#MDX_EL - Thursday 12th March 2020 7pm (GMT Standard Time) What makes a professional?

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Hosted by WeLearnOutLoud using #MDX_EL

This chat is guest hosted by @mdx_EL

This is a #MDX_EL catch up tweetchat for anyone who missed taking part in a tweetchat as part of WeLearn Digital Professionalism. 

What is professionalism? Seems like an easy question doesn't it? Until you try to find the words to describe it ... it seems so much easier to define what unprofessionalism looks like, but what is it to be a professional.

The NMC Code sets "the professional standards that registered nurses and midwives must uphold" (NMC 2015) and is split into four distinct areas:

  • Prioritising people
  • Practise effectively
  • Preserve safety
  • Promote professionalism and trust 

But perhaps being a professional is more than this? 

The Enabling Professionalism Framework (2018) states "Professionalism is characterised by the autonomous evidence-based decision making by members of an occupation who share the same values and education. Professionalism in nursing and midwifery is realised through purposeful relationships and underpinned by environments that facilitate professional practice. Professional nurses and midwives demonstrate and embrace accountability for their actions." The framework aligns itself with the NMC Code and is meant to serve as a working document to guide nurses and midwives in professionalism. But does it bring us any closer to defining what it is to be a professional. 

Another aspect to consider is that in this, the digital age, we are not just talking about professionalism in the context of our real life selves but also our digital selves.  Do the two differ in any way? Is there anything else we need to consider when thinking about digital professionalism? 

This Tweetchat aims to explore the concept of professionalism by asking the following questions:

  • What does being a professional mean to you?
  • What do you think professionalism looks like in your day to day work?
  • How do you think professionalism translates into a digital space? 

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 #MDX_EL transcript

12 March 2020 19:00
Hello and welcome to our #MDX_EL catch up tweetchat ... Please tweet us a "hello" if you are joining us .... and share your thoughts on QUESTION 1 What does being a professional mean to you? https://t.co/Ndi8U0xgsU
12 March 2020 19:01
@mdx_EL Hello #MDX_el
12 March 2020 19:01
Hello Teresa here ... just popping into tonights #MDX_EL tweetchat
12 March 2020 19:02
@MaddyGupwell00 Hi Maddy great to see you here .... What does being a professional mean to you ?? #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:03
Hello #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/mdx_el/status/1238178167438917639
12 March 2020 19:03
RT @mdx_EL: Hello and welcome to our #MDX_EL catch up tweetchat ... Please tweet us a "hello" if you are joining us .... and share your t…
12 March 2020 19:03
Hello #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:04
What makes a professional? with @mdx_EL via #MDX_EL 12/03/2020 http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5460 via @WeLearnOutLoud
12 March 2020 19:04
Being a professional to me is about being responsible, knowledgable and accountable, it's about working well with others and making the people I care for my first concern #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:05
A1: Being a professional means to act and behave in a particular way, according to my professional standards and code of conduct #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:05
As professionals, nurses must adhere to the code, taking responsibility for their actions and having the competence to work autonomously. Upholding the respected reputation of nurses is essential..especially in a small community such as Guernsey. #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:05
@london_trini Hello Laura #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:05
@mdx_EL Hello! To me being professional includes good communication, showing respect for everyone, and understanding the responsibilities you hold. #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:05
@VikkiZabel Hi Vikki #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:05
Being a professional to me means being able to listen and cooperate with others in an appropriate manner. Following guidelines and staying within competencies #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:06
Great points Beth #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/BethMarland1/status/1238179262580080643
12 March 2020 19:06
@AlfPezzella The very word professional implies that you are an expert in something . Others can Depend on you to give truthful and knowledgeable information #mdx_el
12 March 2020 19:06
Great points #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/IsabelM41641808/status/1238179358226948104
12 March 2020 19:07
@mdx_EL I think that being professional has a lot to do with being self aware and managing your emotions effectively and how your actions and emotions may impact your patients and relationships with your coworkers such as giving rise to conflict @mdx_EL #mdx_EL
12 March 2020 19:07
Interesting point .. What do others think ?? Is expertise implied with being a professional ? #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/london_trini/status/1238179610891870209
12 March 2020 19:08
Really nice answer #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/TiernanHenry5/status/1238179876223569921
12 March 2020 19:09
Very well articulated >> #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/niadla/status/1238180288640974853
12 March 2020 19:10
Are you ready for QUESTION 2 ?? Here it is .... What do you think professionalism looks like in your day to day work? Share your thoughts by adding #MDX_EL to your tweets https://t.co/OsQFWzyaqr
12 March 2020 19:10
@mdx_EL While being professional can be implied to expertise I think you can be professional in any stage of development. #mdx_el
12 March 2020 19:11
@mdx_EL I think being professional includes following the 6C’s as well as following the guidelines of the NMC code of conduct @mdx_EL #mdx_el
12 March 2020 19:11
Being a professional does not necessarily mean being an expert, however you are in a position that can influence people and the way that people see you has an impact on them #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/mdx_el/status/1238179948453605377
12 March 2020 19:12
Some interesting thinking here #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/JordanGreenan/status/1238180624458027012
12 March 2020 19:12
@AgencyNurse Even better with the #mdx_el attached! ????
12 March 2020 19:13
@mdx_EL From placement I saw how communication with the mdt team is a key aspect of professionalism #mdx_el
12 March 2020 19:14
@mdx_EL #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:14
A2: Being accountable, provide support and promote good working practices with colleagues and users #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/mdx_el/status/1238180527489929219
12 March 2020 19:14
It's about your approach, working together with the people you care for and with others .... it's about being respectful and responsible ... it's also about knowing your boundaries and your limits #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/mdx_EL/status/1238180527489929219
12 March 2020 19:15
I think communication is the most important aspect of professionalism in day to day work as well as following the code! #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:15
@mdx_EL Just came across this online what do you all think? ?? #mdx_el @mdx_EL https://t.co/LuGUPrl2d2
12 March 2020 19:15
Though i do think - and have often tweeted - that professionalism is most noticeable in it's absence #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:15
Good communication is vital in healthcare #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/jordangreenan/status/1238181463847305221
12 March 2020 19:15
RT @AlfPezzella: A2: Being accountable, provide support and promote good working practices with colleagues and users #MDX_EL https://t.co/…
12 March 2020 19:16
Absolutely it is - well said Jordan #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/JordanGreenan/status/1238181463847305221
12 March 2020 19:16
@mdx_EL For question 2, I think working as a team shows a lot of professionalism, to also show time management and person centred care is also important in nursing #mdx_el @mdx_EL
12 March 2020 19:16
Some nice thoughts here Libby #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/LibbyGallienne/status/1238182084193259520
12 March 2020 19:17
I would add Culturally competent #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/niadla/status/1238181876365430785
12 March 2020 19:18
Working within limitations is essential. Always listening and communicating effectively and respecting others beliefs and values. #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:18
RT @AlfPezzella: I would add Culturally competent #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/niadla/status/1238181876365430785
12 March 2020 19:19
Fab answer Beth #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/BethMarland1/status/1238182524733526019
12 March 2020 19:20
QUESTION 3 (and our final questions this evening) How do you think professionalism translates into a digital space? #MDX_EL https://t.co/ZRh2mijCB4
12 March 2020 19:20
Very good point #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/london_trini/status/1238182215256858625
12 March 2020 19:21
And you know it when you don't #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/niadla/status/1238182854405894147
12 March 2020 19:21
Professionalism resembles a harmonious team working in conjunction with each other towards a common goal i.ethe patient. Team work is essential and is highly effective with communication respect and dignity compassion should be displayed to each other as well as patients #mdx_El
12 March 2020 19:21
RT @AlfPezzella: Very good point #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/london_trini/status/1238182215256858625
12 March 2020 19:21
@mdx_EL I think it's important to get the balance right. While sticking to the NMC code we need to remember to be human and approachable especially in digital space. #mdx_el
12 March 2020 19:22
It's about taking everything already mentioned and literally applying the same thinking in a digital space #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/mdx_EL/status/1238183016452800515
12 March 2020 19:22
If it is something you would not do or say at work, why is it ok to do it or say it online? You are a professional, following your professional standards and code of conduct, always - online and offline! #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/mdx_el/status/1238183016452800515
12 March 2020 19:22
@mdx_EL Q3. Having a balance of personal and professional identity is important. But remembering what you share online represents you as well as your career! #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:22
We love the inclusion of being human and approachable here #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/JordanGreenan/status/1238183477071228929
12 March 2020 19:23
#mdx_el https://youtu.be/B4-KOhEug-Q Professionalism in practice Three animations demonstrate how you could use the framework to reflect on practice and challenge poor behaviour. https://t.co/Zr5cFpeRY2
12 March 2020 19:23
absolutely #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/IsabelM41641808/status/1238183669795360769
12 March 2020 19:23
@AgencyNurse #mdx_el https://t.co/L7OmfThkjF
12 March 2020 19:23
@niadla :D #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:24
@niadla Indeed #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:24
#MDX_EL https://twitter.com/vidabray3/status/1238183349463719937
12 March 2020 19:24
Professionalism resembles a harmonious team working in conjunction with each other towards a common goal i.ethe patient. Team work is essential and is highly effective with communication respect and dignity compassion should be displayed to each other as well as patients #MDX_El
12 March 2020 19:25
Digital space is beneficial but must be used wisely. #MDX_EL
12 March 2020 19:25
Love this ... agree #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/BethMarland1/status/1238184255009718272
12 March 2020 19:27
@mdx_EL Lots of advice as well as Guidance from professional bodies #mdx_el https://t.co/guhDMkxC2A
12 March 2020 19:27
RT @niadla: @mdx_EL Lots of advice as well as Guidance from professional bodies #mdx_el https://t.co/guhDMkxC2A
12 March 2020 19:27
Great share #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/niadla/status/1238184744132763651
12 March 2020 19:27
@mdx_EL I think ... ‘pause before you post’. is a good one #mdx_el
12 March 2020 19:28
RT @niadla: @mdx_EL I think ... ‘pause before you post’. is a good one #mdx_el
12 March 2020 19:28
RT @niadla: @mdx_EL I think ... ‘pause before you post’. is a good one #mdx_el
12 March 2020 19:28
RT @niadla: @mdx_EL Lots of advice as well as Guidance from professional bodies #mdx_el https://t.co/guhDMkxC2A
12 March 2020 19:28
RT @niadla: @mdx_EL I think ... ‘pause before you post’. is a good one #mdx_el
12 March 2020 19:28
RT @niadla: @mdx_EL Lots of advice as well as Guidance from professional bodies #mdx_el https://t.co/guhDMkxC2A
12 March 2020 19:29
I really like this one! Whether you are a professional or not, you just need to be a nice human being! #MDX_EL https://twitter.com/london_trini/status/1238184971573084166


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