#WeAHPs - Thursday 25th June 2020 8pm (GMT Standard Time) AHPs Day

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 Chat Details


Hosted by WeAHPs using #WeAHPs

This chat is guest hosted by @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandyJCE @sarahlcooper @carrie_biddle @SHURadiotherapy

AHPs Day 2020 

#AHPsDay will be happening on Wednesday 14th October 2020.  This social movement to bring AHPs together began on Twitter back in 2018 and is now rolling into its third year. Being a social movement there are no must do's only can do's! The important thing being to take action and share it with others using the hashtag #AHPsDay on social media.

Every year over at the #AHPsDay HQ network the themes are reviewed and refreshed. This year our key focus includes:

  • Celebrating who we are – have a get together to share success you choose how!
  • Appreciating our skills and impact on care and support in our local communities. Do you have local stories to share? Will you be inviting others to shadow you in practice? Are you hosting AHP appreciation awards?
  • Inspiring our future workforce – Ensuring we can continue to grow an AHP workforce fit for the future is everyone's responsibility.  We have the NHS Long Term Plan that needs our help now. We are committed to making an AHP career a career of choice. Will you be encouraging AHPs to take action as AHP Career Ambassadors opening that all important careers door to others? Will you be hosting a careers event? Inviting schools to a WOW school viewing?

New for 2020:

  • Connecting with others.  What relationships and conversations do you need to be engaging in to plug AHPs into workforce transformation and pathway redesign in your system? How are you connecting research with clinical practice? How are you sharing success and joining the dots on quality improvement? How has COVID-19 changed the way in which make and maintain connections with others?

We want to use this chat to come together and check in on your ideas and plans for #AHPsDay2020, to see how these may be adjusted or transformed as result of COVID-19 and social distancing measures. The aim of this discussion is to share ideas, connect with others and continue to keep plans on track to enable us to come together once again to reflect on AHPs inaction over a quite extraordinary year.

Further information and resources are available from the#AHPsDay website: https://sites.google.com/view/ahps-day/ahp-day-resources

Ahead of the chat, here are the questions for you to start having a think about:

Let’s take a moment to reflect on your best bits from last year’s #AHPsDay. What were your highlights?

- What ideas do you have for the golden threads celebrate, appreciate, inspire and connect to shine through your events this year?

- COVID-19 has seen a surge in public support for NHS. How will you be showcasing your #AHPsuperheroes in action?

- How are you preparing with just over 3 months to go?

- What are your #AHPDigital tactics and tools to transform your plans and activities?

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200 Tweets
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20000 Impressions

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 Chat Summary


@WeAHPs #AHPsDay Tweetchat Summary - 25 June 2020

 This summary provides a quick reference collation of some of the ideas and conversations that took place during the tweetchat. We started by taking a look back on what we have enjoyed in 2019 and then discussed the things that are important to AHPs this year to pick up via the golden threads of #celebrate #appreciate #inspire #connect

Who can get involved in AHPs Day 2020?

Everyone and anyone can  – support staff, students, academics, retired colleagues, wider colleagues, our service users with an experience of care they would like to share to shine a light on our value and impact.

Planning Poll Results:

Sharing Highlights and Best Bits from 2019:

  • Starting AHP system network
  • Building AHP connections
  • Energy & empowerment
  • Exploring students wider awareness of AHP family (primary/secondary/AHP students)
  • Getting to know each other
  • Planting a tree to recognise and appreciate workforce
  • Appreciation Awards
  • Shared experience on social media and seeing what others are up to
  • Making films of AHPs in action
  • Photo Challenge
  • Being inspire by the work and achievements of others
  • Cakes and Bakes #AHPBakeOff


Ideas shared for actions on 2020:

Sustainability #Appreciate the part we play to environmental sustainability

·       Set up a AHP carbon offset challenge

·       Education in schools - #inspire planting a seed and watch it grow

·       Planting of AHP trees of appreciation

·       Tree pin in zee maps

·       #AHPGreener photo challenge

Virtual #Connections reflecting our acceleration and use of digital technologies through COVID

·       #VirtualAHPs #AHPDigital

·       Using virtual connections and platforms to wide easy access for participation

·       Sharing resource on website support use of virtual tools and best ways to engage and interact

·       Podcasts/vlogs/webinars to share on the day

·       Host a how to engage on twitter training session links to promote CPD/network opportunities

·       Twitter takeovers organisations/HEI/career officers in schools*

·       Tic-Toc Challenge

·       Connecting across regions on the day virtual hook ups/twinning events

·       Virtual coffee breaks

·       Live feeds to events and webinars

·       Virtual AHP quiz

·       Facebook/Instagram offer

Outward Positive Promotion – #Connect with wider public/community

·       Documentary on AHPs

·       AHPs Newsletterbulletin in organisation comms

·       *Hard to reach/ wider attraction to AHP professions

·       Shadowing

·       Link with careers advisors

·       Flash mobs

·       Shout out to AHPs to connect with professional bodies to promote plans

·       Positively promote diversity & inclusion

·       Links to AHPs Active/parkruns


·       Diversity in all forms

·       AHPs away day

·       Zee maps

·       Spreading offer across a week to enable more to engage

·       Shine a light on AHP support staff

·       Cake and Bakes!

#Inspire within profession and wider career promotion

·       AHPs in Research

·       AHP QI

·       AHP Universe of opportunities

·       AHP app career sign poster 

·       AHP Career Ambassadors

·       Links to mentorship and coaching opportunities

·       Links to CPD/career development

·       Virtual work experience/career day events

 Post Chat Comments

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 #WeAHPs transcript

25 June 2020 20:00
Good evening & welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs tweetchat hosted by the #AHPsDay HQ network ?? @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandyJCE @SHURadiotherapy @sarahlcooper @carrie_biddle https://t.co/DZNZIh1Ft6
25 June 2020 20:00
RT @WeAHPs: Good evening & welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs tweetchat hosted by the #AHPsDay HQ network ?? @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandy…
25 June 2020 20:00
RT @WeAHPs: Good evening & welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs tweetchat hosted by the #AHPsDay HQ network ?? @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandy…
25 June 2020 20:01
We’re here to check in with you and your #AHPsDay 2020 plans and to find out how recent events may require changes to celebrations on Wednesday 14th October #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:01
RT @WeAHPs: Good evening & welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs tweetchat hosted by the #AHPsDay HQ network ?? @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandy…
25 June 2020 20:01
RT @WeAHPs: Good evening & welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs tweetchat hosted by the #AHPsDay HQ network ?? @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandy…
25 June 2020 20:01
@WeAHPs @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandyJCE @SHURadiotherapy @sarahlcooper @carrie_biddle Hello ?? #WeAHPs. Suzanne the Chief AHP Officer joining! Looking forward to seeing all the ideas ??
25 June 2020 20:02
But before we start, why not say hello and tell us where you’re joining in from today? And don't forget the all important hashtag #WeAHPs in all your tweets ??
25 June 2020 20:03
Hi All. Excited about tonight’s chat & joining you from ?? Cornwall #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:03
But before we start, why not say hello and tell us where you’re joining in from today? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:03
@WeAHPs Hi Sarah-Jane Ryan from @BrightPhysios on the very hot and sunny south coast.... #WeAHPs hope everyone is well?
25 June 2020 20:03
Hi from Preston #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:04
Q1: Let’s take a moment to reflect on your best bits from last year’s #AHPsDay. What were your highlights? #WeAHPs https://t.co/HTYh3PYK63
25 June 2020 20:04
@WeAHPs #weAHPs from sunny Wiltshire
25 June 2020 20:04
@WeAHPs @BigRadTom joining from a sunny wigan and representing diag rads and work at @LancsHospitals @lancsahpr 1?? #AHPsDay 2020 is going to be a good one me thinks! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:04
@WeAHPs #Hellomynameis Carrie and I am joining you from #Cornwall this evening ?? #WeAHPs Soo looking forward to hearing from folks tonight!
25 June 2020 20:04
AHPs Day with @RachBrandreth, @naomi_burden, @sandyJCE, @sarahlcooper, @carrie_biddle, @SHURadiotherapy via #WeAHPs 25/06/2020 http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5508 via @WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:05
Q1: Let’s take a moment to reflect on your best bits from last year’s #AHPsDay What were your highlights? ?? #WeAHPs https://t.co/2Wir7jYxQp
25 June 2020 20:05
RT @WeAHPs: Q1: Let’s take a moment to reflect on your best bits from last year’s #AHPsDay What were your highlights? ?? #WeAHPs https://t.…
25 June 2020 20:06
RT @WeAHPs: Q1: Let’s take a moment to reflect on your best bits from last year’s #AHPsDay What were your highlights? ?? #WeAHPs https://t.…
25 June 2020 20:06
@WeAHPs Sunny Wigan #weahps
25 June 2020 20:06
@carrie_biddle @WeAHPs Checking in from glorious Sheffield this evening will be great to hear all your ideas #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:06
@WeAHPs Connecting with our practice partners, exploring our students knowledge of all the AHPs! #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:07
@WeAHPs There was such a great energy, empowered AHPs showcasing their work and profession #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:07
RT @naomi_burden: @WeAHPs There was such a great energy, empowered AHPs showcasing their work and profession #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:07
@WeAHPs Visiting the ‘winners’ of last years mini competition to host me on #AHPsDay @AlderHey plus taking in visit to other #AHPs in the Liverpool area.#WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:07
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs Good evening everyone! I’m tweeting in from the West Midlands and represent the @DudleyGroupNHS. Looking forward to a great convo!
25 June 2020 20:07
@sjryan15 Oooh how did their knowledge fair? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:08
Q1 working together across AHP professions to promote our work @lancsahpr #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:08
@SHURadiotherapy I loved seeing all the photos posted on twitter showing the brilliant ways you celebrated across the country, the UK the world! #WeAHPs #AHPsday
25 June 2020 20:08
Mine would have to be seeing that @zeemaps light up over the weeks prior, showing how much passion and enthusiasm there is for our professions! #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:08
#WeAHPs https://twitter.com/BigRadTom/status/1276230657170124800
25 June 2020 20:09
@WeAHPs Getting to know other AHP colleagues that I wouldn't normally work alongside. Some great learning happened ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:09
@sarahlcooper @SHURadiotherapy Yes lots of positive twitter activity #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:10
It was great to see the collaborative working across the departments. Building relationships to further strengthen people’s awareness of roles and patient pathways #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:10
@KatrinaBaldryOT That's great to hear! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:10
Q1 I really enjoyed going out into schools - I did an assembly at my old secondary & shadowing other AHPs in settings I didn’t normally work in & the conversations that arose from that #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:10
@WeAHPs Planting a tree in the grounds of the trust where I work to recognise all the hard work AHP’s do @helenri18660214 @WWLNHS #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:10
@WeAHPs Sorry I forgot my #weahps tag https://t.co/oD0sNt70SM
25 June 2020 20:11
@WeAHPs Not to bad at all.... it was our final year so hoping as they had lots of placements they had worked with most although orthoptists they struggled with! #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:11
@RachBrandreth I remember seeing this and getting really energised to do the same. Since then setting up a Radiogrwphy professional outreach team at my department to outreach to school. #weahps
25 June 2020 20:12
Love that AHPs day educated trust board members about their staff and the huge variety of professions. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/ptotsltdietahps/status/1276231418365042694
25 June 2020 20:12
@KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs Have you seen any impact from developing those relationships? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:12
@SHURadiotherapy @zeemaps That’s something I’d agree with too ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:13
@WeAHPs Hearing inspiring examples of AHP services & leadership in Lancs & South Cumbria #AHPsDay #WeAHPs @JohnBan57409565 @_Alison_Turner @CarolineNhs @SarahC_RN
25 June 2020 20:13
#WeAHPs Great to hear the positive impact of #AHPsDay activities last year on the pandemic response https://twitter.com/katrinabaldryot/status/1276231728445698051
25 June 2020 20:13
Already quite a few tweets without the hashtag ?? we'll put it down to the excitement of #AHPsDay ?? just try to add it to all your tweets and replies please! #WeAHPs #WeAHPs #WeAHPs #WeAHPs #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:14
@WeAHPs Sam here, Radiographer (diagnostic) from Warwickshire #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:14
@BigRadTom We expected more from you... #WeAHPs https://t.co/fUeLnfhwJx
25 June 2020 20:14
@sjrad1 @WeAHPs #weahps https://t.co/7RGyf8pSQ8
25 June 2020 20:15
Q2: What ideas do you have for the golden threads #celebrate #appreciate #inspire #connect to shine through your events this year? #WeAHPs https://t.co/dZoEl8ad1e
25 June 2020 20:15
@metalmilly @WeAHPs @helenri18660214 @WWLNHS Brilliant this really links to out #NetZeroAHPS #GreenerNHS work programme #WeAHPS shameless plug! ??????https://engage.improvement.nhs.uk/ahp/ahp-sustainability/
25 June 2020 20:15
@sarahlcooper It’s great to use these as future marketing resources as well isn’t it. #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:15
@metalmilly @WeAHPs @helenri18660214 @WWLNHS What a fab idea - trees symbolise so much and a great potential place of connection for people #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:15
@WeAHPs #weahps https://t.co/B7oSMM4jH3
25 June 2020 20:15
@SHURadiotherapy @zeemaps Agree. And all down to you guys ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:16
@WeAHPs I feel super strongly about getting into schools to educate about the #AHP professions and the opportunities out there. #AHP day is the perfect time to do it [1/2] #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:16
I'm not being too bold here but I believe I have the biggest plan for the 4 golden threads?? You agree @sarahlcooper ???? #weahps https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1276232442622377985
25 June 2020 20:16
@sjryan15 Great stuff! And it can be hard to understand, or even know about, professions when you've never worked with them/had any experiences with them. Every day is a school day! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:17
Great idea here! You could then put AHP style wishes on little tags to tie to it. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/metalmilly/status/1276231287620108294
25 June 2020 20:17
@SHURadiotherapy Two years ago we had most of our board members from across 3 organisations shadowing AHPs in #AHPsDay - such great feedback from all involved, particularly the feeling of being valued #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:18
@WeAHPs @cornwall_ahps #weahps ...sorry!!
25 June 2020 20:18
@BigRadTom @sarahlcooper Well now we want to hear aaaaall about them! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:18
As a HEI it’s been so amazing to see so many trusts and departments supporting school and college engagement work. It really does make a difference #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/katrinabaldryot/status/1276232882424631296
25 June 2020 20:18
@WeAHPs I've recruited a B5 OT who was in a talk that I did to a local secondary school about #OT. She applied to study OT at Uni, qualifies this year and has now got her first job with us! [2/2] #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:18
@WeAHPs I would love for the #inspire theme to continue this year, with a focus on groups who don't really consider AHP careers as ones for them #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:18
@BigRadTom @sarahlcooper Oh, go on then @BigRadTom. Hit us with it! ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:19
RT @WeAHPs: Good evening & welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs tweetchat hosted by the #AHPsDay HQ network ?? @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandy…
25 June 2020 20:19
@naomi_burden @cornwall_ahps We'll let you off this time ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:19
@sjrad1 @WeAHPs Welcome Sam - thanks for joining us - looking forward to hearing you reflections & ideas #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:19
#WeAHPs https://twitter.com/naomi_burden/status/1276233133663420419
25 June 2020 20:19
@WeAHPs Celebrate and appreciate our wide diversity in many aspects. Link that to inspire and then connect the dots to raise the profile in our local schools #weahps #ahpsday
25 June 2020 20:19
@SHURadiotherapy @sarahlcooper #weahps https://t.co/J5OAlgczXz
25 June 2020 20:19
@naomi_burden @WeAHPs @cornwall_ahps You should know by now!!! #WeAHPs unbelievable remember to tag ?? https://t.co/ReorDFeGj2
25 June 2020 20:19
@KatrinaBaldryOT Truly amazing!! ???? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:20
@SHURadiotherapy Absolutely I really look forward to @carrie_biddle photo album afterwards! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:20
@sarahlcooper @metalmilly @WeAHPs @helenri18660214 @WWLNHS I really love the tree planting idea - something I'd like to explore locally #WeAHPs @naomi_burden @carrie_biddle
25 June 2020 20:21
RT @WeAHPs: Good evening & welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs tweetchat hosted by the #AHPsDay HQ network ?? @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandy…
25 June 2020 20:21
Love love loooove this ?? #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/metalmilly/status/1276231287620108294
25 June 2020 20:21
@RachelPicton2 @WeAHPs Brilliant! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:22
@KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs It only takes a moment to spark an idea and plant a career seed in the mind of another! #WeAHPs brilliant think of our reach ??
25 June 2020 20:22
@sarahlcooper @metalmilly @WeAHPs @helenri18660214 @WWLNHS ps I bought 1000 trees and have put them in a nursery bed so lets see if I can get some spaces to plant these trees!!! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:22
@WeAHPs Watching #reportingrad @sophhouse wrestling a skeleton out of her car for the excellent #radiography display at @RotherhamNHS_FT #weAHPs https://t.co/0AsjErNz5s
25 June 2020 20:22
So @WeAHPs thanks to the help from @sarahlcooper I can announce that as long as COVID doesnt get in the way. I will be curating the NHS twitter account again but this time for all AHPs for the week of #AHPsDay 2020! Im so excited and it's going to be mega! #weahps @LancsHospitals https://t.co/7o4BtTLxlE
25 June 2020 20:22
@RachBrandreth @sarahlcooper @metalmilly @WeAHPs @helenri18660214 @WWLNHS @naomi_burden @carrie_biddle It certainly ticks lots of boxes and I always worry about printing and developing resources that only get used for a single year. #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:23
@RachBrandreth @sarahlcooper @WeAHPs @helenri18660214 @WWLNHS Fingers crossed for you #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:23
MAJOR NEWS!! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/BigRadTom/status/1276234313948856325
25 June 2020 20:23
@WeAHPs Exactly... so good to take the time to find out what each do and how best to work together for the benefit of the patients #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:24
@carrie_biddle @KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs That would link well with the tree planting idea. ‘Planting the seed’ would it be great to plant some trees and have plaques with AHP professions on it! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:24
@carrie_biddle @WeAHPs There are SO many #AHPs out there...we can reach all the corners of the UK/ globe. We have the gift to encourage, educate and inspire ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:24
@KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs Really fab to hear - do you have an #AHFaculty in your area? There are currently some great opportunities to get involved with virtual work experience - we've done this locally and nationally through Oak Academy #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:25
Q3: COVID-19 has seen a surge in public support for NHS. How will you be showcasing your #AHP superheroes in action? #WeAHPs https://t.co/lm5yP7n4Um
25 June 2020 20:25
@sjryan15 Definitely! We have a responsibility to know who to turn to for the benefit of our patients #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:25
@SHURadiotherapy Love this idea! #WeAHPs tree of recognition @cornwall_ahps one for the ideas list
25 June 2020 20:25
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs hosting our first away day for #AHPsDay with 100 AHPs present with a full days programme including patient stories, AHPs AWards, The best networking, HCPC external speaker, How to raise our profile! It was the most fabulous day! @DudleyGroupNHS
25 June 2020 20:26
@WeAHPs Told you its huge! We are putting a special crew together from across my trust to highlight so many amazing areas! @HelenGooch5 @clairegranato @cathedwards_1 @sarahkedney @SarahC_RN this is going to be so mega ?? #weahps https://t.co/80RIdwHF1s
25 June 2020 20:26
@BigRadTom @WeAHPs @sarahlcooper @LancsHospitals Great idea Twitter handle takeover of organisations to spread the word and #inspire and #connect with wider colleagues and communites #WeAHPs https://t.co/eXJtkHw02j
25 June 2020 20:26
@WeAHPs This year is the 5th anniversary of #LincsAHPs, so I think that #AHPsDay will be a great opportunity for us to celebrate our achievements, appreciate our vast, awesome diversity, inspire the future generations & highlight our digital connections #weAHPs #starter4ten
25 June 2020 20:26
RT @SHURadiotherapy: Good evening & welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs tweetchat hosted by the #AHPsDay HQ network (only include names if it is i…
25 June 2020 20:27
25 June 2020 20:27
What a great example of inspiring #AHPcareers Fab work! #AHPFaculty #WeAHPs #AHPsDay https://twitter.com/KatrinaBaldryOT/status/1276233308725284864
25 June 2020 20:27
@RachBrandreth @SHURadiotherapy And they were trapped on a bus with me ?? But having said that it was a briiliant to pair NEDs & Executives with #AHPs in the bus tour of #AHP services??#WeAHPs https://t.co/LzulKipLlv
25 June 2020 20:27
Absolutely Fantastic! @AHP_SHU it would be great to have our AHP team away day on #AHPsDay #WeAHPs linking with local trusts virtually. https://twitter.com/elliemo73186623/status/1276235189522489345
25 June 2020 20:27
RT @WeAHPs: Q3: COVID-19 has seen a surge in public support for NHS. How will you be showcasing your #AHP superheroes in action? #WeAHPs ht…
25 June 2020 20:27
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs To #appreciate how AHPs have adapted at speed for Covid and post Covid and hold onto those qualities and sense of freedom to do different going forward
25 June 2020 20:28
@WeAHPs Love these themes and plan to explore with our students especially in how they responded recently also practice partners who we hugely appreciate trusting us to support paid placements #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:28
RT @PTOTSLTDietAHPs: @WeAHPs #WeAHPs To #appreciate how AHPs have adapted at speed for Covid and post Covid and hold onto those qualities a…
25 June 2020 20:28
@BigRadTom @WeAHPs @sarahlcooper @LancsHospitals #WeAHPs https://t.co/YovZR1BYvJ
25 June 2020 20:28
RT @carrie_biddle: @KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs It only takes a moment to spark an idea and plant a career seed in the mind of another! #WeAHPs…
25 June 2020 20:29
Hi Anna - representing AHPs in executive roles ?? #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/weahps/status/1276229171300220929
25 June 2020 20:29
@RachBrandreth @SHURadiotherapy I think we need to look at board members shadowing our AHPs again this year @clairegranato @BigRadTom @SarahC_RN #WeAHPs Great way to showcase what we can do....
25 June 2020 20:29
@WeAHPs #weahps
25 June 2020 20:29
@BigRadTom @HelenGooch5 @clairegranato @cathedwards_1 @sarahkedney @SarahC_RN GO TEAM ?? Really fantastic news, can't wait! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:29
@WeAHPs @HelenGooch5 @clairegranato @cathedwards_1 @sarahkedney @SarahC_RN I last curated @NHS a few years ago for diagnostic Radiographers at @WWL_Radiology and it reached half a million interactions.... this time we are going bigger now I'm at @LancsHospitals @lancsahpr! #weahps
25 June 2020 20:29
RT @WeAHPs: Q3: COVID-19 has seen a surge in public support for NHS. How will you be showcasing your #AHP superheroes in action? #WeAHPs ht…
25 June 2020 20:30
@BigRadTom @WeAHPs @sarahlcooper @LancsHospitals Great idea ?? we did that on the first #AHPsday and had a different profession each day organised by @BTHTherapies it was great fun and really raised the profile of our teams ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:30
@WeAHPs #weAHPs promoting AHP careers to seconds schools followed by the infamous #AHPsactive netball game where our podiatrist fractured her ankle and had to go to A&E (where she of course received top class service!) oh the memories ???????@cathy_physio @anita_coop @nicollagibson
25 June 2020 20:30
Yes it actually happened - what great sports we have in Cornwall! #WeAHPs #AHPsDay https://twitter.com/suzannerastrick/status/1276235564304433152
25 June 2020 20:30
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs #Connect use #AHPsDay to further expand our connections in across and extending out of our @AHPsinBSW AHP Council ... https://t.co/4ZZnoP508v
25 June 2020 20:30
@WeAHPs Hoping to link in with our diverse placements in schools to inspire the next generation #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:30
RT @PTOTSLTDietAHPs: @WeAHPs #WeAHPs To #appreciate how AHPs have adapted at speed for Covid and post Covid and hold onto those qualities a…
25 June 2020 20:31
RT @WeAHPs: Q3: COVID-19 has seen a surge in public support for NHS. How will you be showcasing your #AHP superheroes in action? #WeAHPs ht…
25 June 2020 20:31
@WeAHPs Someone on twitter the other day questioned as to why a documentary hasn't been made about #AHPs. Our profile has raised hugely during the pandemic! Think it could be quite fun #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:31
@annanhills Hi Anna! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:31
@WeAHPs @Nicola_Shaw22 has already done a great job in house with this through our #AHP newsletter, hopefully we can expand to show everyone the great work that has happened and new ideas that have evolved #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:31
25 June 2020 20:31
@annanhills TY for joining us this evening #WeAHPS
25 June 2020 20:31
AHPs Day with @RachBrandreth, @naomi_burden, @sandyJCE, @sarahlcooper, @carrie_biddle, @SHURadiotherapy via #WeAHPs 25/06/2020 http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5508 via @WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:31
@annanhills Welcome Anna, thanks for joining ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:32
Fab idea! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/HelenGooch5/status/1276236051590328322
25 June 2020 20:32
@SuzanneRastrick @SHURadiotherapy What a pleasure it was to have you with us @SuzanneRastrick ?? @JenniferL_SLT @emilycallan79 @JaneMitchellSLT @carrie_biddle I can spy you all - a journey to remember! #AHPsDay #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:32
RT @shimada_angela: @WeAHPs #weAHPs promoting AHP careers to seconds schools followed by the infamous #AHPsactive netball game where our po…
25 June 2020 20:32
@sjryan15 @WeAHPs Great to link with those career advisors and ensure the teachers stay for the talks as they will impart their knowledge of the professions for years to come! Or they’ll be so interested they’ll leave teaching and become an AHP as I’ve experienced before ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:32
RT @WeAHPs: Fab idea! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:33
Hi #WeAHPs- bit late but looking forward to seeing all the tweets
25 June 2020 20:33
@WeAHPs Sorry, bit late, julia from @kmptnhs ?? #weahps
25 June 2020 20:33
@SHURadiotherapy @WeAHPs Great idea thank you #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:33
@KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs @Label1tv this is 100% an untapped market. #AHPs being the focus of the series. #NotNurses #weahps https://t.co/5uqnCoIVDj
25 June 2020 20:33
@BBC @Channel4 ??#WeAHPs https://twitter.com/katrinabaldryot/status/1276236572539715584
25 June 2020 20:33
@julia_wilson70 @WeAHPs @kmptnhs Welcome - never too late #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:34
RT @shahida64052890: AHPs Day with @RachBrandreth, @naomi_burden, @sandyJCE, @sarahlcooper, @carrie_biddle, @SHURadiotherapy via #WeAHPs 25…
25 June 2020 20:34
@SuzanneRastrick @RachBrandreth @SHURadiotherapy I like to think of it as an executive mystery bus tour than trapped!! #WeAHPS
25 June 2020 20:34
@AM_Knight_RD Great to have you join us - welcome #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:35
Q4: How are you preparing with just over 3 months to go? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:35
@shimada_angela @WeAHPs @cathy_physio @anita_coop @nicollagibson @sarahpowlesland cornwall #WeAHPs netball!
25 June 2020 20:35
RT @SHURadiotherapy: Absolutely Fantastic! @AHP_SHU it would be great to have our AHP team away day on #AHPsDay #WeAHPs linking with local…
25 June 2020 20:35
@SHURadiotherapy @sjryan15 @WeAHPs We have a dietitian who was a teacher - really natural progression with so many transferable skills - she is so fab! #WeAHPs #AHPcareers
25 June 2020 20:36
@BigRadTom @WeAHPs @sarahlcooper @LancsHospitals #WeAHPs https://t.co/j4H8IwplGn
25 June 2020 20:36
@BigRadTom @KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs @Label1tv @TheWowShowUK could show some examples of the great work we do, if curious? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:36
RT @WeAHPs: Q4: How are you preparing with just over 3 months to go? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:36
@RachBrandreth And that was just the inspiring #AHP clinical visits! The morning cream tea and car park awards ceremony weren’t bad either ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:36
RT @WeAHPs: Q4: How are you preparing with just over 3 months to go? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:37
@KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs @Stuart_Oates..? Food for thought - Links? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:37
@WeAHPs Got so much to plan! It's hard to know where to start!! The photographic geek in me is getting just as excited about gaining an image and film base to showcase over the #AHPsDay week! #weahps
25 June 2020 20:37
@naomi_burden @shimada_angela @WeAHPs @cathy_physio @anita_coop @nicollagibson @sarahpowlesland Now a virtual netball match might be an option? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:37
@sarahlcooper @BigRadTom @WeAHPs @Label1tv @TheWowShowUK @TheWowShowUK pinned tweet is about #AHP career guides! Potentially a really good outlet to explore ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:37
#WeAHPs https://twitter.com/elliemo73186623/status/1276237553474166785
25 June 2020 20:38
@WeAHPs Scoping ideas, refreshing the resource library, seeking critical connectors, making a comms plan #Onit ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:38
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs radiographer from sunny Cornwall
25 June 2020 20:38
@PTOTSLTDietAHPs @WeAHPs @AHPsinBSW Fab! So impressed to hear the @AHPsinBSW journey yesterday during the SW AHP Council meeting too. #WeAHPs https://t.co/LdSTFS6AOL
25 June 2020 20:38
@WeAHPs An amazing day with over 80 AHPs, great speakers from the STP and HEE @sct_ahp and @AdvCare_goodS plus clinicians discussing projects and demonstrating their impact on patient care..finishing up with #liberatingstructures @darzidave...plus great cakes ?? @teresa_buchan #weahps
25 June 2020 20:39
@KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs How about an advert on #AHPsDay highlighting all the professions? Prime time TV, capturing a huge audience! @SuzanneRastrick #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:39
RT @BigRadTom: @KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs @Label1tv this is 100% an untapped market. #AHPs being the focus of the series. #NotNurses #weahps…
25 June 2020 20:39
@WeAHPs Our alumni & practice partners are our stars @KingsCollegeLon and has been amazing to hear their contribution #weahps
25 June 2020 20:39
@EllieMo73186623 @WeAHPs We need to connect @cornwall_ahps thinking in this way too #WeAhps
25 June 2020 20:39
@carrie_biddle @RachBrandreth @SHURadiotherapy Quite ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:40
@BigRadTom @WeAHPs Hope you can share!!! #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:40
@indihannah85 @WeAHPs There is no action too small, most important is to do something with pride to #celebrate and #appreciate what you value and would love others to see #ShineALight #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:40
@WeAHPs Something that hasn't been said yet... but some of the best untapped stories and energy come from the #AHP students! Including them and giving a voice can take the day so far forward! @_ismat_khan @SuzanneRastrick @BeverleyHarden @150Leaders #weahps
25 June 2020 20:40
@WeAHPs are making some plans for the day too! Watch this space ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:40
@SuzanneRastrick @WeAHPs @AHPsinBSW Thank you x we have our weekly council meeting tomo Top of Agenda #AHPsDay 20 #WeAHPs x Gina
25 June 2020 20:40
@naomi_burden @WeAHPs @cornwall_ahps Absolutely! We were hoping to have @stuartgpalma joining us this year so being able to share some inspiring content would be amazing! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:40
@indihannah85 @WeAHPs We love out there ideas! Tell us more! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:41
RT @WeAHPs: Love love loooove this ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:41
No action is too small - What are you planning for #AHPsDay 2020? #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/carrie_biddle/status/1276238820653105152
25 June 2020 20:41
RT @sarahlcooper: @indihannah85 @WeAHPs We love out there ideas! Tell us more! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:42
@BigRadTom @WeAHPs @_ismat_khan @SuzanneRastrick @BeverleyHarden @150Leaders @AmyParkes16 @uclanphysio maybe another podcast....#WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:42
@KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs A group of my colleagues have been really involved in virtual STEM events to promote the profession. Lots going on. #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:42
RT @WeAHPs: @WeAHPs are making some plans for the day too! Watch this space ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:43
@PTOTSLTDietAHPs @SuzanneRastrick @WeAHPs @AHPsinBSW Fantastic - looking forward to hearing the outcome :) #AHPsDay #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:43
Ah didn’t clock the #WeAHPs chat before I tweeted this. ??
25 June 2020 20:43
@julia_wilson70 @WeAHPs @sct_ahp @AdvCare_goodS @darzidave @teresa_buchan Ah, yes.....#AHPsDay cake. Crucial! #WeAHPs https://t.co/QuVAoPrK1w
25 June 2020 20:43
@teresahowe @KatrinaBaldryOT Sounds great! Fab when the current professionals want to inspire the professionals of the future #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:43
RT @SuzanneRastrick: @julia_wilson70 @WeAHPs @sct_ahp @AdvCare_goodS @darzidave @teresa_buchan Ah, yes.....#AHPsDay cake. Crucial! #WeAHPs…
25 June 2020 20:43
@SHURadiotherapy @KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs ??????#WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:44
@sjrad1 @WeAHPs Hi @sjrad1 thanks for joining in! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:44
@WeAHPs We want a mix of presentations and events from both a national and local perspective, inspiring all grades of staff from all AHP professions. We would also love to explore linking the program with other events using virtual platforms? #weAHPs @teresa_buchan @RachaelS_OT
25 June 2020 20:44
RT @SuzanneRastrick: @julia_wilson70 @WeAHPs @sct_ahp @AdvCare_goodS @darzidave @teresa_buchan Ah, yes.....#AHPsDay cake. Crucial! #WeAHPs…
25 June 2020 20:44
@HelenGooch5 @BigRadTom @WeAHPs @_ismat_khan @SuzanneRastrick @BeverleyHarden @150Leaders @AmyParkes16 @uclanphysio Podcast is a great idea - I heard someone say about having a series - different #AHPs in different areas of work - what a series! #WeAHPs #AHPsDay
25 June 2020 20:44
Always need some cake for #AHPsDay #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/suzannerastrick/status/1276239574222635008
25 June 2020 20:44
@HelenGooch5 @BigRadTom @WeAHPs @_ismat_khan @SuzanneRastrick @BeverleyHarden @150Leaders @AmyParkes16 @uclanphysio What a great idea, @EllieMo73186623 maybe a podcast is something we could look into.. #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:44
RT @SuzanneRastrick: @julia_wilson70 @WeAHPs @sct_ahp @AdvCare_goodS @darzidave @teresa_buchan Ah, yes.....#AHPsDay cake. Crucial! #WeAHPs…
25 June 2020 20:45
Q5: What are your #AHPDigital tactics and tools to transform your plans and activities? #WeAHPs https://t.co/HOZrz3RfZZ
25 June 2020 20:45
@BigRadTom @WeAHPs The radiographer in you is strong #weahps
25 June 2020 20:45
Something for the @TheWowShowUK to maybe consider? Great resource! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/rachbrandreth/status/1276239859536052229
25 June 2020 20:45
@sarahlcooper @WeAHPs Picture this - a Ru Paul Drag race style catwalk with outfits that represent each of the 14 professions!!! #AHPsDay #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:45
RT @WeAHPs: Q5: What are your #AHPDigital tactics and tools to transform your plans and activities? #WeAHPs https://t.co/HOZrz3RfZZ
25 June 2020 20:46
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs we started out planning back in January and post Covid have turned our plans on their head but have a fabulous committee that is dedicated to developing the best digital content we can. I am excited for our Showcase section that gives all AHPs the chance to present...
25 June 2020 20:46
@julia_wilson70 @WeAHPs @teresa_buchan @RachaelS_OT Sounds great - yes lots of opportunities through our new virtual world to allow greater sharing, connecting and learning #WeAHPs #AHPsDay
25 June 2020 20:47
@WeAHPs Definitely, also looking at different ways of doing this..posters of achievements to display around the trust, virtual talks and podcasts! #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:47
@indihannah85 @WeAHPs It would certainly get attention! #WeAHPs #AHPsday
25 June 2020 20:47
@julia_wilson70 @WeAHPs @teresa_buchan @RachaelS_OT We could do #AHPCouncil would like to meet virtual getting to know you sessions ?????? love this idea #AHPTwinnings #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:47
@EllieMo73186623 @WeAHPs Covid has made us think outside of the box hasn’t it, however I think the impact will be greater with more digital capability and extension. #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:48
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs from innovations to how basically every workforce adapted to Covid it’s a chance for all voices to be shared and celebrated! Our radiographers are sharing their success with Apprenticies
25 June 2020 20:48
So lovely to get this feedback from a patient’s daughter ?? #OccupationalTherapy #PatientExperience #WeAHPs https://t.co/zzrkMAoUSN
25 June 2020 20:48
@EllieMo73186623 @WeAHPs This sounds fantastic #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:48
@WeAHPs @KatrinaBaldryOT Yes we’ve got a large group of enthusiastic #therapeuticradiographers wanting to promote what we do right now! #WeAHPs It makes work more exciting as well!
25 June 2020 20:48
Sorry late to the #WeAHPs party. I’ve done a number of virtual pub quizzes during lockdown. Could do a virtual #AHP quiz about all things #AHPs facts you didn’t know. #AHPs could ask others to join to raise the profile #AHPsDay not quite #AHPsActive but #AHPsActiveMinds ??
25 June 2020 20:48
@SHURadiotherapy @KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs Would be great to follow this up #WeAHPs ??https://twitter.com/suzannerastrick/status/1234918858240274435?s=21 https://twitter.com/suzannerastrick/status/1234918858240274435
25 June 2020 20:49
@WeAHPs Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter ?? joking aside... tapping into the @LancsHealthAcad blended learning team and the amazing facilities available should give us a great edge on the day #weahps
25 June 2020 20:49
@EllieMo73186623 @WeAHPs Where are you based Ellie? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:49
@BigRadTom @WeAHPs @_ismat_khan @SuzanneRastrick @BeverleyHarden @150Leaders When #students get together we get flashmob actions ?????? #WeAHPs https://t.co/ag5cl2yf21
25 June 2020 20:49
@WeAHPs #weAHPs we have launched a monthly @AHPsinBSW digital focused webinar programme first completed, support and ideas across all colleagues services and personal learning.. @Gemma_Physio is the queen of trialling in platforms and by Oct demonstrate our Impact as a digital council ??
25 June 2020 20:49
@WeAHPs So here’s an idea - tomorrow is VirtualNHSPride - wouldn’t it be great if we could use the same technology to have an AHP Celebration - linking AHPs, future AHPs and guests from all over the UK to celebrate and promote AHPs ??? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:50
@WeAHPs For me, its about encouraging culture change of staff and promoting the positives. Nothing changes overnight! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:50
@ChloeTivOT Great feedback #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:50
RT @jkfillingham: Sorry late to the #WeAHPs party. I’ve done a number of virtual pub quizzes during lockdown. Could do a virtual #AHP quiz…
25 June 2020 20:50
How many people can you fit in a zoom room ???? ##WeAHPs https://twitter.com/jkfillingham/status/1276240989238243329
25 June 2020 20:50
@SHURadiotherapy Yep! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:50
@carrie_biddle @WeAHPs @teresa_buchan @RachaelS_OT Yes! I’m the co chair for the AHP council for Kent and Medway..we are planning virtual events over 5 days (2 hours a day or so) @kmptnhs I wonder if this could include some large teams events or talks from @SuzanneRastrick or the HEE AHP team that many trusts can access? #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:50
Love this idea! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/shimada_angela/status/1276241169685655552
25 June 2020 20:50
RT @SuzanneRastrick: @SHURadiotherapy @KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs Would be great to follow this up #WeAHPs ??https://twitter.com/suzannerastrick/status/1234918858240274435?s=21
25 June 2020 20:51
@shimada_angela @WeAHPs #weahps https://t.co/Ood6NEMW2I
25 June 2020 20:51
@PTOTSLTDietAHPs @WeAHPs @AHPsinBSW @Gemma_Physio This sounds fab @AhpCios @cornwall_ahps #WeAHPs #AHPFaculty
25 June 2020 20:51
@SHURadiotherapy @WeAHPs Absolutely! It’s actually widened our horizons! Before our celebration was only trust wide! Now we can share connect nationally and share the best innovations across all trusts! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:51
@WeAHPs Q5: I think it would be great to get a webinar/teams based session set up for local (and even not so local) schools to discuss the different AHP roles/careers with representatives from each group ?? #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:51
@EllieMo73186623 @WeAHPs Ha ha ?? that was supposed to be a surprise and a well deserved treat for all our fantastic AHP'S @DudleyGroupNHS Lucky to have an incredible @DGFTAHPCouncil to organise everything, its quite an industry #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:51
The wonderful @GeorgiaVineOT & @margaretOT360 are doing a session on their experiences (student & educator) of virtual OT placements. Please support this, we need to be creative about #AHPplacements going forward. @WeAHPs #WEAHPs https://twitter.com/georgiavineot/status/1276228485590155264
25 June 2020 20:51
Yes!! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/jkfillingham/status/1276240989238243329
25 June 2020 20:52
@SHURadiotherapy #weahps https://t.co/TMpEMd4F5B
25 June 2020 20:52
Fantastic idea! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/shimada_angela/status/1276241169685655552
25 June 2020 20:52
@SHURadiotherapy I love a challenge ?? #WeAHPs ?? @Kahootz is great platform & you can now use it on MS Teams. I’m sure @BeesKneesAHPs & I could figure it out.
25 June 2020 20:52
@WeAHPs All virtual this year @kmptnhs ,shorter sessions across the week as we couldn’t have all the staff that wish to access the conference in one room #weAHPs @teresa_buchan @RachaelS_OT
25 June 2020 20:53
@jkfillingham Great idea!!! AHPs aren't at all competitive ??????#weahps
25 June 2020 20:53
Can anyone else believe how quickly the last 50 minutes has gone?! #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:53
@PTOTSLTDietAHPs @shimada_angela @WeAHPs We could do that just need the genius of @BeesKneesAHPs on the case to support, capacity for 10,000 I think would be great to crash the system! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:53
It would be great to show case AHPs role in research too #WeAHPs #whywedoresearch https://twitter.com/weahps/status/1276232442622377985
25 June 2020 20:53
@sjrad1 @WeAHPs Check out @TheWowShowUK and @InspiringTF @icthedifference for some great resources that can be used to support career sessions #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:54
@SHURadiotherapy Time flies when you're having fun ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:54
@julia_wilson70 @WeAHPs @kmptnhs @RachaelS_OT Using live feeds, virtual polls, podcasts, videos all adds to the feel of interaction #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:54
@KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs It would be great to have an event/something which worked to encourage our #AHPs to mix and understand other disciplines & roles within the wider healthcare environment #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:54
@annanhills So important!! #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:55
Q6: What are your take away actions? This is the moment to commit and make a pledge! ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:55
RT @annanhills: It would be great to show case AHPs role in research too #WeAHPs #whywedoresearch
25 June 2020 20:55
We did a @Cliffeparkrun with all organisation across #Bradford . Great collaboration from @AiredaleNHSFT @BTHFT and @UniofBradford @BDCFT #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:55
@annanhills Definately - this will be part of our #AHPsDay celebrations @LancsHospitals #AHPsinResearch #WeAHPS @lancsahpr
25 June 2020 20:55
@naomi_burden @jkfillingham We're a super super chilled bunch #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:56
Engage, motivate and inspire my local AHP colleagues to get involved. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/weahps/status/1276242508972830721
25 June 2020 20:56
@julia_wilson70 @carrie_biddle @WeAHPs @teresa_buchan @RachaelS_OT @kmptnhs @SuzanneRastrick Two years ago we used #WeAHPs periscope to do this. Amazing how far we’ve come with virtual connectivity. This feels so clunky looking back. Still it had 4K+ views Watch on #Periscope: #AHPsDay #AHPs team @NHSImprovement #AHPsintoAction https://www.pscp.tv/w/ccOm9zIyOTc3MDR8MXlwSmRZcEFRRW94V7rRM_QK4VyWKiEuS8dUBJTlGfQ9likwescvASmjGx_B?t=3s
25 June 2020 20:57
@annanhills Definitely! A chance to showcase the universe of opportunities for #AHPcareers #AHPsDay #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:57
@WeAHPs @naomi_burden @jkfillingham So relaxed... doesnt even matter who wins really... (***starts revising now***) #weahps https://t.co/TUEYXGCsIS
25 June 2020 20:57
@naomi_burden @jkfillingham Really?? #WeAHPs https://t.co/G0q6M8aB5I
25 June 2020 20:57
RT @SHURadiotherapy: Engage, motivate and inspire my local AHP colleagues to get involved. #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:57
@WeAHPs Going to my local AHP council meeting in the morning and will pledge to work with my clinical colleagues on this. #weAHPs @sussexahps
25 June 2020 20:57
RT @BigRadTom: @WeAHPs @naomi_burden @jkfillingham So relaxed... doesnt even matter who wins really... (***starts revising now***) #weahps…
25 June 2020 20:57
To ensure we celebrate AHPs day 2020 in style across the Norfolk and Waveney system #WeAHPS - thank you all for sharing your ideas and experiences ?? https://twitter.com/weahps/status/1276242508972830721
25 June 2020 20:57
RT @SuzanneRastrick: @naomi_burden @jkfillingham Really?? #WeAHPs https://t.co/G0q6M8aB5I
25 June 2020 20:57
AHPs Day with @RachBrandreth, @naomi_burden, @sandyJCE, @sarahlcooper, @carrie_biddle, @SHURadiotherapy via #WeAHPs 25/06/2020 http://www.wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5508 via @WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:58
@jkfillingham Yes who doesn’t like a quiz?!! ?? #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:58
@WeAHPs I aim to have all levels of staff, students and support staff involved. Everyone contributes to the profession and service development so lets make it relevant to all #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:58
@WeAHPs Take away action for me is... listen to the wealth of ideas and energy that is available! This will be a much bigger and better day if we work all together and use #Twitter as a sounding board. #weahps
25 June 2020 20:58
@sjryan15 @WeAHPs @sussexahps Brilliant :) #WeAHPs
25 June 2020 20:58
#WeAHPs... park run https://t.co/yTgdMd3qQs
25 June 2020 20:58
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs getting a working group together - i'm looking at you @clairegranato @AmyParkes16 @BigRadTom @cathedwards_1 Lets get planning.
25 June 2020 20:59
@annanhills Great point??@OfficialCAHPR what do you think? Any potential ideas from the #AHPresearch community for #AHPsDay 2020? #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:59
@SuzanneRastrick @sandyJCE @naomi_burden @jkfillingham Great idea! #weAHPs
25 June 2020 20:59
RT @jkfillingham: Sorry late to the #WeAHPs party. I’ve done a number of virtual pub quizzes during lockdown. Could do a virtual #AHP quiz…
25 June 2020 20:59
@teresahowe @KatrinaBaldryOT @WeAHPs We are can play a part and take action to #inspire our future workforce ?? #WeAHPs https://t.co/uHQWceG0jy
25 June 2020 20:59
@HelenGooch5 @WeAHPs @clairegranato @AmyParkes16 @cathedwards_1 #weahps https://t.co/xvx4sYtsfX
25 June 2020 21:00
And that’s the hour! Thanks for a fab discussion. We hope that you’ve found it useful. It’s been great to hear everyone’s thoughts and massive thanks to our guest hosts @RachBrandreth @naomi_burden @sandyJCE @SHURadiotherapy @sarahlcooper @carrie_biddle ???? #WeAHPs


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