#WeAHPs - Thursday 27th August 2020 8pm (GMT Standard Time) WeActiveChallenge 2020 - how has this year been different?

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Hosted by WeAHPs using #WeAHPs

As this years #WeActiveChallenge draws to a close we thought it would be beneficial to catch up with you lovely lot and see how it's been for you. When we were planning for this years challenge we weren't sure how it was going to look as the current pandemic and the rules surrounding what is/isn't allowed were constantly changing but we knew that no matter what, you would embrace it just as much as you have done in previous years. But we want to know how you have found it nonetheless. There are still so many things that are not 'normal' and has this affected your participation in the #WeActiveChallenge 2020?

Join us on Thursday 28th August to catch up!


How has your participation in this years #WeActiveChallenge differed at all? Tell us how/why.

What have you enjoyed most from being part of the #AHPsActive team?

Is there anything that you will continue to do now that the challenge is ending?

Do you think that the pandemic has had an impact on your level of activity prior to the challenge starting? Either way, let us know what your experience has been.

Are you looking forward to next years challenge? Is there anything that you would like to see from us for 2021?

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 #WeAHPs transcript

27 August 2020 20:00
Good evening and welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs chat - we’re here to talk about how #AHPsActive has been this year and to hear your thoughts. Don’t forget to include the hashtag in all your tweets #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:01
Before we get started, why don’t we find out who is joining us this evening. Let’s have a little fun, say hello and tell us one random fact about yourself ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:03
@WeAHPs Hi, I’m Ali from Derby ?? and I’m currently eating a cheese toastie ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:04
Amaaaaaazing #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/ShelaghAHP/status/1299060247219372034
27 August 2020 20:05
Q1: Has your participation in this years #WeActiveChallenge differed at all? Tell us how and/or why #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:07
#WeAHPs WeActiveChallenge chat is happening now ?? https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1299059110487502849
27 August 2020 20:08
@WeAHPs Hi #WeAHPs, Physio based in the Bristol / Bath area ???? part of team @CSPsouthwest ?
27 August 2020 20:08
@ChrisMartey @CSPsouthwest Heey! Thanks for joining us this evening #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:10
@WeAHPs I’m sad to say participation has been rubbish this year!! Wisdom teeth extraction coupled with the fact that parkrun and swimming have been a no go has made it difficult for me - I find it so hard to get motivated doing other forms of exercise! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:11
@WeAHPs Yes, this year I have really focused on getting outdoors more - particularly with the recent covid lockdown measures. I have really appreciated trying new things and being accountable to the #WeActiveChallenge community ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:12
@WeAHPs **my participation (not participation in general!!) ??????? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:13
RT @WeAHPs: Good evening and welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs chat - we’re here to talk about how #AHPsActive has been this year and to hear yo…
27 August 2020 20:13
RT @WeAHPs: Q1: Has your participation in this years #WeActiveChallenge differed at all? Tell us how and/or why #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:13
#WeAHPs https://twitter.com/ShelaghAHP/status/1299062000299970560
27 August 2020 20:14
Q2: What have you enjoyed most from being part of the #AHPsActive team? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:15
@ShelaghAHP That's great to hear Shelagh! Have you noticed a difference in both your mental and physical well-being? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:15
RT @WeAHPs: Q2: What have you enjoyed most from being part of the #AHPsActive team? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:16
@WeAHPs First time I have really tried to participate. Used it as a motivator to get out and do something after work as had hit a bit of a lull and really struggling with lack of 'routine' activities in the evening #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:17
@WeAHPs ‘Meeting new people’ and the encouragement to get active which has been challenging for me during lockdown #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:17
@WeAHPs A very nosey answer but I just love seeing what others are getting up to - I find myself in awe of how people make time to be active no matter how busy they may be. It’s so inspiring. I love seeing all the amazing places people share during the challenge too #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:18
Who can resonate with this? ??#WeActiveChallenge #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/proflesleyhaig/status/1299063382377746434
27 August 2020 20:18
@WeAHPs Seeing everyone celebrate being active and try new things with such a huge variety of weird and wonderful ideas! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:19
@ProfLesleyHaig We're glad to hear that you find it encouraging Lesley! What have you found most difficult about getting active during lockdown? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:20
@SarahBradder Agreed! There is definitely an element of positivity breeds positivity, and there have been so many inspiring posts! Any new #WeActive hobbies your tempted to try? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:20
@rach_slt_ It's amazing to see what hobbies and skills our colleagues have that's for sure! Has it inspired you to try anything new? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:22
@WeAHPs Motivation.... some great ideas to be fit and some inspirational individuals...I sure pushed myself to get fitter..#WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:22
@rach_slt_ We totally get that! Thanks for sharing and being honest! Is there any activity in particular that you feel has helped? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:23
Q3: Is there anything that you will continue to do now that the challenge is ending? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:23
@WeAHPs I’d absolutely love to give windsurfing a try!! Really wishing I lived closer to the coast. I love anything sea related and I’m always jealous of those who have it on their doorstep ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:23
@meera_he Amazing!! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:25
I'm sure there are others out there who agree with this, on both counts! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/rach_slt_/status/1299065103095148544
27 August 2020 20:25
@WeAHPs Seeing all the #AHPsActive tweets every day. All positive messages #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:25
@WeAHPs Who knew hula hooping whilst spinning two umbrellas was a thing? Not a new sport but I've started cycling to the office when I need to go in - makes a huge difference :) #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:25
Don't forget the hashtag #WeAHPs ?? https://twitter.com/gvhawtin/status/1299065173295214593
27 August 2020 20:26
@WeAHPs Now to be able to sustain my fitness regime.. that’s a challenge in the winter months.. #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:26
@gvhawtin We'd love to hear what goals you've set Gemma! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:26
@ShelaghAHP @CalvinMoorley Hear, hear! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:27
RT @WeAHPs: Don't forget the hashtag #WeAHPs ??
27 August 2020 20:28
@WeAHPs Cycling to work! Great way to beat the traffic (although I live rurally there are hundreds of tourists) and get to the office feeling refreshed. Hoping to get a basket on my bike so it is more practical #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:28
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs I will be staying fit and keep on running. Joined the Leeds 10k next challenge. My fitness is key to staying healthy and helps with my asthma
27 August 2020 20:28
@WeAHPs A2 I love watching what others are doing, encouraging others who are doing similar challenges #AHPSActive #WeAHPS
27 August 2020 20:28
We're 48 followers from hitting 2k. If you're a #NeuroPhysio, #OT, #SLT, #NeuroPsych, #Dietitian or #ArtsTherspist, PLEASE follow us. @NeuroProActive is for every #AHP (@NHSuk and private practice), #Patient and family members in the UK. #WeAHPs #AHPsActive #WeActiveChallenge
27 August 2020 20:28
@Mpmok @WeAHPs Me too Mary. Aiming to make sure I keep going with the daily activity #weAHPs
27 August 2020 20:29
Love hearing such inspiring stories like this. It’s amazing to hear how much of a positive impact the #WeActiveChallenge can have! Well done Sue ?? #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/suefoster50/status/1299065929586933760
27 August 2020 20:30
@WeAHPs Being introduced to a whole bunch of inspiring AHPs across the country! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:30
@SueFoster50 Such a supportive community ?? we love to hear you've been cheering others on #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:30
@WeAHPs @rach_slt_ Loving the look of the windfoiling! Very cool ?? ????? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:30
RT @Lisa_Newington: @WeAHPs Being introduced to a whole bunch of inspiring AHPs across the country! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:31
@gvhawtin That’s fantastic! Good luck with your training, it’s great to hear you’re experiencing such positive improvements with your asthma ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:32
Q4: Do you think that the pandemic has had an impact on your level of activity prior to the challenge starting? Either way, let us know what your experience has been #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:32
@rach_slt_ @UltrasoundPG ???? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:32
@SueFoster50 @WeAHPs #WeActiveChallenge helped me to become more confident on Twitter a few years ago. It’s a fantastic way of networking globally and has helped me meet fantastic people in the #obesity world #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:33
@WeAHPs I think the investment of time and energy in physical and mental well-being delivers an inner strength to offset the adversity we are all facing during the pandemic #WeAHPs (remembered the # this time! ??)
27 August 2020 20:33
@WeAHPs I am a constant worrier... I now have put it to genetics... my mum’s traits.. my daily exercise regime.. helps me to clear my mind and focus.. definitely agree..#Mindset #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:33
@ProfLesleyHaig @Mpmok @WeAHPs Agreed! It’s definitely encouraged me to try new things. I would like to keep up training in my garden (weather permitting!) #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:34
@Mpmok @SueFoster50 We love that! So happy that it's had this kind of impact #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:35
@WeAHPs I have found being part of a community has been really empowering. I’ve signed up for a September online challenge to keep me motivated. The #WeActiveChallenge definitely inspired that ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:35
@WeAHPs Definitely. Less walking at work as clinics became telephone clinics. Really missing my swimming as pool still not open and for me, nothing beats that feeling of getting into water #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:35
@Mpmok Looooove swimming - missing it loads too! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:36
@Barbara66956189 Do you feel that having goals/targets helps? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:36
#WeAHPs ?? https://twitter.com/barbara66956189/status/1299068039711936512
27 August 2020 20:36
@WeAHPs Going to keep my streak going - next aiming for 50days #weAHPs
27 August 2020 20:36
RT @WeAHPs: @Mpmok Looooove swimming - missing it loads too! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:36
@WeAHPs Has definitely been an issue for me. Been active all my life and not normally a problem. Found the whole pandemic pretty overwhelming from a work-related perspective. And I’m in HE with an excellent team, not even front line ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:37
We love every part of this! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/suefoster50/status/1299068105709301770
27 August 2020 20:38
Yesss!!! Go Wendy ?? #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/physiosolution/status/1299068236827369473
27 August 2020 20:38
@WeAHPs I already walk all year round. I would like cycling to follow suit. #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:38
@WeAHPs Less time in the gym, and less walking about as my bedroom is now also my office so have a lot of time sitting. However trying to spend lots of time outside which is awesome! Definitely missing weights and everyday movement #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:38
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs definitely early morning swimming - have loved the peace and headspace x
27 August 2020 20:38
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs yes I was going x3 a week building up from Jan just getting into it then had to do other options. Gained a treadmill did this to assist when working from home. Level will be staying higher feeling ontop of the world right now ??
27 August 2020 20:39
@ProfLesleyHaig Don't be hard on yourself though - it's been super tough for everyone. Not having routine and stability can really throw people off their game! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:39
@WeAHPs Yes! Gym, dance school and yoga studio all closed and no walking to/from station. Went from being very active to very??inactive ?? Had a huge impact on my weight, flexibility, mental heath etc #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:39
@ScottBuxton_1 Hi Scott! ?? So Happy you could join us, welcome and don’t forget to tag #WeAHPs ??
27 August 2020 20:40
@Mpmok @WeAHPs 100% this - many of us are spending all day sat in front of the phone/computer now :( Hope you can get back in the pool soon! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:40
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs Seeing all the beautiful views across the UK. We really do have some beautiful places ??
27 August 2020 20:40
RT @WeAHPs: @ShelaghAHP @CalvinMoorley Hear, hear! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:41
Q5: Are you looking forward to next years challenge? Is there anything that you would like to see from us for 2021? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:41
@amychiggers Sorry to hear it's had such an impact on you Amy, hope you're back to some kind of 'normality' soon! Is there anything new that you have tried to replace the activities that you've been unable to do? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:41
RT @WeAHPs: Q5: Are you looking forward to next years challenge? Is there anything that you would like to see from us for 2021? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:43
@WeAHPs Yes, my daily activities (that I never really thought about before) plummeted. I really felt it! Now I make an effort with all the little things, not just formal training, like standing at my work station, having my lunch outside, going for a walk to and from WFH #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:43
RT @BillKilvington: Great opportunity for #WeAHPs #odp #CollegeODP #ODPsFlexibleandAdaptable https://twitter.com/D_MARSDEN_OT/status/1298988586667134977
27 August 2020 20:44
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs Julie Radiographer living in Cornwall ????
27 August 2020 20:44
@WeAHPs Yes definitely. No you’re doing a great job. Thanks for all your hard work #weAHPs ????
27 August 2020 20:44
@WeAHPs Yes! Perhaps a more focused challenge e.g. step count? Although I realise that would exclude some sports... #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:45
@WeAHPs I miss weekly lunchtime spin at work with @ClareRaineyUU so much! Definitely doing less at home #weahps
27 August 2020 20:45
@WeAHPs A2. The comradery, the pics of beautiful places & the effort that people put in #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:45
@MabelBarclay Hope you feel better soon Mabel! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:45
@ProfLesleyHaig Thanks Lesley! ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:45
#WeAHPs https://twitter.com/MillsJ_A/status/1299069945897275397
27 August 2020 20:46
@MillsJ_A Hi Julie! ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:46
@CalvinMoorley @WeAHPs @WeNurses Aw Calvin bless you for sharing how physical activity supports your mental health. I couldn't agree with you more. The more we can talk openly about this it will help to reduce the stigma. Thank you ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:46
@WeAHPs I think the challenge has the right balance. It allows people to set their own goals and targets and even ironing and cleaning ?? count #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:47
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs doing a great job and love the medals have baught one be a good memory of my time being busy. Enjoying the outdoors always #conistonwater #LakeDistrict https://t.co/8G9ssCAI4Z
27 August 2020 20:47
@rach_slt_ Perhaps we could incorporate different challenges like this throughout the #WeActiveChallenge - it’s definitely food for thought, thank you ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:47
They sure do count! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/Mpmok/status/1299070920229892100
27 August 2020 20:48
@WeAHPs A1. Yes. With our local pools shut I have done a lot of sea swimming & working from home & constantly at a screen often I have been making more of an effort to go walking eg at lunchtime or a telephone meeting / discussion #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:48
?? #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/shelaghahp/status/1299070916043907073
27 August 2020 20:49
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs Yes - particularly helpful this year after so much lockdown inactivity, I was suffering from extreme fatigue, headaches and anxiety but getting out and about again this year and being inspired by others in the wonderful AHP community has really helped!! Thank you x
27 August 2020 20:50
@WeAHPs Ooh, like opt in mini challenges each week? That would be awesome! And I wonder if it would help some keep that momentum up for the month #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:50
@rach_slt_ Have you been able to check this out Rachel? http://www.wegizmos.co.uk/WeDidItBoards/Show/2d9bb040-c934-423a-9276-ce711d9073ad #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:50
@RachBrandreth @WeAHPs I have loved your posts even though I am envious ??#WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:51
@WeAHPs A5. More of the same in my opinion. If there’s a way to get videos to count by the counting bots that’d be a win #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:52
Q6: Lastly... Are you enjoying being more active? And do you enjoy being part of the #AHPsActive team? Because we do! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:52
@rach_slt_ Exactly! We could plan a variety of mini challenges ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:53
@WeAHPs Yes and in a positive way. To cope with the restriction of "staying at home" during lock down I valued having the structure and routine of daily outdoor exercise. The physical activity benefitted me mentally and physically including getting a better night's sleep #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:53
@Barbara66956189 @WeAHPs I reckon opt in challenges like this may help some people sustain momentum #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:53
@WeAHPs Q4. Yes dramatically for a while. I went from training all winter for the rueing championships to feel quite deflated. I was walking a lit with my family but struggled to motivate myself with any strength training. The WeActiveChallenge has helped me back in track #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:55
@WeAHPs I do enjoy it. It makes me think each day and I have done some extra activity each day because of it. I have also tried to folllow more AHPs on Twitter #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:57
@WeAHPs A3. I feel back in the zone with being active now. For that I am really thankful & I will keep it going. I have now got my neighbour into sea swimming too & we’re talking about how we can prep to swim into the Autumn & beyond..! #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:57
RT @WeAHPs: Q5: Are you looking forward to next years challenge? Is there anything that you would like to see from us for 2021? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:57
@WeAHPs Yes, absolutely essential for well being. And so nice to be part of the Twitter AHP community #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:58
@WeAHPs Yes, it's a fantastic initiative ???? #WeAHPs #WeActiveChallenge I'd like to see videos counting next year - we could evenncreate a collage / movie! ??
27 August 2020 20:58
RT @ChrisMartey: @WeAHPs Yes, it's a fantastic initiative ???? #WeAHPs #WeActiveChallenge I'd like to see videos counting next year - we co…
27 August 2020 20:59
@WeAHPs A6. Absolutely- on both accounts. I love the connectivity that it promotes. We all come together without work role / interest boundaries & support each other. Love it! #weAHPs
27 August 2020 20:59
@WeAHPs #weAHPs ??
27 August 2020 20:59
RT @gvhawtin: @WeAHPs #WeAHPs doing a great job and love the medals have baught one be a good memory of my time being busy. Enjoying the ou…
27 August 2020 20:59
@WeAHPs A fab team..??????..thank you for a motivational fitness month.. allowing us to connect with each other as AHPs and individuals ..No 6 #weAHPs https://t.co/Ybt2k4Lybi
27 August 2020 20:59
@Lisa_Newington ?? #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:59
@Mpmok @WeAHPs Same - on both accounts #WeAHPs
27 August 2020 20:59
@WeAHPs Yes, it's a fantastic initiative ???? #WeAHPs #WeActiveChallenge I'd like to see videos counting next year - we could even create a collage / movie! ??
27 August 2020 20:59
@WeAHPs I've been looking at it periodically when I manage to find the link - I'll be the first to admit I'm rubbish at remembering when I have completed one of the badges and putting in the right hashtags! I find it much easier to focus on one or two things #weAHPs
27 August 2020 21:00
And that’s a wrap! Thanks for your continued support of the #WeActiveChallenge - it’s definitely a highlight for us. Keep up the good work ???? not many days left now! #WeAHPs


 Total contributers: 21
 Total tweets: 122
 Total reach: 1,651,567

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