT @PUNC14MMills: Sustainability to me means knowing the true cost of the resources we use so as not to waste them #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:11
#Sostenibilidad como motor de nuestra práctica clínica! ¿Dónde y qué ocurre con un guante cuando lo desechamos? #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:11
@NurSus_EU @PUNC14MMills Very difficult to cost #WeNurses So many suppliers
24 March 2015 20:12
Lots of lovely student PUNCS joining us :) don't forget to add #wenurses, you don't have time for lines! http://t.co/WL8oYIgEV8
24 March 2015 20:12
@jululupostbox @NRCUK @NurSus_EU I think so. Problem is in (UK at least) getting regulatory bodies (NMC) to agree and support #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:12
@PUNC14MMills @LeggeAngie #wenurses all too often I hear nurses say does it matter how many I use - training reduces waste
24 March 2015 20:12
RT @PUNC14MMills: Sustainability to me means knowing the true cost of the resources we use so as not to waste them #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:12
@punc14_katie @NurSus_EU we need to educate nurses and other hcws and the public to think about the waste hierarchy #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:12
#wenurses I believe is about surviving whether direct or indirect in our environment#wenurses
24 March 2015 20:12
@LeggeAngie is it relevant to many subjects? Which? How could #sustainbility be threaded through curricula? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:12
.@PUNC14Rebecca awareness is key, so we need to include in educational opportunities pre and post reg across professions #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:12
Ignorance of the impacts of wasteful practice can affect not only the health of people but also the planet #circular #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:12
Sustainability is about reusing & recycling everything is limited, caring doesn't stop at patients. The environment counts too! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:13
Los estudiantes de enfermería ¿cómo cree que la sostenibilidad se puede integrar en la formación de enfermería #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:13
@PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU agree we must be pro active ticking boxes may give a sense of 'doing something' it does not action chnge #Wenurses
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @WeNurses: Lots of lovely student PUNCS joining us :) don't forget to add #wenurses, you don't have time for lines! http://t.co/WL8oYIgE…
24 March 2015 20:13
Sustainability is important to me as a human and as a student nurse! #WeNurses #plymuni
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @PUNCLaura: There's so many elements to #sustainability @jakivy made such valid points re: inappropriate/wasteful use of PPE #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:13
@PUNC14Rebecca information is extremely important for students so that we can ask the question why is it bring used in practice? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @NurSus_EU: Great to be tweeting with you all tonight so what does #sustainability mean to you? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:13
@NurSus_EU All resources, equipment, ways to treat #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @puncDainz: @PUNC14Rebecca it maintains the education of changing practice and procedures us as new Nurses will undertake #wenurses #st…
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @WeNurses: Lots of lovely student PUNCS joining us :) don't forget to add #wenurses, you don't have time for lines! http://t.co/WL8oYIgE…
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @WeNurses: 1 HOUR TO GO Unitil the 1st of our sustainability #WeNurses this week #StudentNight > http://t.co/FQur6odz0U http://t.co/…
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @HeatherBaid: Student nurses: how do you think sustainability can be integrated into nurse education? #sustainability #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:13
@gallagher_rose @NurSus_EU of course, knowledge is precious and key to actions #sustainability #wenurses #punc14fh
24 March 2015 20:13
@PUNCLaura #wenurses incase you were wondering I sneaked sustainability into psychology lecture...integrated into curriculum ??
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @PUNC14MMills: Sustainability to me means knowing the true cost of the resources we use so as not to waste them #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @JoClinell: @PUNC14MMills @LeggeAngie #wenurses all too often I hear nurses say does it matter how many I use - training reduces waste
24 March 2015 20:13
we all were once @Jaynebiddiscom1 just add #wenurses to your tweets and we can all see them then. Thanks for joining Jayne
24 March 2015 20:13
RT @WeNurses: Lots of lovely student PUNCS joining us :) don't forget to add #wenurses, you don't have time for lines! http://t.co/WL8oYIgE…
24 March 2015 20:14
#sostenibilidad como un cambio mundial, literalmente, a nivel de salud, enseñando autocuidado y además como cuidar nuestro planeta #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:14
@PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU we're redesigning nursing courses at the moment, good chance to make it more explicit in curric #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:14
RT @SamSherrington: @PUNC14MMills waste is a key issue #wenurses in the sustainability discussion for nurses, & all healthcare profs #value…
24 March 2015 20:14
@WeNurses Sustainability can be done but some changes are not practical for example the use of gloves #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:14
RT @PUNC14MMills: Sustainability to me means knowing the true cost of the resources we use so as not to waste them #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:14
Chat on sustainability with @WeNurses happening now, defiantly a topic that needs to be thought about by everyone!#wenurses #sustainability
24 March 2015 20:14
RT @WeNurses: Lots of lovely student PUNCS joining us :) don't forget to add #wenurses, you don't have time for lines! http://t.co/WL8oYIgE…
24 March 2015 20:14
Sorry I'm late Lisa lurking tonight #wenurses @WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:14
not only knowing how to act more sustainable as a nurse but also understanding why it is important? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:14
@PUNC14 @jululupostbox @NRCUK @NurSus_EU for me its a life cycle approach and we need the NMC to champion it #wenurses @dayforaction
24 March 2015 20:14
24 March 2015 20:14
RT @JoClinell: @PUNC14MMills @LeggeAngie #wenurses all too often I hear nurses say does it matter how many I use - training reduces waste
24 March 2015 20:15
RT @WeNurses: Lots of lovely student PUNCS joining us :) don't forget to add #wenurses, you don't have time for lines! http://t.co/WL8oYIgE…
24 March 2015 20:15
RT @jakivy: @PUNCLaura #wenurses incase you were wondering I sneaked sustainability into psychology lecture...integrated into curriculum ??
24 March 2015 20:15
Come one everyone come and join the @WeNurses Twitter chat on sustainability ! #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:15
RT @punc14hjim: #wenurses I believe is about surviving whether direct or indirect in our environment#wenurses
24 March 2015 20:15
#wenurses public health: newish concept "ecological public health" - they cite a mindset of 'planetism' to focus on interdependence
24 March 2015 20:15
RT @NurSus_EU: @LeggeAngie is it relevant to many subjects? Which? How could #sustainbility be threaded through curricula? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:15
@SamSherrington @PUNC14Rebecca I agree should include in curricula - threaded throughout - what are barriers to so doing? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:15
RT @PUNC14MMills: Sustainability to me means knowing the true cost of the resources we use so as not to waste them #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:15
RT @NurSus_EU: welcome UK and Spanish tweeters #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:15
@NurSus_EU @WeNurses I think sustainability is imperative to the future of healthcare. Basically we use far too much plastic ?? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:15
Sustainability is crucial when a few degrees change in climate temperature can affect the most vulnerable in society #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:15
@PUNC14 agree, need to engage professional bodies, how can we do this? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:15
El asma, alergias, etc están aumentand en nuestra sociedad.Se puede hacer mucho al respecto no creéis? #wenurses #Sostenibilidad @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:15
Deberían incluirse temas de #sostenibilidad y #cambioclimatico en los estudios de #enfermeria? #Wenurses
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @punc13zoe: Sustainability is important to me as a human and as a student nurse! #WeNurses #plymuni
24 March 2015 20:16
Nurses must explain patients the effects of antibiotics in environment when they leave in trash #wenurses is in curricula about pharma?
24 March 2015 20:16
@BennyGoodmanUoP nice to see Benny tweeting in Spanish #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @EnferEvidente: Nurses must explain patients the effects of antibiotics in environment when they leave in trash #wenurses is in curricul…
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @NurSus_EU: Deberían incluirse temas de #sostenibilidad y #cambioclimatico en los estudios de #enfermeria? #Wenurses
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @WeMidwives: #students Have U covered sustainability in your curriculum? @WeNurses are chatting about it via #WeNurses for NHS Sustainab…
24 March 2015 20:16
@HeatherBaid @DaniG4_ being made aware of wasting materials and how it is applied to practise like recycling #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:16
So what topics should be considered re sustainability in the curriculum ? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @EnferEvidente: RT @EnferEvidente: http://t.co/IftWII9J8z Enfermeria y medioambiente Nursing and environment #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @JoClinell: @PUNC14MMills @LeggeAngie #wenurses all too often I hear nurses say does it matter how many I use - training reduces waste
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @WeNurses: Lots of lovely student PUNCS joining us :) don't forget to add #wenurses, you don't have time for lines! http://t.co/WL8oYIgE…
24 March 2015 20:16
Where could #sustainability fit in the #nursing curriculum? Is it just public health or is it relevant to most subjects? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @Punc14Joanna: @WeNurses Sustainability can be done but some changes are not practical for example the use of gloves #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:16
@PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU A parody that in giving care we albeit unintentionally WITHOUT education add to a global health prob #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @harrietvSN: Chat on sustainability with @WeNurses happening now, defiantly a topic that needs to be thought about by everyone!#wenurses…
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @LittlePink_3: #sostenibilidad sin duda, es un paso hacia adelante si se implantara en el grado de #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:16
RT @lillybubs: Sorry I'm late Lisa lurking tonight #wenurses @WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:17
@NurSus_EU por supuesto, todos nos beneficiaríamos del cambio #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:17
RT @EnferEvidente: #wenurses I think sustainability must be included as a transversal consideration in all the nursing curriculum
24 March 2015 20:17
.@PUNC14 @PUNC14Rebecca barriers might include perception that it's everyone's business so no one takes the lead? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:17
RT @LittlePink_3: @NurSus_EU por supuesto, todos nos beneficiaríamos del cambio #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:17
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses public health: newish concept "ecological public health" - they cite a mindset of 'planetism' to focus on i…
24 March 2015 20:17
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses public health: newish concept "ecological public health" - they cite a mindset of 'planetism' to focus on i…
24 March 2015 20:17
RT @EnferEvidente: #wenurses but nurses need to have certain knowledge about sustainability and the keys on 3 R politics
24 March 2015 20:17
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses sustanabiolity is a frame of mind, it is an internal philosophy as well as external actions
24 March 2015 20:17
@NurSus_EU totalmente de acuerdo, gran tema de interés social #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:17
We also need to distribute knowledge. As nurses we have privilege of enormous client base and great information sharing ability #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:17
Entonces, ¿qué temas deben ser considerados re sostenibilidad en el plan de estudios? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:17
NHS sustainability day March 26th! Fantastic idea, allows for reviewing methods & new ideas for sustainability @punc14 #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:17
RT @jfpaulano: @NurSus_EU totalmente de acuerdo, gran tema de interés social #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:17
@WeNurses #wenurses I'll be checking in from NYC (only visiting not resident unfortunately)
24 March 2015 20:18
RT @PUNC14JOJO: @HeatherBaid @DaniG4_ being made aware of wasting materials and how it is applied to practise like recycling #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:18
being devils advocate here - is there time for sustainability in the nursing curriculum ? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:18
RT @WeNurses: So what topics should be considered re sustainability in the curriculum ? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:18
@Punc14Joanna wonder if we over use gloves sometimes? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:18
@jakivy @LeggeAngie @NRCUK @NurSus_EU being in curriculum is necessary but not sufficient. Also need other incentives, nudges etc #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:18
La sostenibilidad debería ser un aspecto transversal en el curriculum del Grado en Enfermería.@NurSus_EU #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:18
RT @_Amy79: @WeNurses #wenurses I'll be checking in from NYC (only visiting not resident unfortunately) < wow what an international chat
24 March 2015 20:18
@PUNC14 @SamSherrington @PUNC14Rebecca main barrier is trying to fit everything in! integrated approach would make it easier #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:18
Great to integrate sustainability into our clinical skills sessions, but for those already working we need the NMC on board #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:18
we are so worried about cross contamination from waste when a majority of it could be recycled quite safely! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:18
@Nursus_EU #sostenibilidad es reciclar, reutilizar, reducir residuos, invertir para reducir gasto y consumo #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:18
@AgencyNurse Put something in…take something out…#wenurses Sorry, I’m lurking.
24 March 2015 20:18
@NurSus_EU it should be important across all areas of the curriculum, all fields of nursing and all disciplines of healthcare #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:18
RT @NurSus_EU: @Punc14Joanna wonder if we over use gloves sometimes? #wenurses < what do others think ?
24 March 2015 20:18
RT @gallagher_rose: @PUNC14 @jululupostbox @NRCUK @NurSus_EU for me its a life cycle approach and we need the NMC to champion it #wenurses …
24 March 2015 20:18
@PUNC14 @jakivy @NRCUK @NurSus_EU Needs other professions and groups too #WeNurses Not just nursing issue.
24 March 2015 20:19
RT @JuneinHE: @AgencyNurse Put something in…take something out…#wenurses Sorry, I’m lurking.
24 March 2015 20:19
RT @AgencyNurse: being devils advocate here - is there time for sustainability in the nursing curriculum ? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:19
@jfpaulano @WeNurses it should be embedded throughout our training imo it affects all we do and the values that underpin our role #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:19
@lmnaps @NurSus_EU totalmente de acuerdo, debemos de ser conscientes del "daño" que nos hacemos por no cuidar de nuestro entorno. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:19
@gallagher_rose life cycle approach is a good idea, could build into procurement? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:19
RT @EnferEvidente: Nurses must explain patients the effects of antibiotics in environment when they leave in trash #wenurses is in curricul…
24 March 2015 20:19
RT @AgencyNurse: being devils advocate here - is there time for sustainability in the nursing curriculum ? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:19
.@PUNC14 @PUNC14Rebecca On personal note,my health visitor was superb @ promoting sustainability #wenurses public health role @HilaryGarratt
24 March 2015 20:19
@WeNurses considerar el correcto reciclaje de productos de deshecho y la correcta eliminación de los más contaminantes #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:19
@NurSus_EU Climate change could have a huge impact on the care nurses provide in the future. Education is the key! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:19
@JuneinHE yes - i understand its really very important but wonder if its more about approach than teaching ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:19
RT @WeNurses: RT @_Amy79: @WeNurses #wenurses I'll be checking in from NYC (only visiting not resident unfortunately) < wow what an interna…
24 March 2015 20:19
RT @LeggeAngie: @PUNC14 @jakivy @NRCUK @NurSus_EU Needs other professions and groups too #WeNurses Not just nursing issue.
24 March 2015 20:19
@NurSus_EU Yes we do but also they are a vital part of our personal protection. better to be safe than sorry sometimes #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:19
chatting NOW with a curriculum perspective @WeNurses with lots of Spanish fiends & @NurSus_EU via #WeNurses Is it in our student curriculum?
24 March 2015 20:19
chatting NOW with a curriculum perspective @WeNurses with lots of Spanish fiends & @NurSus_EU via #WeNurses Is it in our student curriculum?
24 March 2015 20:19
chatting NOW with a curriculum perspective @WeNurses with lots of Spanish fiends & @NurSus_EU via #WeNurses Is it in our student curriculum?
24 March 2015 20:19
chatting NOW with a curriculum perspective @WeNurses with lots of Spanish fiends & @NurSus_EU via #WeNurses Is it in our student curriculum?
24 March 2015 20:19
chatting NOW with a curriculum perspective @WeNurses with lots of Spanish fiends & @NurSus_EU via #WeNurses Is it in our student curriculum?
24 March 2015 20:19
@WeNurses the topic that needs to cover is how to manage saving resources and use environmental friendly materials #wenurses #PUNC14
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @AgencyNurse: being devils advocate here - is there time for sustainability in the nursing curriculum ? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @NurSus_EU: @gallagher_rose life cycle approach is a good idea, could build into procurement? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @NurSus_EU: @gallagher_rose life cycle approach is a good idea, could build into procurement? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @Imlopezmedina: La sostenibilidad debería ser un aspecto transversal en el curriculum del Grado en Enfermería.@NurSus_EU #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:20
@AgencyNurse From a relatively uninformed stand point - no. #lurking #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:20
Tratar la sostenibilidad desde distintas asignaturas aportaría más competencias y mayor aplicabilidad de las mismas.@NurSus_EU #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:20
#wenurses Hi, greetings from Spain. Saludos desde España. Algo tarde pero me uno al chat.
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @SamSherrington: .@PUNC14 @PUNC14Rebecca On personal note,my health visitor was superb @ promoting sustainability #wenurses public healt…
24 March 2015 20:20
@punc14Clare @jfpaulano @WeNurses Yes. Should be a thread, not a specific session. #wenurses. I’m lurking! Stopping now.
24 March 2015 20:20
#wenurses sustainability is all our problem if we don't do something it'll be worse for our children & grandchildren #wenursus
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @lmnaps: El asma, alergias, etc están aumentand en nuestra sociedad.Se puede hacer mucho al respecto no creéis? #wenurses #Sostenibilida…
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @AntonioTimy: #wenurses Hi, greetings from Spain. Saludos desde España. Algo tarde pero me uno al chat.
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses public health: newish concept "ecological public health" - they cite a mindset of 'planetism' to focus on i…
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @Imlopezmedina: La sostenibilidad debería ser un aspecto transversal en el curriculum del Grado en Enfermería.@NurSus_EU #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:20
@NurSus_EU @gallagher_rose could you please explain "life cycle approach" ? #wenurses #askingadaftquestion
24 March 2015 20:20
@AgencyNurse #wenurses Sustainability should be embedded in all teaching curriculums so not just taught as a topic but as a way of practice
24 March 2015 20:20
Sustainability is everyone's responsibilty. future nurses need to understand the impact & power of their actions. #wenurses #studentnurse
24 March 2015 20:20
Perhaps we could begin by questioning our use of disposables... Do I really need to put gloves on every time? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:20
@WeNurses Good training and the effects the over use have on the environment would benefit being in the curriculum #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @LittlePink_3: @NurSus_EU por supuesto, todos nos beneficiaríamos del cambio #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:20
@AgencyNurse Yes see last tweet. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:20
@AgencyNurse @jakivy possibly it could be integrated in all areas little pieces of information alongside theory #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:20
@SamSherrington @PUNC14Rebecca another likely argument against is crowded curriculum. But is that really true? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:20
RT @WeParamedics: chatting NOW with a curriculum perspective @WeNurses with lots of Spanish fiends & @NurSus_EU via #WeNurses Is it in our …
24 March 2015 20:21
RT @NurSus_EU: @gallagher_rose life cycle approach is a good idea, could build into procurement? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses yes, we just dont have to call it that..its about mindset, personal growth, quality measures , management
24 March 2015 20:21
Why do nurses wear plastic pinneys in hospitals? Do they reduce infection? Not used in other countries #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:21
RT @AgencyNurse: @JuneinHE yes - i understand its really very important but wonder if its more about approach than teaching ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
Find great frustration when seeing gloves for face washing! Degrading and dehumanising to pt, wasteful and often unnecessary! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
RT @_JoeMiddleton: @AgencyNurse From a relatively uninformed stand point - no. #lurking #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU @Punc14Joanna #wenurses I think there are times where gloves are wasted in practise
24 March 2015 20:21
podría incluirse el tema de #sostenibilidad enfocado a cada asignatura como un apartado más que evaluar. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
RT @AgencyNurse: @JuneinHE yes - i understand its really very important but wonder if its more about approach than teaching ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
Interesting that the value of going digital is more about cost of saving paper than environmental impact in my experience #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:21
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU @Punc14Joanna just a bit!! Huge issues with negative outcomes for hcws & patients but not routinely measured #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
Did university-wide leadership programme (sustainability, economics, politics etc) when I trained. Amazing how all links together! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
RT @gallagher_rose: @PUNC14 @jululupostbox @NRCUK @NurSus_EU for me its a life cycle approach and we need the NMC to champion it #wenurses …
24 March 2015 20:21
@punc14jmford1 @PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU think we need to break down what Sustainability means for our patients to real life sits #Wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
RT @PUNC14FRL: @AgencyNurse #wenurses Sustainability should be embedded in all teaching curriculums so not just taught as a topic but as a …
24 March 2015 20:21
RT @PUNC14FRL: @AgencyNurse #wenurses Sustainability should be embedded in all teaching curriculums so not just taught as a topic but as a …
24 March 2015 20:21
@NurSus_EU relevant to all subjects but when the health sector pollutes the most and is the most wasteful it's the most urgent #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:21
@puncCatherine Yes and serious impacts on #health #inequalitites #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:22
RT @PUNC14Rach: @AgencyNurse @jakivy possibly it could be integrated in all areas little pieces of information alongside theory #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:22
RT @HeatherBaid: Why do nurses wear plastic pinneys in hospitals? Do they reduce infection? Not used in other countries #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:22
@NurSus_EU existe un gran desconocimiento sobre el tema en Enfermería y sería de gran ayuda para las futuras generaciones #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:22
@BennyGoodmanUoP @AgencyNurse don't forget 50% course in practice - need to emphasise importance of it there too #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:22
@Imlopezmedina @NurSus_EU así es, creo que de esa forma seriamos todos un poco mas conscientes del cuidado de nuestro entorno! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:22
RT @JuneinHE: @punc14Clare @jfpaulano @WeNurses Yes. Should be a thread, not a specific session. #wenurses. I’m lurking! Stopping now.
24 March 2015 20:22
@PUNC14Rach @jakivy so more about how we teach students ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:22
RT @HeatherBaid: Why do nurses wear plastic pinneys in hospitals? Do they reduce infection? Not used in other countries #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:22
RT @NurSus_EU: @gallagher_rose life cycle approach is a good idea, could build into procurement? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:22
@PUNC14JOJO Good point Jo! Cost, but also the management of rising expectations in patient care. #improvehealth #wenurses @punc
24 March 2015 20:22
RT @HeatherBaid: Why do nurses wear plastic pinneys in hospitals? Do they reduce infection? Not used in other countries #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:22
.@AgencyNurse @JuneinHE Its almost a discussion about culture, professionally both in practice & education, adoption is key #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:22
@NurSus_EU @LittlePink_3 @jfpaulano @WeNurses in all subjects opportunities arise from Bio Sciences to Sociology #weNurses
24 March 2015 20:23
RT @punc13zoe: Perhaps we could begin by questioning our use of disposables... Do I really need to put gloves on every time? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
@NurSus_EU that would be he ideal, needs planning but evidence already on impact for manufacturing in 3rd world #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
@punc14asyms @WeNurses "small changes big differences" new campaign from @theRCN #procurement #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
@NRCUK Cost savings is a more tangible and understood driver than environmental impact? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
RT @PUNC14Rach: @AgencyNurse @jakivy possibly it could be integrated in all areas little pieces of information alongside theory #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
RT @LittlePink_3: podría incluirse el tema de #sostenibilidad enfocado a cada asignatura como un apartado más que evaluar. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
RT @PUNC14: @SamSherrington @PUNC14Rebecca another likely argument against is crowded curriculum. But is that really true? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
@JuneinHE how can we feed this through #nursing curricula? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
great point @PUNCLaura, let's ask! ¿Utiliza delantales plásticos en España al amamantar #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
RT @AgencyNurse: RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses yes, we just dont have to call it that..its about mindset, personal growth, quality measure…
24 March 2015 20:23
@PUNCLaura love google :) #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
@PUNC14Rebecca @NurSus_EU @SamSherrington @BennyGoodmanUoP students & staff can argue for inclusion, NMC can add as requirement #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
Sustainability is major no matter big we think. Awareness needs raising! People won't realise until we run out of supplies #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:23
Course content was same whatever subject you were studying but able to link to nursing (dementia friendly cities) for assignment #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
@jfpaulano @WeNurses does it need to be a block Jose or can this be ongoing? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:23
@PUNC14JOJO @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Yes i agree but i think theyare vital for our protection andprotection to othersbetter tobe safe #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:24
@WeNurses Topics should include how to use/dispose of clinical items effectively, also climate change, an important health factor!#wenurses
24 March 2015 20:24
RT @punc14Clare: @NurSus_EU @LittlePink_3 @jfpaulano @WeNurses in all subjects opportunities arise from Bio Sciences to Sociology #weNurses
24 March 2015 20:24
RT @HeatherBaid: Why do nurses wear plastic pinneys in hospitals? Do they reduce infection? Not used in other countries #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:24
Sustainability more than the impacts on the environment? Also learning more about the impact of environmental change on health? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:24
RT @HeatherBaid: Why do nurses wear plastic pinneys in hospitals? Do they reduce infection? Not used in other countries #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:24
RT @gallagher_rose: @PUNC14 @jululupostbox @NRCUK @NurSus_EU for me its a life cycle approach and we need the NMC to champion it #wenurses …
24 March 2015 20:24
@Nursus_EU hay que formar profesionales para poder cuidar la salud de los que cuidamos #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:24
@SamSherrington @JuneinHE yes i agree with you Sam ... so this brings us back to the problem of culture change !! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:24
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU sustainability should be included in nursing curricula but just how prepared are the educators to teach it?#wenurses
24 March 2015 20:24
En Europa el 5% del Co2 emitido es por el sector sanitario.Necesitamos de #Sostenibilidad y de formacion para terminar con esto #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:24
RT @_JoeMiddleton: @NRCUK Cost savings is a more tangible and understood driver than environmental impact? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:24
@punc14hjim education is key! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:24
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: @AgencyNurse @JuneinHE its about process, philosophy, futures thinking, systems thinking... < #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:25
@_JoeMiddleton i get this, easier maths. Are there any competitions around sustainability like there are cost savings? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:25
@PUNC14FRL @PUNC14 @jakivy @NRCUK @NurSus_EU How would you monitor? #WeNurses I think more attention to building design
24 March 2015 20:25
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: @jululupostbox @AgencyNurse Practice this is where the NHS SDU are helpful < #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:25
RT @AgencyNurse: @SamSherrington @JuneinHE yes i agree with you Sam ... so this brings us back to the problem of culture change !! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:25
RT @PUNC14student1: @punc14hjim education is key! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:25
RT @NurSus_EU: @JuneinHE how can we feed this through #nursing curricula? #wenurses < Good Q
24 March 2015 20:25
@PUNCLaura @DaniG4_ so true. Always think as if it were me, why would you need gloves to touch my face? I'd be embarrassed #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:25
RT @PUNC14MMills: Agree Nick. It's almost as if the generation of electricity to run the devices and storage memory is forgotten #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:25
@PUNC14 if students see this as important we need to make room? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:25
#wenurses great resource: http://t.co/9XIzCrKvKK
24 March 2015 20:25
@punc14Clare @jfpaulano @WeNurses también cada asignatura puede meter en su bloque temático #Sostenibilidad como tema importante #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:25
@HeatherBaid @WeNurses Plastic whats? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:25
@punc14sWeet @WeNurses absolutely why not! With advancing technologies this must be an explorable area #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:25
@PUNCLaura often thought this myself, gloves & aprons on to help a pt eat, I don't wear gloves & apron to feed myself or my son! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
RT @WeNurses: Calling all nurse educators to share experience of sustainability in curriculum. Tonights #WeNurses with @NurSus_EU http://t.…
24 March 2015 20:26
.@PUNC14Rach @AgencyNurse @jakivy yes it needs to be part of every decision and purchase as integral #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
RT @WeNurses: RT @NurSus_EU: @JuneinHE how can we feed this through #nursing curricula? #wenurses < Good Q
24 March 2015 20:26
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU @Punc14Joanna massively so. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
@NurSus_EU It’s the approach, sustainability should be a consideration throughout. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
RT @HeatherBaid: Why do nurses wear plastic pinneys in hospitals? Do they reduce infection? Not used in other countries #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:26
@Lyall @HeatherBaid aprons :) #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
@_Amy79 @WeNurses @NurSus_EU I agree with the handwashing but i am talking about protecting us from harmful infections #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
RT @NurSus_EU: @PUNC14 if students see this as important we need to make room? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses great resource: http://t.co/9XIzCrKvKK
24 March 2015 20:26
Good point @PuncJacy what aspects of climate change do you think are important? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
@HeatherBaid not sure, is there an evidence base for wearing plastic aprons? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
RT @PUNC14FRL: @AgencyNurse #wenurses Sustainability should be embedded in all teaching curriculums so not just taught as a topic but as a …
24 March 2015 20:26
RT @puncDainz: @PUNC14JOJO Good point Jo! Cost, but also the management of rising expectations in patient care. #improvehealth #wenurses …
24 March 2015 20:26
RT @AgencyNurse: @PUNC14Rach @jakivy so more about how we teach students ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
@WeNurses ¿Qué pasa con el material clínico que deshechamos? ¿A dónde va? ¿Contamina? #Formacuon #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:26
@_JoeMiddleton @NRCUK maybe thats the key, we must find a balance between the cost savings while we reduce that impact as nurses. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
Need to look at the use of bins. The amount of things put in clinical waste that is domestic waste is crazy #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:26
@_JoeMiddleton @NRCUK are there no 'carbon measures' we could look at transferring? #wenurses how transparent are we???
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @NurSus_EU: @PUNC14 if students see this as important we need to make room? #wenurses < what do people think ?
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @lillybubs: @punc14asyms @WeNurses "small changes big differences" new campaign from @theRCN #procurement #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
@Punc14Joanna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU PPE is really important but its not required with tasks such as making a bed with clean linen #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @_JoeMiddleton: @NRCUK Cost savings is a more tangible and understood driver than environmental impact? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @AgencyNurse: @JuneinHE yes - i understand its really very important but wonder if its more about approach than teaching ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses great resource: http://t.co/9XIzCrKvKK
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses great resource: http://t.co/9XIzCrKvKK
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @NurSus_EU: @JuneinHE how can we feed this through #nursing curricula? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU It’s the approach, sustainability should be a consideration throughout. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
@DaniG4_ @PUNCLaura I agree! Seems a little extreme #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
Duurzame verpleging is onderdeel van/nodig voor duurzame gezondheid?-Sustainable nursing is part of/needed for sustainable health? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:27
@lillybubs @WeNurses @theRCN I agree with we need to change to protect environment and think about future generations #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU It’s the approach, sustainability should be a consideration throughout. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
@StevenAE_21 where did you do this? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
@NurSus_EU @PUNC14 couldn't it be integrated into modules that already exist like clinical skills maybe? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
RT @lillybubs: @punc14asyms @WeNurses "small changes big differences" new campaign from @theRCN #procurement #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:27
@PUNC14JOJO @Punc14Joanna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU People seem to forget that hands can be washed. Gloves overused #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:28
@PUNC14 we need to make it a habit to (safely!) reuse and recycle! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
@PUNC14 @PUNC14Rebecca @NurSus_EU @SamSherrington @BennyGoodmanUoP I think the question NMC should consider is Why isnt it incl? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
@harrietvSN that is so true! Some practice areas only have clinical waste bins #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:28
@dayforaction how do we engage the NMC? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
RT @PUNC14Rach: yeah with a more environmental approach how our practices affect the environment and society as a whole #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
@punc14Clare @WeNurses @NurSus_EU @Punc14Joanna I think so too, I've heard of Nurses putting on gloves to put clean bedding on? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
RT @PUNC14FRL: @AgencyNurse #wenurses Sustainability should be embedded in all teaching curriculums so not just taught as a topic but as a …
24 March 2015 20:28
Underpins everything - sustainability of education - currency, delivery, relevance #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
RT @PUNC14Rach: @DaniG4_ @PUNCLaura I agree! Seems a little extreme #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
@LeggeAngie @jakivy @NRCUK @NurSus_EU absolutely needs all h/profs and patients involved, needs better understanding of infection #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
RT @puncCatherine: @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 couldn't it be integrated into modules that already exist like clinical skills maybe? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
RT @JuneinHE: Underpins everything - sustainability of education - currency, delivery, relevance #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:28
RT @LeggeAngie: @PUNC14JOJO @Punc14Joanna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU People seem to forget that hands can be washed. Gloves overused #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:29
@harrietvSN if hospitals provide large clinical waste bins then staff will use them. we need to use more offensive waste streams #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:29
#wenurses another good resource Climate and H ealth Council: http://t.co/lMlZAEGazl
24 March 2015 20:29
RT @NurSus_EU: @dayforaction how do we engage the NMC? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:29
Si #enfermeria habla sobre #sostenibilidad, el mundo hablará sobre #sostenibilidad!! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:29
RT @WeNurses: RT @NurSus_EU: @PUNC14 if students see this as important we need to make room? #wenurses < what do people think ?
24 March 2015 20:29
@WeNurses @HeatherBaid Thanks for translating into English. We have plastic aprons too but I'm more often wearing a gown. #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:29
@NurSus_EU http://t.co/yC4FJlz0U5 #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:29
Sustainability of practice - currency, VFM, effectiveness,outcomes #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:29
RT @WeNurses: Good point @PuncJacy what aspects of climate change do you think are important? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:29
@NurSus_EU X qué n ser consciente d1 tema q ns atañe de cerca y cn el q poder ayudar utilizand tods ls recursos d ls q disponems? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:29
don't forget to add #WeNurses o your tweets so we can all see them :)
24 March 2015 20:29
.@NRCUK @PUNC14MMills as well as the mining of rare elements required to produce the internal parts too #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @EnferEvidente: Nurses must explain patients the effects of antibiotics in environment when they leave in trash #wenurses is in curricul…
24 March 2015 20:30
Not always the need to medicate anxiety & depression.Consult care user. Community days out- power of nature- outdoor therapy #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @LeggeAngie: @PUNC14JOJO @Punc14Joanna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU People seem to forget that hands can be washed. Gloves overused #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:30
@punc14anna - I agree as educators we are unprepared and unaware sustainability issues, culture change needed #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:30
@puncCatherine @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 yes, plus could build into clinical competencies to link to practice #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
@jakivy @NurSus_EU patients and some staff will worry about infection control, so some of it fits there #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
@SamSherrington @JuneinHE yes i probably never even thought about it as a student either ... WHO Geneva #WOW #wenurses What did u learn?
24 March 2015 20:30
@JuneinHE @jfpaulano @WeNurses please lurk away! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
Interesting chat on sustainability in the nurse curriculum #studentnight #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @punc14hjim: I believe education on sustainability should be part of CPD #wenurses < or revalidation?
24 March 2015 20:30
@PUNC14FRL @jakivy @PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU We have environmental champions. Encourage less light, for example #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @WeNurses: don't forget to add #WeNurses o your tweets so we can all see them :)
24 March 2015 20:30
Great Twitter chat happening on #WeNurses about sustainability in the nursing curriculum!
24 March 2015 20:30
Such fun can be had integrating #sustainability into curricula....#wenurses @NurSus_EU ..many light bulb?? moments http://t.co/zfTrBfW1jA
24 March 2015 20:30
@WeNurses The damaging effect that each aspect has, socially and environmentally. All of these can be detrimental to health #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @LittlePink_3: Si #enfermeria habla sobre #sostenibilidad, el mundo hablará sobre #sostenibilidad!! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @MerielChudleigh: .@NRCUK @PUNC14MMills as well as the mining of rare elements required to produce the internal parts too #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses great resource: http://t.co/9XIzCrKvKK
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @Pam007Nelmes: Such fun can be had integrating #sustainability into curricula....#wenurses @NurSus_EU ..many light bulb?? moments http://…
24 March 2015 20:30
environmental sustainability - consumables, re-use, emissions, etc #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @Pam007Nelmes: Such fun can be had integrating #sustainability into curricula....#wenurses @NurSus_EU ..many light bulb?? moments http://…
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses another good resource Climate and H ealth Council: http://t.co/lMlZAEGazl
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @ISSRPlymUni: Great Twitter chat happening on #WeNurses about sustainability in the nursing curriculum!
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @MerielChudleigh: .@NRCUK @PUNC14MMills as well as the mining of rare elements required to produce the internal parts too #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
@NurSus_EU @HeatherBaid its old but supports protecting front of uniforms from wet work and dirty tasks like bedmaking #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:30
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses great resource: http://t.co/9XIzCrKvKK
24 March 2015 20:30
Sustainability doesn't just apply to our equipment, but our environment - drastic changes can create new cases of illness #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
RT @EnferEvidente: Nurses must explain patients the effects of antibiotics in environment when they leave in trash #wenurses is in curricul…
24 March 2015 20:31
RT @WeNurses: RT @punc14hjim: I believe education on sustainability should be part of CPD #wenurses < or revalidation?
24 March 2015 20:31
RT @HeatherBaid: @punc14anna - I agree as educators we are unprepared and unaware sustainability issues, culture change needed #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:31
@LittlePink_3 me gusta #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
@WeNurses @punc14hjim totally agree #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
Again providing recycle bin for specific waste in the clinical setting will encourage sustainability. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
RT @JuneinHE: Underpins everything - sustainability of education - currency, delivery, relevance #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
It should be an element woven throughout, included in student projects too. Amazing what they can do when you direct them ! #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:31
And financial sustainability of course. So it’s a thread throughout curriculum/courses. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
we totally agree @ISSRPlymUni thanks for sharing #WeNurses :)
24 March 2015 20:31
RT @jfpaulano: @LittlePink_3 me gusta #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
RT @Pam007Nelmes: Such fun can be had integrating #sustainability into curricula....#wenurses @NurSus_EU ..many light bulb?? moments http://…
24 March 2015 20:31
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU what do you think we could do to change opinions on sustainability? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
RT @nursingSUni: Interesting chat on sustainability in the nurse curriculum #studentnight #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU It’s the approach, sustainability should be a consideration throughout. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
RT @WeNurses: RT @punc14hjim: I believe education on sustainability should be part of CPD #wenurses < or revalidation?
24 March 2015 20:31
@PUNC14FRL @NurSus_EU @AgencyNurse Conocimientos sobre #sostenibilidad en prácticas y actividades extracurriculares #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
@Punc14Joanna @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU would we like our faces cleaned by someone wearing those things, if skin intact #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:31
Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @NurSus_EU: Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @NurSus_EU: Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @punc14Clare: @JuneinHE @jfpaulano @WeNurses please lurk away! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:32
@AgencyNurse @PUNC14Rach To influence the big things, we have to think and act locally. Start with community well being. #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:32
@JuneinHE @punc14Clare @jfpaulano @WeNurses Hi #WeNurses its @wlasinclair jumping in for a few mins...yes I agree, should be throughout
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @WeNurses: RT @punc14hjim: I believe education on sustainability should be part of CPD #wenurses < or revalidation?
24 March 2015 20:32
@WeNurses @punc14hjim agree, do I understand correctly that Plymouth were introducing this in re validation? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @ISSRPlymUni: Great Twitter chat happening on #WeNurses about sustainability in the nursing curriculum!
24 March 2015 20:32
In your pharm classes teach about how to use and dispose of medications and problems with water contamation with medications #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:32
@puncjean is there always a cross infection risk? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:32
@jfpaulano @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Debemos aprender #sostenibilidad para que el mundo comprenda la importancia del cambio climatico #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:32
@jululupostbox @puncCatherine @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 #wenurses remembering this for new curriculum plus would challenge mentors to think
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @NurSus_EU: Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses sustanabiolity is a frame of mind, it is an internal philosophy as well as external actions
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @jululupostbox: @puncCatherine @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 yes, plus could build into clinical competencies to link to practice #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @Pam007Nelmes: Such fun can be had integrating #sustainability into curricula....#wenurses @NurSus_EU ..many light bulb?? moments http://…
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @LeggeAngie: @PUNC14FRL @jakivy @PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU We have environmental champions. Encourage less light, for example #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @WeNurses: RT @punc14hjim: I believe education on sustainability should be part of CPD #wenurses < or revalidation?
24 March 2015 20:32
@NurSus_EU deberíamos de ser conscientes de tods ls recursos que podemos usar y eso se obtiene cn conocimientos #WeNurses #SOSTENIBILIDAD
24 March 2015 20:32
RT @lillybubs: @WeNurses @punc14hjim totally agree #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:32
@NRCUK #wenurses #punc14 As long as outcome is beneficial and sustainable then point out the savings that can be made to get people on board
24 March 2015 20:32
@HeatherBaid @WeNurses sorry, forgetting #wenurses hashtag. Typing quick, too few characters
24 March 2015 20:33
RT @NurSus_EU: Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:33
RT @NurSus_EU: Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:33
@JoClinell @girlymicr @NurSus_EU @Punc14Joanna any hcw wandering around with gloves on should be challenged. Point of care only #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:33
RT @lmnaps: @NurSus_EU deberíamos de ser conscientes de tods ls recursos que podemos usar y eso se obtiene cn conocimientos #WeNurses #SOST…
24 March 2015 20:33
#wenurses http://t.co/MkYYkzMGJr there are many great groups out there working on this linking health to sustainability - need to network
24 March 2015 20:33
RT @NurSus_EU: Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:33
@punc13zoe @WeNurses #gloveuse absolutely not #wenurses http://t.co/BfDYpMcxmD
24 March 2015 20:33
RT @PUNC14FRL: @AgencyNurse #wenurses Sustainability should be embedded in all teaching curriculums so not just taught as a topic but as a …
24 March 2015 20:33
RT @LeggeAngie: @PUNC14FRL @jakivy @PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU We have environmental champions. Encourage less light, for example #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:33
@JuneinHE Yes and #nurses are #innovators so can really take this forward! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:33
@CdnEcoRN great point - never really thought of this aspect to medication disposal ! Important to teach this #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:33
@Punc14Joanna @_Amy79 @WeNurses @NurSus_EU but if someone had such infection, wldnt they be in a side room, others clear in bay #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:33
@punc14Clare @Punc14Joanna @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Yes. you might be carrying MRSA in that nose... #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:33
Waste spotters guide in development by @nhsFFF #wenurses for all clinicians in practice, building on @NHSIQ model @FFFPartnership
24 March 2015 20:33
RT @Pam007Nelmes: Such fun can be had integrating #sustainability into curricula....#wenurses @NurSus_EU ..many light bulb?? moments http://…
24 March 2015 20:33
Instead of "making room" in curriculum, teach all topics with a "sustainability lens" @BennyGoodmanUoP #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:33
RT @Jaynebiddiscom1: @WeNurses @punc14hjim agree, do I understand correctly that Plymouth were introducing this in re validation? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:33
RT @JuneinHE: Sustainability of practice - currency, VFM, effectiveness,outcomes #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:33
we'll let you off this time @captaintau @HeatherBaid #wenurses Lines next time! :) Happy chatting and sharing Peter http://t.co/F1vP3alKHY
24 March 2015 20:33
@PUNC14MMills @Pam007Nelmes @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Plymouth has certainly raised my awareness, the plastic cup discussion was great! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
@PUNC14 it could save the NHS lots of money!!!! #yourNHS #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
@CdnEcoRN @WeNurses should be integral not an external one off lecture #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
@WeNurses hospital wastes has always been a problem.. Changes in practices and educating people will make a difference #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @lmnaps: @NurSus_EU deberíamos de ser conscientes de tods ls recursos que podemos usar y eso se obtiene cn conocimientos #WeNurses #SOST…
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @SamSherrington: Waste spotters guide in development by @nhsFFF #wenurses for all clinicians in practice, building on @NHSIQ model @FFFP…
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @SamSherrington: Waste spotters guide in development by @nhsFFF #wenurses for all clinicians in practice, building on @NHSIQ model @FFFP…
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @jfpaulano: Comenzamos en unos minutos PARTICIPA @NurSus_EU @nursingtimesed @MlinaresManuel #sostenibilidad #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
We have woven it into Health Promotion, mat/child health, cancer classes, nutrition, as well as showing hospital waste practices #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @heidenreich_0: @WeNurses anybody from germany there? < #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @heidenreich_0: #wenurses anybody from germany there?
24 March 2015 20:34
y qué podemos decidir como tema de actualidad sobre #cambioclimatico #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @loveebhc: @punc13zoe @WeNurses #gloveuse absolutely not #wenurses http://t.co/BfDYpMcxmD
24 March 2015 20:34
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU el cambio comienza aprendiendo a enseñar #sostenibilidad a nuestros pacientes. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @SamSherrington: Waste spotters guide in development by @nhsFFF #wenurses for all clinicians in practice, building on @NHSIQ model @FFFP…
24 March 2015 20:34
Is it mainly ppe being used or are there other areas with could be looked into? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @JuneinHE: Underpins everything - sustainability of education - currency, delivery, relevance #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @nursingSUni: Interesting chat on sustainability in the nurse curriculum #studentnight #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @WeNurses: RT @heidenreich_0: @WeNurses anybody from germany there? < #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
@LeggeAngie @Punc14Joanna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU #wenurses using gloves at wrong times can give negative impressions for the patients
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @ISSRPlymUni: Great Twitter chat happening on #WeNurses about sustainability in the nursing curriculum!
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @PUNC14JOJO: @LeggeAngie @Punc14Joanna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU #wenurses using gloves at wrong times can give negative impressions for the …
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @HeatherBaid: Instead of "making room" in curriculum, teach all topics with a "sustainability lens" @BennyGoodmanUoP #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses http://t.co/MkYYkzMGJr there are many great groups out there working on this linking health to sustainabili…
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @NurSus_EU: Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @LittlePink_3: @WeNurses @NurSus_EU el cambio comienza aprendiendo a enseñar #sostenibilidad a nuestros pacientes. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @nursingSUni: @JuneinHE @punc14Clare @jfpaulano @WeNurses Hi #WeNurses its @wlasinclair jumping in for a few mins...yes I agree, should …
24 March 2015 20:34
RT @LittlePink_3: Si #enfermeria habla sobre #sostenibilidad, el mundo hablará sobre #sostenibilidad!! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:34
Preparación tanto dl profesorado como dl alumnado y de los profesionales a pie de cama @NurSus_EU #wenurses #alltogether #EnfermeriaVisible
24 March 2015 20:34
How can we encourage students to speak up when they see waste? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:35
@WeNurses The effects toenvironment,Waste management, safe disposal,what todispose of andwhere,Generally sustainability awareness #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:35
RT @HeatherBaid: Instead of "making room" in curriculum, teach all topics with a "sustainability lens" @BennyGoodmanUoP #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:35
@BennyGoodmanUoP https://t.co/y1r3z9fZVI #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:35
RT @Pam007Nelmes: Such fun can be had integrating #sustainability into curricula....#wenurses @NurSus_EU ..many light bulb?? moments http://…
24 March 2015 20:35
RT @AgencyNurse: @SamSherrington @JuneinHE yes i probably never even thought about it as a student either ... WHO Geneva #WOW #wenurses W…
24 March 2015 20:35
RT @WeNurses: RT @heidenreich_0: @WeNurses anybody from germany there? < #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:35
RT @jululupostbox: @puncCatherine @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 yes, plus could build into clinical competencies to link to practice #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:35
RT @NurSus_EU: @HeatherBaid not sure, is there an evidence base for wearing plastic aprons? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:35
RT @JaneCoomber1: @NurSus_EU @NRCUK Im in the process of reviewing and ratification of the transport policy now #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:35
...is sustainability also about space, fresh air, plants, nature? I'd miss all this if I was in hospital #wenurses http://t.co/QZH7IQkYT2
24 March 2015 20:35
RT @WeNurses: How can we encourage students to speak up when they see waste? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
@WeNurses Asking questions is a good way - do we need to dispose of this? #WeNurses Do we need to use plastic apron? Why?
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @nursingSUni: @JuneinHE @punc14Clare @jfpaulano @WeNurses Hi #WeNurses its @wlasinclair jumping in for a few mins...yes I agree, should …
24 March 2015 20:36
Sostenibilidad en el curriculum de Enfermeria, ¿asignatura o conocimiento transversal? @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @HeatherBaid: @punc14anna - I agree as educators we are unprepared and unaware sustainability issues, culture change needed #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:36
#wenurses curriculum is also about personal growth, so we need to challenge our cultural assumptions for example about consumerism
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @jululupostbox: @puncCatherine @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 yes, plus could build into clinical competencies to link to practice #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @LeggeAngie: @WeNurses Asking questions is a good way - do we need to dispose of this? #WeNurses Do we need to use plastic apron? Why?
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @LeggeAngie: @WeNurses Asking questions is a good way - do we need to dispose of this? #WeNurses Do we need to use plastic apron? Why?
24 March 2015 20:36
Healthcare, sustainability and education all go hand in hand. There are some great social marketing examples changing behaviour #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
@NurSus_EU Si, si y si. Nuevos proyectos donde desarrollar #enfermeria como herramienta y motor de cambio #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
@puncCatherine great idea, what might a sustainability competency look like? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @WeNurses: How can we encourage students to speak up when they see waste? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
@loveebhc @WeNurses great article thanks! I believe gloves can sometimes be a barrier to nursing at great cost to the planet #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @plpancorbo: Sostenibilidad en el curriculum de Enfermeria, ¿asignatura o conocimiento transversal? @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
@WeNurses I was told to wear gloves at all times at HCA training and unfortunately it's become a habit that I need to deal with! ?? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses curriculum is also about personal growth, so we need to challenge our cultural assumptions for example about…
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @plpancorbo: Sostenibilidad en el curriculum de Enfermeria, ¿asignatura o conocimiento transversal? @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
@punc14asyms @WeNurses all hospitals need access to waste managers to support staff to do the right thing @theRCN #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @SamSherrington: Waste spotters guide in development by @nhsFFF #wenurses for all clinicians in practice, building on @NHSIQ model @FFFP…
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @WeNurses: How can we encourage students to speak up when they see waste? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
have accidentally muted someone I was trying to click “translate” #WeNurses Apologies
24 March 2015 20:36
@NurSus_EU I'm not sure about evidence for plastic aprons or at least as often as they are used at present #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:36
Don't wait for permission, just go ahead and do it! Students are often really inspired & think in all kinds of new critical ways: #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:36
RT @NurSus_EU: @puncCatherine great idea, what might a sustainability competency look like? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:36
@punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU @Pam007Nelmes Not really an ‘it’, more an underpinning value/consideration. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:37
RT @Pam007Nelmes: ...is sustainability also about space, fresh air, plants, nature? I'd miss all this if I was in hospital #wenurses http:/…
24 March 2015 20:37
RT @plpancorbo: Sostenibilidad en el curriculum de Enfermeria, ¿asignatura o conocimiento transversal? @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:37
@WeNurses @PUNC14Rach: Is it mainly ppe being used or are there other areas with could be looked into? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:37
@plpancorbo @NurSus_EU Como asignatura se daría un paso muy grande en el grado de #enfermeria. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:37
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses curriculum is also about personal growth, so we need to challenge our cultural assumptions for example about…
24 March 2015 20:37
RT @Pam007Nelmes: ...is sustainability also about space, fresh air, plants, nature? I'd miss all this if I was in hospital #wenurses http:/…
24 March 2015 20:37
@KidneysCOUNT @WWLNHS #wenurses #wedocs @butNHS @FabNHSStuff @amcgovern_scn @gmnephrology
24 March 2015 20:37
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses curriculum is also about personal growth, so we need to challenge our cultural assumptions for example about…
24 March 2015 20:37
@LittlePink_3 opino igual!! SOSTENIBILIDAD COMO ASIGNATURA DE ENFERMERÍA YA #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:37
@LeggeAngie @WeNurses @AgencyNurse But how many times will the answer be: 'because we're told to'? Getting a real answer is tough #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:37
@LeggeAngie it truly is a challenging and stimulating discussion in all ways tonight ;D #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:37
@LittlePink_3 @jfpaulano @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Todos los profs de salud tienen que entender bien los problemas #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:37
@CdnEcoRN also teach pts not to reorder meds when they still have loads left, so many full meds get thrown bcuse out of date! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:37
@WeNurses educating mentors, giving students a sense of being 'allowed' to speak up support for when this isnt received well #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
@WeNurses @HeatherBaid #wenurses critical of them though I am, alternatives aren't cost effective and are unpopular.
24 March 2015 20:38
@PuncJacy @WeNurses I agree. Also, financial resources and initiative in terms of leadership. Essential when preparing for change #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
How can susttainability be integrated into health promotion? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
@plpancorbo @NurSus_EU mientras ese gran paso llega, podría integrarse de forma transversal en todas las asignaturas concienciando #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
@HeatherBaid Nursing must be one of the largest professions in Europe, imagine the impact sustainability education could have #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
@WeNurses I think we should focus on using purely equipment we need, to prevent waste, not using things because it's there! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
@WeNurses As Simon Stevens said "think like a patient, act like a taxpayer" - we're all responsible for reducing waste #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @jululupostbox: @puncCatherine @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 yes, plus could build into clinical competencies to link to practice #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
sustainability can reduce health problems.Think of how many problems smog causes in cities across the globe, reduce CO2 emissions #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses curriculum is also about personal growth, so we need to challenge our cultural assumptions for example about…
24 March 2015 20:38
@CdnEcoRN nurses & pharmacists key to educating patients about this in community #wenurses #medicinesmanagement
24 March 2015 20:38
@HeatherBaid @BennyGoodmanUoP yes I like that, makes it part of everything we do, rather than yet another thing to just fit in #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @PUNC14: @LittlePink_3 @jfpaulano @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Todos los profs de salud tienen que entender bien los problemas #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
@LittlePink_3 @jfpaulano @WeNurses @NurSus_EU ..pero las enfermeras pueden iniciar y hacen la iniciativa #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
@wenurses Ensuring change brings benefits to patients and staff. Maybe Adaptability as a topic? #wenurses @punc
24 March 2015 20:38
Empowering students to raise alternative sustainable ways has to be a good thing, if listened to https://t.co/k8mBd7vUzj #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @lmnaps: @LittlePink_3 opino igual!! SOSTENIBILIDAD COMO ASIGNATURA DE ENFERMERÍA YA #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:38
@_JoeMiddleton @WeNurses @AgencyNurse It is. But, “because we’re told to” suggests its not evidence based #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @WeNurses: How can we encourage students to speak up when they see waste? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @WeNurses: How can we encourage students to speak up when they see waste? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @loveebhc: @punc13zoe @WeNurses #gloveuse absolutely not #wenurses http://t.co/BfDYpMcxmD
24 March 2015 20:38
@WeNurses @PuncJacy How will it affect populations?Water availability, climate assoc’d disease,epidemiological patterns changing. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @PUNC14: @LittlePink_3 @jfpaulano @WeNurses @NurSus_EU ..pero las enfermeras pueden iniciar y hacen la iniciativa #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @NurSus_EU: Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:38
Every University needs a John Bull @PlymUni He would get EVERYONE interested ;) #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:38
Would I being going "off piste" to think of transport sharing being encouraged? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:38
RT @Pam007Nelmes: ...is sustainability also about space, fresh air, plants, nature? I'd miss all this if I was in hospital #wenurses http:/…
24 March 2015 20:39
Example here of Department of Health's '5 a day' campaign http://t.co/V4NULXuZVA #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
RT @Jaynebiddiscom1: Would I being going "off piste" to think of transport sharing being encouraged? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
@JaunitaCornell need to develop confidence and have access to the evidence to support their challenges #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
@WeNurses @HeatherBaid #wenurses and I think there's an aspect of tradition in there too. My dissertation was on ritual practice in inf cont
24 March 2015 20:39
@LeggeAngie @WeNurses Plastic aprons #evidence not strong but #commonsense prevents contamination of workwear during pt care #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:39
Sustainbility in nursing curriculum. Could be a course or just a transversal competence? @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
RT @HeatherBaid: Instead of "making room" in curriculum, teach all topics with a "sustainability lens" @BennyGoodmanUoP #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:39
@NurSus_EU It can be difficult stepping into an environment that is already practising in a certain way and trying to make changes #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
Hay que concienciar a la sociedad sobre la importancia de la #Sostenibilidad #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
@NurSus_EU creating awareness while learning skills about sustainability, waste and recycling maybe as a start. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
@LeggeAngie @WeNurses @AgencyNurse Or that the evidence-base to inform the decision does not cascade w/ the decision #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
We are looking for some great examples to feature in the waste spotters guide & film around sustainability #wenurses @nhsFFF @TeresaFenech
24 March 2015 20:39
It is about social justice, protecting the vulnerable, giving nurses the right to appropriate this as a foundation for practice #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:39
#enfermeria pide a gritos la enseñanza de #sostenibilidad para todos! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
@DaniG4_ @CdnEcoRN that is one of my bug bares , #wenurses #whatawaste
24 March 2015 20:39
RT @WeNurses: How can we encourage students to speak up when they see waste? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:39
RT @jfpaulano: Hay que concienciar a la sociedad sobre la importancia de la #Sostenibilidad #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
RT @MaudHuynen: How can susttainability be integrated into health promotion? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
@Punc14Joanna @macstne @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU biggest single factor in reducing infection is hand washing not gloves #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
RT @HeatherBaid: Instead of "making room" in curriculum, teach all topics with a "sustainability lens" @BennyGoodmanUoP #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:40
@PUNC14Rach #wenurses what about all those plastic bottles you bring to lectures. ..lifestyle approach
24 March 2015 20:40
We had a #blackout @SalfordUni last week as part of @UoS_Sustain - all lights out - great idea on many levels and raises awareness #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
A healthy life isn't just looking after yourself... It's about looking after your surroundings too #wenurses #greenplanet
24 March 2015 20:40
@PUNC14Rebecca @MerielChudleigh @SamSherrington some people argue for integration ie not 'subject' but a thread. Is that possible? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
RT @MaudHuynen: How can susttainability be integrated into health promotion? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
#wenurses FYI if you like public health mixing with climate change: http://t.co/1AFJoSGsIL
24 March 2015 20:40
@WeNurses Reassurance from lectures & colleagues that it's OK to speak up & extra training for practice staff to boost confidence? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
@_JoeMiddleton @LeggeAngie @WeNurses @AgencyNurse 2day we talked about nurses getting brave & speaking out & up. No more excuses #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
RT @LittlePink_3: Ya queda menos para saber un poquito más sobre #sostenibilidad y #enfermería! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
Dont forget we will also be talking about sustainability within the NHS with @dayforaction on Thurs 8pm #wenurses .. & raising wider issues
24 March 2015 20:40
RT @jakivy: @PUNC14Rach #wenurses what about all those plastic bottles you bring to lectures. ..lifestyle approach < OOOHHH :) good point
24 March 2015 20:40
@puncjean I agree but sometimes there is nothing to spread! Gloves are required when dealing with bodily fluids. #Handwashing #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses FYI if you like public health mixing with climate change: http://t.co/1AFJoSGsIL
24 March 2015 20:40
¿Cuantos problemas de salud se deben a problemas ambientales? Sostenibilidad = Prevencion @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:40
RT @Pam007Nelmes: Such fun can be had integrating #sustainability into curricula....#wenurses @NurSus_EU ..many light bulb?? moments http://…
24 March 2015 20:40
@punc14anna need to educate the educators ?! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
@punc14Clare @WeNurses As a student nurse I somewhat agree with this. Somewhat because zero issues with current placement #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @WeNurses: Dont forget we will also be talking about sustainability within the NHS with @dayforaction on Thurs 8pm #wenurses .. & raisin…
24 March 2015 20:41
@WeNurses make it the norm, just as need with any kind of speaking out! just get them to ask the ? Why, is there another wy etc... #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @jakivy: @PUNC14Rach #wenurses what about all those plastic bottles you bring to lectures. ..lifestyle approach
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @NurSus_EU: Check out Centre for Sustainable Healthcare for resources #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @plpancorbo: ¿Cuantos problemas de salud se deben a problemas ambientales? Sostenibilidad = Prevencion @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @puncCatherine: @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 couldn't it be integrated into modules that already exist like clinical skills maybe? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
"Why wear a gloves when making a clean bed"#wenurses,
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @LittlePink_3: #enfermeria pide a gritos la enseñanza de #sostenibilidad para todos! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @Punc14devans: #WeNurses asking Qs? Because by questioning mentors & other staff they don't realise their doing it until it's Q'ed about
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @plpancorbo: ¿Cuantos problemas de salud se deben a problemas ambientales? Sostenibilidad = Prevencion @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
@_Amy79 ah ok, I understand now. Ty #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
@Pam007Nelmes @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Prof Janet Richardson switched my lightbulb firmly on! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
I think sustainability and thinking about how resources are used starts in personal life. Wasteful at home, wasteful at work #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:41
@Jaynebiddiscom1 no, CO2 emissions from transport creates smog and we all know how many health issues are caused from that! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
@SalfordUni @UoS_Sustain how many lights are left on empty rooms? Computers and printers on standby?...could do better #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @EnferEvidente: RT @EnferEvidente: http://t.co/IftWII9J8z Enfermeria y medioambiente Nursing and environment #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @WeNurses: RT @jakivy: @PUNC14Rach #wenurses what about all those plastic bottles you bring to lectures. ..lifestyle approach < OOOHHH …
24 March 2015 20:41
@WeNurses @jakivy @PUNC14Rach actually! ;) there are many water fountains around campus that we refill our bottles from! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:41
RT @NurSus_EU: @punc14Clare #WeNurses So CPD and educating mentors is important? particularly of studenrs are very aware!
24 March 2015 20:42
RT @lillybubs: @DaniG4_ @CdnEcoRN that is one of my bug bares , #wenurses #whatawaste
24 March 2015 20:42
How many health problems are caused by unhealthy environment? Sustainbility = Prevention @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:42
@NRCUK could shape of caring help with this? #wenurses ? Build into evaluation????
24 March 2015 20:42
RT @LeggeAngie: @WeNurses Asking questions is a good way - do we need to dispose of this? #WeNurses Do we need to use plastic apron? Why?
24 March 2015 20:42
@JuneinHE @WeNurses @PuncJacy This interweaves the theme of sustainability with Cultural Competency as well. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:42
@WeNurses do we think some of what we do is because of pt expectation - wear gloves/apron #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:42
#WeNurses cuando las enfermeras tengan presupuesto propio y seamos dueños de nuestra profesion el resto mejoraria solo
24 March 2015 20:42
@puncCatherine @NurSus_EU that is the reason why we are here. This chat must be like a kind of begining to learn sustainability. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:42
RT @gallagher_rose: @NRCUK could shape of caring help with this? #wenurses ? Build into evaluation????
24 March 2015 20:42
Todavía no sabes lo que es la #Sostenibilidad ? #wenurses #enfermeria https://t.co/Ln8NaB8LDC
24 March 2015 20:42
Most excellent hashtagging on this Sustainability in Curriculum tweetchat Have a medal! #WeNurses http://t.co/uY8gCSAtxv
24 March 2015 20:42
@jakivy yes and how many of us could consider car sharing? I'm guessing using online lectures has helped with paper wastage #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:42
@punc14Clare @Punc14Joanna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU some patients prefer as associate with best hygiene. Really not the case though #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:42
@punc14FGLG i agree Gala! Such as increased incidence of asthma, and COPD! Especially for those more 'vulnerable' #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:43
La contaminación genera problemas de salud tan graves como asma, alergias y cáncer. #sostenibilidad es prevención. #wenurses @WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:43
"@punc14Clare: @Pam007Nelmes @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Prof Janet Richardson switched my lightbulb firmly on! #wenurses" < fab! ?? ??#wenurses
24 March 2015 20:43
Interesting point @gallagher_rose @NRCUK - could the #shapeofcaring review help with this agenda? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:43
@Nursus_EU #sostenibilidad debería ser una competencia transversal a lo largo de la carrera y en distintas asignaturas #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:43
I guess @gallagher_rose was it in the Willis report? #WeNurses talking about Shape Of Caring soon i think :) Bring it up!
24 March 2015 20:43
@puncCatherine need to raise awareness with #mentors through CPD? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:43
RT @jululupostbox: @puncCatherine @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 yes, plus could build into clinical competencies to link to practice #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:43
RT @NRCUK: I guess @gallagher_rose was it in the Willis report? #WeNurses talking about Shape Of Caring soon i think :) Bring it up!
24 March 2015 20:43
@PUNC14MMills we improve as nurses, we improve as human being. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:43
RT @WeNurses: Dont forget we will also be talking about sustainability within the NHS with @dayforaction on Thurs 8pm #wenurses .. & raisin…
24 March 2015 20:43
RT @NurSus_EU: @puncCatherine need to raise awareness with #mentors through CPD? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:43
RT @plpancorbo: ¿Cuantos problemas de salud se deben a problemas ambientales? Sostenibilidad = Prevencion @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:44
RT @JoClinell: @WeNurses need to empower and train effectively with product use < #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:44
RT @Pam007Nelmes: "@punc14Clare: @Pam007Nelmes @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Prof Janet Richardson switched my lightbulb firmly on! #wenurses" < fab…
24 March 2015 20:44
@macstne @Punc14Joanna @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU hence effective handwashing technique #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:44
@NurSus_EU definitely mentors would be a crucial part #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:44
RT @jfpaulano: Todavía no sabes lo que es la #Sostenibilidad ? #wenurses #enfermeria https://t.co/Ln8NaB8LDC
24 March 2015 20:44
RT @WeNurses: don't forget to add #WeNurses o your tweets so we can all see them :)
24 March 2015 20:44
RT @HeatherBaid: @NurSus_EU I'm not sure about evidence for plastic aprons or at least as often as they are used at present #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:44
@LittlePink_3 @plpancorbo @NurSus_EU El caso es adquirir conocimiento para tener una herramienta con lo que poder intervenir #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:44
@WeNurses Same as speaking up about anything else. The waste whistle blower!! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:44
#wenurses Barton and Grant's health map has biodiversity, climate stablity and ecosystems in outer ring, great model: http://t.co/C31QQikAZg
24 March 2015 20:44
RT @NurSus_EU: @puncCatherine need to raise awareness with #mentors through CPD? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:44
No podemos permitir desde #enfermeria que la contaminación del ámbito hospitalario siga creciendo. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:44
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses curriculum is also about personal growth, so we need to challenge our cultural assumptions for example about…
24 March 2015 20:44
RT @WeNurses: Most excellent hashtagging on this Sustainability in Curriculum tweetchat Have a medal! #WeNurses http://t.co/uY8gCSAtxv
24 March 2015 20:44
RT @NurSus_EU: @jfpaulano @LittlePink_3 @lmnaps @JLCastilloGalan @ujaen looking forward to #wenurses #sustainability #nurse #education #Spa…
24 March 2015 20:44
Are practice mentors receptive to sustainability issues ? How can we support them in this ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:44
@UoS_Sustain would you like to join #WeNurses chatting now about sustainability in the nurse curriculum?
24 March 2015 20:45
@NRCUK I think it's worth considering. Early days but we could ask for it to be considered. Let's ask @nmcnews @hee_lisaBP #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @plpancorbo: Sostenibilidad en el curriculum de Enfermeria, ¿asignatura o conocimiento transversal? @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @PUNC14Rach: @WeNurses @PUNC14Rach: Is it mainly ppe being used or are there other areas with could be looked into? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:45
@PUNC14student1 #wenurses @PUNC14Rach but you could refill a cup that is not plastic....and less "disposable" as more washable
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @NRCUK: I guess @gallagher_rose was it in the Willis report? #WeNurses talking about Shape Of Caring soon i think :) Bring it up!
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @jfpaulano: Todavía no sabes lo que es la #Sostenibilidad ? #wenurses #enfermeria https://t.co/Ln8NaB8LDC
24 March 2015 20:45
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU mentors undergo training to mentor students, could sustainablity be included? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:45
Que temas de #Sostenibilidad pueden incluirse en los estudios de #enfermeria? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @punc14Clare: @WeNurses @NurSus_EU mentors undergo training to mentor students, could sustainablity be included? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @punc14Clare: @WeNurses @NurSus_EU mentors undergo training to mentor students, could sustainablity be included? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
Even have an NMC Competancy on sustainability in our OAR book would make both students and mentors aware of the importance #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @LittlePink_3: No podemos permitir desde #enfermeria que la contaminación del ámbito hospitalario siga creciendo. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
.@puncCatherine @NurSus_EU leaders at all levels, including mentors, to role model behaviours and consider waste #sustainability #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
@Pam007Nelmes Yes, #nurses are powerful and can be great #innovators #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:45
RT @Jaynebiddiscom1: Would I being going "off piste" to think of transport sharing being encouraged? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:46
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:46
@BennyGoodmanUoP Is it commonly used in today's nurse education? Or similar models?#wenurses
24 March 2015 20:46
@punc14Clare @WeNurses @NurSus_EU interesting point - surely a same mindful approach should be taken with teaching mentors too ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:46
Muchos factores ambientales explican la manifestación de enfermedades a las que somos genéticamente predispuestos. #WeNurses @Nursus_EU
24 March 2015 20:46
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses curriculum is also about personal growth, so we need to challenge our cultural assumptions for example about…
24 March 2015 20:46
"@NurSus_EU: @Pam007Nelmes Yes, #nurses are powerful and can be great #innovators #wenurses" < indeed they can/they are :)
24 March 2015 20:46
@NurSus_EU Perfect opportunity for students to teach. Maybe it could be integrated into the OARS document as a competency? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:46
@punc14Clare @LeggeAngie @Punc14Joanna @macstne @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Non-sterile gloves protect HC worker not patients #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:46
@Jaynebiddiscom1 no how many single professionals in a car, going the same way, Wld reduce parking probs/cost & reduce emissions #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:46
RT @kirstyandrews: Example here of Department of Health's '5 a day' campaign http://t.co/V4NULXuZVA #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:46
RT @Pam007Nelmes: "@NurSus_EU: @Pam007Nelmes Yes, #nurses are powerful and can be great #innovators #wenurses" < indeed they can/they are :)
24 March 2015 20:47
#wenurses we also need a 'poetic understanding' of our relationship to each other, the biosphere and the planet...use art in the classroom
24 March 2015 20:47
@jakivy @puncCatherine @NurSus_EU @PUNC14 new graduates would then have a greater awareness and take this into their practice #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:47
@punc14FGLG @LittlePink_3 @jfpaulano @WeNurses @NurSus_EU crees que recognicion entre enfermeras en hospitales sobre esta tema? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:47
RT @LeggeAngie: @PUNC14FRL @jakivy @PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU We have environmental champions. Encourage less light, for example #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:47
RT @SamSherrington: We are looking for some great examples to feature in the waste spotters guide & film around sustainability #wenurses @n…
24 March 2015 20:47
RT @LittlePink_3: No podemos permitir desde #enfermeria que la contaminación del ámbito hospitalario siga creciendo. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:47
Take a look at this http://t.co/OXjIDjpKED #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:47
@NurSus_EU @Pam007Nelmes could it be included in the English PLACE assessments???? Would give alternative perspective #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:47
@LittlePink_3 completamente de acuerdo, luego vienen enfermedades tales como la legionella #wenurses #enfermeria @WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:47
@CalvinMoorley @NRCUK @PUNC14FRL @jakivy @PUNC14 @NurSus_EU Windows closed when room empty. Doors kept shut #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:47
@punc14Clare @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Like your thinking Clare #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:47
Oopsie..I will be getting lines for not #_ing #wenurses. Sorry
24 March 2015 20:47
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:47
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses Barton and Grant's health map has biodiversity, climate stablity and ecosystems in outer ring, great model: …
24 March 2015 20:47
RT @WeNurses: Most excellent hashtagging on this Sustainability in Curriculum tweetchat Have a medal! #WeNurses http://t.co/uY8gCSAtxv
24 March 2015 20:47
RT @JuneinHE: Take a look at this http://t.co/OXjIDjpKED #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:47
@NurSus_EU temas como residuos y eliminación de los mismos en ámbitos sanitarios, enfermedades asociadas al cambio climático.... #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:47
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses we also need a 'poetic understanding' of our relationship to each other, the biosphere and the planet...us…
24 March 2015 20:47
Sustainability would be great research project between mentor & student nurse in practice #wenurses @nhsFFF examining waste & VFM & pt care
24 March 2015 20:47
RT @LittlePink_3: No podemos permitir desde #enfermeria que la contaminación del ámbito hospitalario siga creciendo. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @SamSherrington: Sustainability would be great research project between mentor & student nurse in practice #wenurses @nhsFFF examining w…
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @SamSherrington: Sustainability would be great research project between mentor & student nurse in practice #wenurses @nhsFFF examining w…
24 March 2015 20:48
@PUNC14Rach #wenurses definitely reduces paper waste but...where do all the batteries on your laptops..tablets etc come from
24 March 2015 20:48
@WeNurses Una buen formación de nuestros profesores n #Sostenibilidad repercute n nuestra práctica clinica y n nuestros pacientes #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
@JuneinHE yes do we really need to by more handbags? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
via email of course! @Jaynebiddiscom1 not on actual paper! #WeNurses No cutting and pasting though!!!!
24 March 2015 20:48
We have clinical waste and non-clinical waste bins on wards.Does anyone have recycling bins on wards? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
@WeNurses questions are part of the job - ask away #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
and this http://t.co/8A6rCPU4iU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @JuneinHE: Take a look at this http://t.co/OXjIDjpKED #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
@macstne @Punc14Joanna @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU IF it gets on glove then it will get on your skin. Wash your hands! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @WeNurses: Most excellent hashtagging on this Sustainability in Curriculum tweetchat Have a medal! #WeNurses http://t.co/uY8gCSAtxv
24 March 2015 20:48
@jakivy @PUNC14Rach @WeNurses most wards/hospitals have free water fountains but I agree those disposable cups are a menace! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @JuneinHE: and this http://t.co/8A6rCPU4iU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
@JuneinHE #WeNurses bigger picture laundry, linen and food waste
24 March 2015 20:48
@Imlopezmedina @NurSus_EU Exacto, si tomamos conocimiento de #Sostenibilidad desde que comenzamos, podemos generar un gran cambio #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
@MerielChudleigh @PUNC14Rebecca @SamSherrington from your own curriculum 'where' (what topics) can you see it fitting well? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @WeNurses: Are practice mentors receptive to sustainability issues ? How can we support them in this ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
@nursingSUni #wenurses we'd like to support integration of sustainability into curriculum as well as showing best practice on campus
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @JuneinHE: and this http://t.co/8A6rCPU4iU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:48
@NurSus_EU Always! ;-) #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:48
RT @NurSus_EU: @JuneinHE yes do we really need to by more handbags? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:48
what will you do if your mentor tells you to wear PPE however you think is not necessary #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:49
RT @WeNurses: Most excellent hashtagging on this Sustainability in Curriculum tweetchat Have a medal! #WeNurses http://t.co/uY8gCSAtxv
24 March 2015 20:49
RT @jakivy: @PUNC14student1 #wenurses @PUNC14Rach but you could refill a cup that is not plastic....and less "disposable" as more washable
24 March 2015 20:49
@Pam007Nelmes @WeNurses @NurSus_EU she was! Woke an awful lot of us right up! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:49
@PUNC14student1 @jakivy @PUNC14Rach @WeNurses You can get card cups which are waterproof. A sort of half way house #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:49
@SamSherrington @nhsFFF both need to set sustainability as a common goal #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:49
@DaniG4_ @_Amy79 @WeNurses @NurSus_EU not all infections or viruses. Only take a little cut on your hand to transfer it #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:49
RT @StephenGulli: We have clinical waste and non-clinical waste bins on wards.Does anyone have recycling bins on wards? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:49
RT @Punc14devans: #wenurses I think sustainability can get forgotten, when there shortage in staff and people are rushed off their feet.
24 March 2015 20:49
RT @punc14hjim: what will you do if your mentor tells you to wear PPE however you think is not necessary #wenurses < GOOD Q !
24 March 2015 20:49
@DaniG4_ this would be a good start to reduce what we use and impact on #environment #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:49
RT @WeNurses: RT @Punc14devans: #wenurses I think sustainability can get forgotten, when there shortage in staff and people are rushed off …
24 March 2015 20:49
@NurSus_EU watched this & the skills session, thought it was fab! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:49
RT @CalvinMoorley: @JuneinHE #WeNurses bigger picture laundry, linen and food waste
24 March 2015 20:49
Educating the future #studentnurses is key. Climate change effects on how we give care. If everyone is informed, everyone can help #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:49
@WeNurses cut and paste? As if I would, ##### #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:49
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses Barton and Grant's health map has biodiversity, climate stablity and ecosystems in outer ring, great model: …
24 March 2015 20:50
Should we suggest having sustainability promotion? People who have been working in health care for years may not be as aware?!#wenurses
24 March 2015 20:50
@BennyGoodmanUoP Has anyone evaluated mergers of trusts and impact of staff driving from 1 site to another all day? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:50
@punc14Clare @Punc14Joanna @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU Not necessarily true. Depends how you take your gloves off!! #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:50
Also sustainable landscape for staff and patient use #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:50
@UoS_Sustain background to chat is here http://t.co/qPvKCvTmZj :-) #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:50
@punc14hjim ooh interesting question - difficult to have the conversation in the heat of the moment .. may be inappropraite #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:50
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU las pequeñas acciones continuas provocan grandes cambios, juntos podemos #sostenibilidad #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:50
@punc14hjim ask them why! Students can be facilitators to change #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:50
good point @Punc14devans is sustainability one of the first things to go when the pressure is on? Does this apply to learning #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:50
#wenurses, Naomi Klein links it to global capitalism, nurses are not used to this language or analysis but it is necessray to critique
24 March 2015 20:50
RT @SamSherrington: Sustainability would be great research project between mentor & student nurse in practice #wenurses @nhsFFF examining w…
24 March 2015 20:50
RT @SamSherrington: Sustainability would be great research project between mentor & student nurse in practice #wenurses @nhsFFF examining w…
24 March 2015 20:50
@JuneinHE @HeatherBaid What I mean is sometimes gloves are not needed. They are overused and we need to stop and question why. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:50
@Punc14devans @punc14Clare @Punc14Joanna @macstne @punc14anna @WeNurses #wenurses what if the resources to make ppe goes what then
24 March 2015 20:50
@NurSus_EU gestión de residuos sanitarios, donde se tratase su clasificación y eliminación, tomando consciencia de su importancia #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:50
RT @JuneinHE: Take a look at this http://t.co/OXjIDjpKED #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses, Naomi Klein links it to global capitalism, nurses are not used to this language or analysis but it is neces…
24 March 2015 20:51
I suspect for most students sustainability is something they haven't thought about in any form #newlearningopportunity #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:51
@StephenGulli very limited, need to have more recycling as could also reduce costs to NHS! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
@WeNurses @Punc14devans Depends on how embedded? I always use paper bin, no matter how busy #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:51
@punc14hjim .. however i guess asking why and challenging use is good ..but sometimes may be best to do later when can have convo #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
@DaniG4_ yes. Maybe lift sharing wud also stop so many multi storeys being built on hosp sites? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
@punc14anna @HeatherBaid Yes indeed. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
RT @UoS_Sustain: @nursingSUni #wenurses we'd like to support integration of sustainability into curriculum as well as showing best practice…
24 March 2015 20:51
@NurSus_EU incidencias previstas en l mejora d dichas enfermedades si se cuidase o se tuviera un mjr control de medio ambiente... #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
RT @LeggeAngie: @CalvinMoorley @NRCUK @PUNC14FRL @jakivy @PUNC14 @NurSus_EU Windows closed when room empty. Doors kept shut #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:51
@macstne @Punc14Joanna @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU true research shows handwashing better than gloves #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
RT @punc13zoe: @punc14hjim ask them why! Students can be facilitators to change #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
@PUNC14 @punc14FGLG @LittlePink_3 @WeNurses @NurSus_EU formación en #Sostenibilidad a las enfermeras y reconocimiento #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
RT @punc13zoe: @punc14hjim ask them why! Students can be facilitators to change #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:51
Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:51
RT @SamSherrington: Sustainability would be great research project between mentor & student nurse in practice #wenurses @nhsFFF examining w…
24 March 2015 20:51
RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:51
RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:51
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses we also need a 'poetic understanding' of our relationship to each other, the biosphere and the planet...us…
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @lmnaps: El asma, alergias, etc están aumentand en nuestra sociedad.Se puede hacer mucho al respecto no creéis? #wenurses #Sostenibilida…
24 March 2015 20:52
@PUNC14FRL @LeggeAngie @CalvinMoorley @NRCUK @jakivy @NurSus_EU how about curriculum itself? bit more elearning & less travel? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @punc13zoe: @punc14hjim ask them why! Students can be facilitators to change #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:52
Ideas para un TFG “@SamSherrington: Sustainability would be great research project between mentor & student nurse in practice #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: @JuneinHE yes do we really need to by more handbags? #wenurses <need to consider food too! Particularly meat/animals :(
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses < GREAT Q
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @WeNurses: RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses < GRE…
24 March 2015 20:52
@NurSus_EU temas como el impacto del medio ambiente en las generaciones futuras o en la aparición de nuevas patologías #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @WeNurses: RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses < GRE…
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @Jaynebiddiscom1: @DaniG4_ yes. Maybe lift sharing wud also stop so many multi storeys being built on hosp sites? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @lmnaps: @NurSus_EU temas como el impacto del medio ambiente en las generaciones futuras o en la aparición de nuevas patologías #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @NurSus_EU: @DaniG4_ this would be a good start to reduce what we use and impact on #environment #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:52
@DaniG4_ would be good to explore this? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:52
@LeggeAngie @PUNC14FRL @jakivy @PUNC14 @NRCUK @NurSus_EU wonder why we use disposable tsps, make a cup of tea and thrown away #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:52
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:52
@punc14hjim like to think they'd discuss in a professional way. Need to support hcw to do risk assessments in real time not theory #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
@PUNC14MMills Same for nurse teachers? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @lmnaps: @NurSus_EU temas como el impacto del medio ambiente en las generaciones futuras o en la aparición de nuevas patologías #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @jakivy: @PUNC14Rach #wenurses what about all those plastic bottles you bring to lectures. ..lifestyle approach
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @punc13zoe: @punc14hjim ask them why! Students can be facilitators to change #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
#wenurses come and join an open group on FB : https://t.co/xlkOxV1rkm student nurses and others on climate change
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @lmnaps: @NurSus_EU deberíamos de ser conscientes de tods ls recursos que podemos usar y eso se obtiene cn conocimientos #WeNurses #SOST…
24 March 2015 20:53
Or maybe create some sort of electronic advertisement about sustainability for health care professionals? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
@Pam007Nelmes @BennyGoodmanUoP @JuneinHE #shockedface !! do we need more handbags ? #needaliedown ! ;D #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @LittlePink_3: Si #enfermeria habla sobre #sostenibilidad, el mundo hablará sobre #sostenibilidad!! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @lmnaps: @LittlePink_3 opino igual!! SOSTENIBILIDAD COMO ASIGNATURA DE ENFERMERÍA YA #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:53
@punc14hjim can be discuss. If mentor is hard, maybe we must do what he say but we have to grow as nurses and decide ourselves #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses come and join an open group on FB : https://t.co/xlkOxV1rkm student nurses and others on climate change
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @NurSus_EU: @jfpaulano @LittlePink_3 @lmnaps @JLCastilloGalan @ujaen looking forward to #wenurses #sustainability #nurse #education #Spa…
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @plpancorbo: Sostenibilidad en el curriculum de Enfermeria, ¿asignatura o conocimiento transversal? @NurSus_EU #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
@NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Think this goes much deeper than CPD. It’s about good citizenship. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @lmnaps: @NurSus_EU temas como el impacto del medio ambiente en las generaciones futuras o en la aparición de nuevas patologías #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Think this goes much deeper than CPD. It’s about good citizenship. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Think this goes much deeper than CPD. It’s about good citizenship. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
@punc13zoe @punc14hjim students ARE the future &are facilitators to change. we all have a voice to use, we can all find courage to #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:53
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:53
@punc13zoe @WeNurses @punc14hjim this would be excellent but I think that would be difficult to challenge #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:54
@NurSus_EU @wenurses Improve awareness with posters on sustainability to prevent unnecessary use of equipment in the workplace #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:54
@LittlePink_3 @WeNurses @NurSus_EU acepta los cambios pequeños hace grandes ahorros financieros #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Think this goes much deeper than CPD. It’s about good citizenship. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @plpancorbo: Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @plpancorbo: Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @AgencyNurse: @Pam007Nelmes @BennyGoodmanUoP @JuneinHE #shockedface !! do we need more handbags ? #needaliedown ! ;D #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @lmnaps: @NurSus_EU temas como el impacto del medio ambiente en las generaciones futuras o en la aparición de nuevas patologías #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Think this goes much deeper than CPD. It’s about good citizenship. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @WeNurses: RT @NurSus_EU: @punc14Clare #WeNurses So CPD and educating mentors is important? particularly of studenrs are very aware!
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @jululupostbox: @NurSus_EU watched this & the skills session, thought it was fab! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
@macstne @punc14Clare @Punc14Joanna @punc14anna @WeNurses #wenurses there could be a delay n we would have to go old school with bare hands
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @WeNurses: RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses < GRE…
24 March 2015 20:54
@JuneinHE @AgencyNurse @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine absolutely it is #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @CalvinMoorley: Also sustainable landscape for staff and patient use #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @plpancorbo: Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @CalvinMoorley: @LittlePink_3 @WeNurses @NurSus_EU acepta los cambios pequeños hace grandes ahorros financieros #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:54
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses come and join an open group on FB : https://t.co/xlkOxV1rkm student nurses and others on climate change
24 March 2015 20:55
@PUNC14_HayleyS #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:55
.@WeNurses @NurSus_EU I guess include as a measure in all outcomes, like we do for E&D - instil as the norm #wenurses waste is theft
24 March 2015 20:55
RT @plpancorbo: Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:55
RT @plpancorbo: Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:55
RT @PUNC14_HayleyS: Or maybe create some sort of electronic advertisement about sustainability for health care professionals? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:55
Loving this discussion, so many ideas and enthusiasm #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:55
@NurSus_EU #wenurses I love this!
24 March 2015 20:55
#wenurses thanks @JuneinHE yes, good citizenship/global citizenship, awareness of socio-political issues and political economy effects
24 March 2015 20:55
RT @NurSus_EU: Loving this discussion, so many ideas and enthusiasm #WeNurses < agree :D
24 March 2015 20:55
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses come and join an open group on FB : https://t.co/xlkOxV1rkm student nurses and others on climate change
24 March 2015 20:55
@punc14hjim @PUNC14MMills I know the cost of all those yellow bags have crossed my mind! and how we fill them unnecessarily! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:56
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses thanks @JuneinHE yes, good citizenship/global citizenship, awareness of socio-political issues and political…
24 March 2015 20:56
@PUNC14_HayleyS ongoing learning there will always be new ways to consider #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:56
@NurSus_EU enseñar qué, cómo y dónde reciclar cada residuo, promoviendo alimentación sana, programas de EpS para prevenir #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:56
@JuneinHE @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine @AgencyNurse Agree. Fundamentally, our business is caring- surely extends to wider issues? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:56
RT @NurSus_EU: Loving this discussion, so many ideas and enthusiasm #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:56
@macstne @Punc14Joanna @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU because where does plastic come from?#wenurses
24 March 2015 20:56
@AgencyNurse @Pam007Nelmes @BennyGoodmanUoP @JuneinHE #wenurses #wenurses LOL totally misread as we must have more handbags????
24 March 2015 20:56
@PUNC14Rach @WeNurses @punc14hjim challenging is a skill :) but do it right and it makes others think #wenurses #smallsteps
24 March 2015 20:56
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Think this goes much deeper than CPD. It’s about good citizenship. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:56
RT @plpancorbo: Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:56
#sostenibilidad usando los recursos que tenemos también es eficiencia en la practica de #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:56
RT @plpancorbo: Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:56
@PUNC14 @PUNC14FRL @LeggeAngie @jakivy @NurSus_EU acuerdo de aprendizaje como parte del desarrollo curricular muy importante e #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:56
@WeNurses @NurSus_EU see the following http://t.co/DzhfVejSXD Qualitative research to inform the issue #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:56
@JuneinHE @punc14anna Yes work in progress! Twitter chat inspiring and not feeling so alone with this #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
#wenurses if anyone wants further reading, suggestions, introductions to the topic, see me after class!
24 March 2015 20:57
@AntonioTimy yes and #students are the next generation of #mentors! #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
@plpancorbo @SamSherrington yes, also could be a great service improvement project? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
RT @NurSus_EU: Important Question: What could you do to promote #sustainability in your #nursing & #teaching? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:57
@BennyGoodmanUoP Exactly. Please don’t think a CPD course is the answer. It’s a life choice. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
RT @plpancorbo: Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:57
@plpancorbo @WeNurses @NurSus_EU This is such a good idea! Lots of fresh knowledge to take straight into practice! ?? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
@JuneinHE @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine maybe nurses working in HE could champion this and enable students & hcws to change #wenurses #culture
24 March 2015 20:57
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:57
RT @JuneinHE: @BennyGoodmanUoP Exactly. Please don’t think a CPD course is the answer. It’s a life choice. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
RT @LittlePink_3: #sostenibilidad usando los recursos que tenemos también es eficiencia en la practica de #enfermeria #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
@StevenAE_21 @JuneinHE @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine ooh interesting point - so caring extends beyond our role ? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
@PUNC14JLuNurse @WeNurses @NurSus_EU prefer yours Lucy lol my thinking is all over the shop #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
RT @JuneinHE: @BennyGoodmanUoP Exactly. Please don’t think a CPD course is the answer. It’s a life choice. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
Use of electronic resources needs to be examined. The generation of power can also add to climactic issues #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:57
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Think this goes much deeper than CPD. It’s about good citizenship. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:57
RT @loveebhc: @WeNurses @NurSus_EU see the following http://t.co/DzhfVejSXD Qualitative research to inform the issue #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:57
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses if anyone wants further reading, suggestions, introductions to the topic, see me after class!
24 March 2015 20:57
@jakivy @Pam007Nelmes @BennyGoodmanUoP @JuneinHE oh yes !! Wish i had misread ... #willtryandcutdown #sigh #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:58
RT @NurSus_EU: Sustainabilty sessions with #students can be fun http://t.co/hs4lcQ5pzh #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:58
RT @loveebhc: @WeNurses @NurSus_EU see the following http://t.co/DzhfVejSXD Qualitative research to inform the issue #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:58
RT @LittlePink_3: @WeNurses @NurSus_EU las pequeñas acciones continuas provocan grandes cambios, juntos podemos #sostenibilidad #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:58
@plpancorbo @NurSus_EU Pueden ser muy interesantes estas investigaciones para la comunidad con parte practica, ambiental,economica #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:58
RT @JuneinHE: @BennyGoodmanUoP Exactly. Please don’t think a CPD course is the answer. It’s a life choice. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:58
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Think this goes much deeper than CPD. It’s about good citizenship. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:58
@gallagher_rose @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Everyone needs to champion it. Sustainability is everyone’s business. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:58
RT @PUNC14MMills: Use of electronic resources needs to be examined. The generation of power can also add to climactic issues #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:58
@plpancorbo pero se puede fomentar el reciclaje en el ámbito hospitalario que no está del todo implantada #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:58
.@Pam007Nelmes @BennyGoodmanUoP @JuneinHE definitely less handbags is an honourable objective (sadly only one purse) #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:58
RT @PUNC14MMills: Use of electronic resources needs to be examined. The generation of power can also add to climactic issues #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:58
@NurSus_EU Diferentes lugares para los diferentes tipos de residuos que generamos: Contenedor para pack de sueros o guantes #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:58
RT @BennyGoodmanUoP: #wenurses we also need a 'poetic understanding' of our relationship to each other, the biosphere and the planet...us…
24 March 2015 20:58
@macstne @Punc14Joanna @punc14anna @WeNurses @NurSus_EU and if the sneeze? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:59
@AgencyNurse @JuneinHE @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine but is it beyond our role if it effects people we care for? #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:59
RT @SamSherrington: Sustainability would be great research project between mentor & student nurse in practice #wenurses @nhsFFF examining w…
24 March 2015 20:59
RT @plpancorbo: Sustainability could be used as topic for degree dissertations #wenurses @NurSus_EU
24 March 2015 20:59
If this chat has made you think about #sustainability & #climate change what will you do now? #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:59
WOW WHAT A CHAT !! Thank you @NurSus_EU, for a brilliant, inspiring, global, #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:59
RT @JuneinHE: @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine Think this goes much deeper than CPD. It’s about good citizenship. #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:59
RT @WeNurses: WOW WHAT A CHAT !! Thank you @NurSus_EU, for a brilliant, inspiring, global, #WeNurses
24 March 2015 20:59
@StevenAE_21 @JuneinHE @NurSus_EU @puncCatherine @AgencyNurse agree can't separate nursing from public health & the environment #wenurses
24 March 2015 20:59
@PUNC14FRL @PUNC14 @LeggeAngie @CalvinMoorley @NRCUK @jakivy @NurSus_EU very much agree!!! #wenurses


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