#WeAHPs - Thursday 12th November 2020 8pm (GMT Standard Time) Health inequalities in the context of AHP practice

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Hosted by WeAHPs using #WeAHPs

This chat is guest hosted by @HindleLinda

What does health inequalities mean in the context of AHP practice?

Health inequalities is something we talk about, we know it is important, and we know something needs to be done to improve it.

So, who is responsible?

  • Is it national and local government?
  • Is it directors of public health?
  • Is it charities?
  • Is it the education system?
  • Is it NHS leaders?
  • Is it frontline health and care professionals?

The answer is all of the above and more; yet it is all too easy to view health inequalities as something we support, and others should ‘sort out’.

This is because it is difficult to determine what we as individual health and care professionals can do to improve health inequalities.We seem like a small cog in a big system. However, in any complex system, all the cogs need to move to achieve change. So, what can we do as health and care professionals?

We want to start that conversation amongst Allied HealthProfessionals in this tweet chat. I hope you can join us for a conversation with no right or wrong answers. We want to explore:

  • what health inequalities means in the context of your practice;
  • what opportunities there might be for you/us to make a difference and;
  • what needs to happen to make that possible.

Before the chat here is a summary of what we mean by health inequalities

Health inequalities are the preventable differences in health status between groups, populations or individuals that arise from the unequal distribution of social, environmental and economic conditions within societies, which determine the risk of people getting ill, their ability to prevent sickness, or opportunities to act and access treatment when ill health occurs.

There are several dimensions of health inequalities

It is important to note that people often fall into various combinations of these categories.

In England today, those in the least deprived areas of the country live around 20 years longer in good health than those in the most deprived areas. This is just one example of the stark differences in health outcomes that exist between different groups and communities in our society.

Health inequalities arise because of the conditions in which we are born, grow, live, work and age, which influence our opportunities for good health and how we think, feel and act. This then shapes our mental health, physical health and wellbeing. This report and short video from the health foundation provide an excellent overview of the social determinants of health

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only brought existing health inequalities into sharp focus, but in some cases, has increased them, through its disproportionate impact on certain population groups. This was clearly demonstrated in PHE’s recent COVID-19review of disparities in risks and outcomes.

I hope you can join us as we discuss how this applies in the context of AHP practice.


Q1: What does health inequalities mean to you?

Q2a: What is the role of AHPs in helping to tackle health inequalities?

Q2b: Think about Q2 in relation to your work with patients as well as what can AHPs do through advocating (as individuals or through our networks and organisations, leadership roles or education & training commitments)

Q3: Do you know of any examples where AHPs have played an important role in addressing health inequalities?

Q4: What things help to make it easier for AHPs to address health inequalities?

Q5: What makes it harder for AHPs to address health inequalities?

Q6: If a framework was developed to help AHPs to better understand their role in tackling health inequalities what do you think are important things to include in it? 

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 #WeAHPs transcript

12 November 2020 20:00
Good evening and welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs guest hosted by @HindleLinda @davidjbuck and @DurkaDougall ??
12 November 2020 20:00
RT @LA_Charlesworth: Are you ready for the @WeAHPs #HealthInequalities tweetchat? Chat info here: http://wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5606 #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:00
The latest #WeAHPs chat is underway... https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326978069978963968
12 November 2020 20:00
#WeAHPs Cup of tea, quiet space and ready for an hours chat with lots of amazing AHPs
12 November 2020 20:01
We’re here with loads of questions to kickstart conversation around tonight’s topic - What does health inequalities mean in the context of AHP practice? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:01
RT @WeAHPs: Good evening and welcome to tonight’s #WeAHPs guest hosted by @HindleLinda @davidjbuck and @DurkaDougall ??
12 November 2020 20:01
@WeAHPs Health inequalities r about recognising different challenges or barriers that individual's face that have a direct or indirect impact on their health eg limited education may lead to ?? employment ops & ?? earning potential =fewer options ??food choice & exercise opps #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:02
But before we start, why not say hello and tell us where you’re joining in from today? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:02
Hello everybody, looking forward to the conversation #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:02
@WeAHPs Improving access to health services for the most vulnerable in our society #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:03
Delighted to be here and joined by @DurkaDougall @davidjbuck @AngelOseiF23 @LA_Charlesworth #weahps
12 November 2020 20:03
@WeAHPs It means we as AHPs have to take this into account, ask relevant questions, think about the challenges individuals face #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:03
@WeAHPs Hello! I’m Ali from Derby and I’m a Dietitian #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:04
#WeAHPs Hi from Kent.
12 November 2020 20:04
Hello MH Physio and lover of all things Public Health from Notts here #WEAHPs https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326978572058152960
12 November 2020 20:04
@WeAHPs Hello it’s my first #WeAHPs chat tonight, I’m lurking as this relates to my current #OccupationalTherapy assignment!
12 November 2020 20:05
Alright everyone, let's make a start... Q1: What does health inequalities mean to you? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:05
@LD_Dietitian Amazing! What a great Tweetchat to call your first. Use the #WeAHPs with each of your tweets so they can be included in the Tweetchat log ??
12 November 2020 20:05
@WeAHPs Kelly (physio) from East lancs. ???? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:05
Great to have you with us Georgia #weahps https://twitter.com/georgiavineot/status/1326979286520229892
12 November 2020 20:05
@WeAHPs It is about recognising ableist practice within AHP practice. This is rarely talked about but is one of the biggest barriers to person centred care #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:05
@WeAHPs Evening All. Laura here in Derbyshire ???? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:06
#WeAHPs Martin - a Radiographer and MSc student. This topic is relevant for my current MSc module so will keep lurking for ideas.
12 November 2020 20:06
Absolutely! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/helenblomfield8/status/1326979232619245570
12 November 2020 20:06
RT @HindleLinda: Delighted to be here and joined by @DurkaDougall @davidjbuck @AngelOseiF23 @LA_Charlesworth #weahps
12 November 2020 20:06
12 November 2020 20:06
@HindleLinda Thank you! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:06
12 November 2020 20:06
@WeAHPs Hi it’s Abi here, physio from Leeds and @thecsp also on Team @AHPs4PH #WeAHPS
12 November 2020 20:06
@WeAHPs Hello from Sheffield! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:07
Health inequalities in the context of AHP practice with @HindleLinda via #WeAHPs 12/11/2020 http://wecommunities.org/tweet-chats/chat-details/5606 via @WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:07
Good to see lots of people are focusing on health inequalities as part of university modules/dissertations #weahps https://twitter.com/mrmitchell1969/status/1326979591827763202
12 November 2020 20:07
@GeorgiaVineOT Excellent! And hello Georgia ?? You are welcome to lurk and feel free to share your experiences and thoughts from an #OT perspective too #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:07
@WeAHPs Factors that impact on an individual’s health and wellbeing. In particular, those that are avoidable. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:08
@SusanGriffiths5 @WeAHPs Yes Susan! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:08
@WeAHPs Hello! Susie, speech therapist #SLT working in community adult learning disabilities/ autism services in East of England #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:08
#WeAHPs ?? https://twitter.com/integratherapy/status/1326979502258475015
12 November 2020 20:08
RT @AHPs4PH: @WeAHPs Factors that impact on an individual’s health and wellbeing. In particular, those that are avoidable. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:08
#weAHPs https://twitter.com/ld_dietitian/status/1326979713831727104
12 November 2020 20:09
The impact of covid has replicated and in some cases increased existing health inequalities making this conversation even more important https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-review-of-disparities-in-risks-and-outcomes #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:09
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs I think its also about recognising the face of the services we deliver and how that in itself can limit access to health services. Eg not have anyone who speaks your language that often makes ppl feel more at ease
12 November 2020 20:09
@IntegraTherapy @WeAHPs I’m looking at this for my assignment and applying it to a community #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:09
RT @WeAHPs: #WeAHPs ??
12 November 2020 20:09
@WeAHPs Understanding how different social determinants of health can impact individuals and populations. Inaqualities can, and should, be avoided so having a better awareness of them can help AHPs move towards ensuring better access to services and better patient care #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:09
@WeAHPs Disparity of care and/or provision #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:09
@WeAHPs Hello, MSK Physiotherapist in London, first tweet chat in a while - looking forward to discussing an important topic with you all! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:09
Oops #WeAHPs. https://twitter.com/rk1rkwood/status/1326980297834065920
12 November 2020 20:09
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs My name is Suhail. I’m an Advanved Podiatrist working in North Manchester
12 November 2020 20:10
Saw this great thread from @Mental_Elf earlier today on mental health inequalities. Very relevant to our chat #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/Mental_Elf/status/1326834104483143682?s=20
12 November 2020 20:10
@WeAHPs Thank you!! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:10
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs we carry out holistic person centred assessments and need to listen to what is important to each person, supporting them using health coaching.
12 November 2020 20:10
In case helpful (off-line) here's a high level explainer we @TheKingsFund put together earlier this year, not comprehensive but setting out some of the data and approaches to #healthinequalities but looking fwd to more of your thoughts #weahps https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/what-are-health-inequalities
12 November 2020 20:10
Don’t forget to use the tag #WeAHPs with each post too ?? https://twitter.com/weahps/status/1326979327250984960
12 November 2020 20:10
Some great responses coming in for Q1 #weahps
12 November 2020 20:10
Absolutely #WEAHPs https://twitter.com/Lelebee3/status/1326980369875398656
12 November 2020 20:11
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs its also about where health care provisions are based this can often be a hindrance to people accessing services. If people don't drive and appointments are in unknown and 'far' this will often stop people being able to attend
12 November 2020 20:11
@WeAHPs As clinicians we see or feel the inequality daily when we see patient's struggling. We also see the inverse care law where those most in need sometimes get the least or struggle to get what they need, or maybe we don't even see them in our services. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:11
RT @HindleLinda: Saw this great thread from @Mental_Elf earlier today on mental health inequalities. Very relevant to our chat #WeAHPs http…
12 November 2020 20:12
@WeAHPs Although I work across the #AHP disciplines now, I think I became really aware of HI as a Therapeutic Radiographer working with individuals with a diagnosis of cancer. From incidence to treatment & living with and beyond cancer #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:12
RT @AbiHend: @WeAHPs Hi it’s Abi here, physio from Leeds and @thecsp also on Team @AHPs4PH #WeAHPS
12 November 2020 20:12
RT @HindleLinda: Saw this great thread from @Mental_Elf earlier today on mental health inequalities. Very relevant to our chat #WeAHPs http…
12 November 2020 20:12
Another relevant tweet from earlier today #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/R_S_P_H/status/1326836920345882624
12 November 2020 20:12
Application of this to clinical practice so important for #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/IntegraTherapy/status/1326979502258475015
12 November 2020 20:13
@WeAHPs The factors of someone's social circumstances that impact on their health and wellbeing (in a disproportionate way through society) #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:13
Really interesting, about medical-social models of health and how this is relevant to practice and wider role #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/IntegraTherapy/status/1326979502258475015
12 November 2020 20:13
RT @HindleLinda: Another relevant tweet from earlier today #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/R_S_P_H/status/1326836920345882624
12 November 2020 20:13
@WeAHPs Health inequalities is based on an ableist system where non-disabled are valued over disabled population. Until this is addressed at all levels including government, employers, universities, etc. there will always be health inequalities #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:13
RT @HindleLinda: Saw this great thread from @Mental_Elf earlier today on mental health inequalities. Very relevant to our chat #WeAHPs http…
12 November 2020 20:14
RT @davidjbuck: Really interesting, about medical-social models of health and how this is relevant to practice and wider role #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:14
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs Hi Helen here, Occupational Therapist based in Sheffield. Currently working with older adults in intermediate care.
12 November 2020 20:14
RT @HindleLinda: Saw this great thread from @Mental_Elf earlier today on mental health inequalities. Very relevant to our chat #WeAHPs http…
12 November 2020 20:14
@WeAHPs I find this a great go to resource to help me understand and explain it to others https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/what-are-health-inequalities #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:15
Q2: What is the role of AHPs in helping to tackle health inequalities? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:15
RT @shoiab1: @WeAHPs I find this a great go to resource to help me understand and explain it to others https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/what-are-health-inequalities #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:15
@WeAHPs In clinical practice I certainly felt that some people had twice the mountain to climb to reach their rehab goals #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:15
@WeAHPs Avoidable differences in health outcomes and health status for people - various factors but particularly important where people experience multiple factors compounding inequality #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:15
@WeAHPs Hello this is my first #WeAHPs Twitter chat! I'm Carolyn, an OT from London ????
12 November 2020 20:16
@Susie_SALT @WeAHPs How can we help individuals that we see in this situation? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:16
@SammerTang @WeAHPs #WeAHPs I saw this fab picture that depicts the various nuances of privilege some are unavoidable as you've so rightly mentioned. https://t.co/j0TxUyH43W
12 November 2020 20:16
RT @HindleLinda: Saw this great thread from @Mental_Elf earlier today on mental health inequalities. Very relevant to our chat #WeAHPs http…
12 November 2020 20:17
Think about Q2 in relation your work with patients as well as what can AHPs do through advocating (as individuals or through our networks and organisations, leadership roles or education & training commitments) #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:17
Mental health specific inequalities right here on this thread #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/HindleLinda/status/1326980585152253953
12 November 2020 20:17
When people don't get access to health/social care that they need due to socioeconomic status, ethnicity, disability, sexuality and other "protected status" factors #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326979327250984960
12 November 2020 20:17
@jloweNHS I think your choice of word ‘avoidable’ is really key here, how do we address these factors? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:17
@HindleLinda #WeAHPs Check out the excellent website http://www.fairhealth.org.uk the podcasts are excellent and very educational on this subject
12 November 2020 20:17
I hadn't seen this before, thanks for sharing #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/Lelebee3/status/1326982159723339776
12 November 2020 20:17
@WeAHPs Like all clinicians, correlating the needs of the patient and the commissioned service by collaboration in order to achieve the best possible outcome. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:18
@CeeCeeOT Hello Carolyn! Welcome #WeAHPs ??
12 November 2020 20:18
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs lack of awareness of services existing, reduced access due to socio-economic, education, cultural and physical factors. Possibly elements of lowered (health) aspiration/goals e.g. parents lived till x age, just want to make it to there.. Worried Well vs Unworried Unwell
12 November 2020 20:18
@WeAHPs Helping to minimise their impact. Prevention strategies that do not rely on tech access is really key. In one of my areas, video education did not take off as people did not have access to (could not afford) viable tech. AHP pathway intergration key #HealthInequalities #WeAhps
12 November 2020 20:18
@WeAHPs I think we have an important role in our awareness of health inequalities and the impact on individuals/communities. We also have a role to consider how we design services with this in mind #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:18
RT @Lelebee3: @SammerTang @WeAHPs #WeAHPs I saw this fab picture that depicts the various nuances of privilege some are unavoidable as you'…
12 November 2020 20:18
RT @HindleLinda: I hadn't seen this before, thanks for sharing #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:18
such a good point; collaboration with patients and commissioners is important #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/jonathanhearsey/status/1326982564616265733
12 November 2020 20:19
Hi I’m Anna from James Paget Hospital ????#WeAHPs https://twitter.com/weahps/status/1326978572058152960
12 November 2020 20:19
Showing leadership through political and policy influencing, 'calling out' the underlying social inequalities that are key determinants of health. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326981843359444993
12 November 2020 20:19
RT @HindleLinda: Saw this great thread from @Mental_Elf earlier today on mental health inequalities. Very relevant to our chat #WeAHPs http…
12 November 2020 20:19
@WeAHPs Back to Q1. we have a duty of care to understand the complexity of the issue that at first doesn't seem within our remit. Professional attitudes/ biases towards baviour change is important but sole driver of health. Creating more opportunities to link #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:19
@WeAHPs We have time to recognise the inequality and discuss how to tackle them #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:19
A great visual, thank you for sharing! #WeAHPs ?? https://twitter.com/lelebee3/status/1326982159723339776
12 November 2020 20:19
@WeAHPs Recognising that some people may need additional support to achieve the same outcomes because of their circumstances. Looking out for and asking about wider influences on health and advising or signposting/social prescribing for these #MECC #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:19
@Lelebee3 @CeeCeeOT @SammerTang @WeAHPs I use this wheel in my teaching. Good share! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:19
12 November 2020 20:19
@Lelebee3 @SammerTang @WeAHPs This is an excellent illustration, thanks for sharing! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:19
@WeAHPs To understand the systems behind why the health inequalities exist and ideally where possible improve/change the system These images are great ?? https://twitter.com/NaheedD/status/1268517669944385541 #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:20
This toolkit helps clinical teams to identify their unique contribution to public health. It includes understanding local health inequalities https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/embedding-public-health-into-clinical-services/ #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:20
RT @Lelebee3: @SammerTang @WeAHPs #WeAHPs I saw this fab picture that depicts the various nuances of privilege some are unavoidable as you'…
12 November 2020 20:20
RT @WeAHPs: A great visual, thank you for sharing! #WeAHPs ??
12 November 2020 20:20
@WeAHPs I often refer to the Allied Health Professions Federation. UK Allied Health Professions Public Health Strategic Framework 2019-2024. (2019) #WeAHPs role includes influencing strategy and policy and developing strategic connections and leadership.
12 November 2020 20:20
Good point Keri, we need to understand our population. I've also seen services that use technology for those who can access it to free time to provide 1:1 for those who can't #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/KeriH71/status/1326982701560291335
12 November 2020 20:20
@WeAHPs We need to start with ourselves and recognise ableism in our own practice. We need to look through the many lenses of the disabled population rather than rely on our own assumptions and pre-conceived ideas. We need to increase diversity within the AHPs professions. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:20
@annanhills Hi Anna! #WeAHPs ??
12 November 2020 20:21
Seeing some great comments about the link between the social determinants of health and health inequalities. This article delves deeper into this #WeAHPs https://www.health.org.uk/sites/default/files/What-makes-us-healthy-quick-guide.pdf
12 November 2020 20:21
@IntegraTherapy @WeAHPs I agree andrea, there may be things we can do to tackle small areas, don't just shrug and think the problem us too big to tackle #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:21
@Prof_IeuanEllis Absolutely agree - intervention at all levels! #WeAHPs ??
12 November 2020 20:21
Really interesting about the breadth of role/reaction/responsibility we're hearing in your conversation, about practice and pathways, but also beyond #weahps
12 November 2020 20:21
Love this. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/NaheedD/status/1268517669944385541
12 November 2020 20:21
@WeAHPs Important to listen to service user experiences and learn from these Essential to build learning into pre reg curriculum so our workforce are aware of the impact and equipped to tackle health inequalities #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:22
@WeAHPs Considering taking on a social prescribing link worker as part of multidisciplinary rehabilitation teams https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/social-prescribing #WeAHPs #SocialPrescribing
12 November 2020 20:22
I think seeing inequalities as avoidable is an important step - ethnicity isn't 'avoidable', but if someones is more susceptible to an illness then services need to be designed to overcome that rather than dismissing inequality as something that can't be helped. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326982478863749120
12 November 2020 20:22
@Lelebee3 @SammerTang @WeAHPs I'm currently working on facilitating some empowered practice conversations and this Is a great example!! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:22
@Prof_IeuanEllis I think its also about recognising the patient as the expert in their situation, having a more strength based approach #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:23
@WeAHPs Vital in developing services, in understanding any communication strategies for work we are doing, and need to consider for health promotion, and any exercise prescription. Essentially key to most of what we do #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:23
RT @Lelebee3: @SammerTang @WeAHPs #WeAHPs I saw this fab picture that depicts the various nuances of privilege some are unavoidable as you'…
12 November 2020 20:23
@WeAHPs with local community service providers, social prescribing, employment support to make effective links. Perhaps more understanding of the welfare system and general signposting. #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:23
@Lelebee3 @SammerTang @WeAHPs This is so interesting - thanks for sharing! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:23
@WeAHPs The MECC initiative seems to be a little known about and implemented idea. Yet if every AHP utilised conversations the impact for tackling health inequalities could be huge. I think it’s mentioned in the strategic framework: http://www.ahpf.org.uk/files/UK%20AHP%20Public%20Health%20Strategic%20Framework%202019-2024.pdf #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:23
@jen1686 Love this. Is social prescribing becoming more commonplace in your Trust? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:23
@WeAHPs Anyone else see the communication-access symbol launched today? https://communication-access.co.uk/ good way to reduce inequalities. #WeAHPs can we signpost support others to adopt this?
12 November 2020 20:23
#weAHPs Want to know about health inequalities in your area to help you plan services - check out this fingertips tool from @PHE_uk https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/
12 November 2020 20:24
RT @HindleLinda: #weAHPs Want to know about health inequalities in your area to help you plan services - check out this fingertips tool fro…
12 November 2020 20:24
RT @HindleLinda: #weAHPs Want to know about health inequalities in your area to help you plan services - check out this fingertips tool fro…
12 November 2020 20:24
Glad you said that Susannah ?? #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/Susie_SALT/status/1326983181812305920
12 November 2020 20:24
@KeriH71 @WeAHPs Digital inequality is a huge issue for people for #socialprescribing interventions - there's definitely an assumption that everybody can access tech #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:25
We promote this as PHE Physical Actovotiy Clinical Champions. Its a great ethos. #weAHPs https://twitter.com/MabelBarclay/status/1326984000418799616
12 November 2020 20:25
RT @HindleLinda: #weAHPs Want to know about health inequalities in your area to help you plan services - check out this fingertips tool fro…
12 November 2020 20:25
Challenging unhelpful stereotypes and treating southern opera-going types as equally as northern football fan types... ?? #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326983471915479041
12 November 2020 20:25
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs gather evidence to understand factors contributing to health inequalities, champion improvements to make services more accessible, relevant & meaningful to the population it serves. Collaborate with community & charity organisations in the area.
12 November 2020 20:25
Thanks for sharing this Angel #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/AngelOseiF23/status/1326983366869196803
12 November 2020 20:25
How important do you see your role in behaviour change; particularly multiple behaviours? (given most people have clusters of experience and this links strongly to ineq) e.g. https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/blog/2018/03/multiple-unhealthy-risk-factors #weahps
12 November 2020 20:26
@MabelBarclay @WeAHPs We've taken the mecc approach and run with it, teaching staff across organisations and roles how to listen well, question effectively and set goals that belong to the individual facilitating them to plan what they can do to achieve their goals #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:26
RT @HindleLinda: #weAHPs Want to know about health inequalities in your area to help you plan services - check out this fingertips tool fro…
12 November 2020 20:26
@Prof_IeuanEllis Very topical! ?? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:26
@WeAHPs These populations may not always be able to advocate for their health needs as effectively, so we may need to provide additional support and education to ensure their healthcare needs are met #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:26
RT @AHPs4PH: Mental health specific inequalities right here on this thread #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:26
@WeAHPs During placements as a radiotherapy student, I worked with cancer patients who came from a variety of different social backgrounds and ethnicities - factors that can contribute to health inaqualities existing (along with many more). Macmillan services were often utilised #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:26
This looks like a great tool. Saving it for later. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/Susie_SALT/status/1326984032232595463
12 November 2020 20:26
@HindleLinda #publichealth colleagues offer so much for this (data, insights, tools, connections). Really worth considering how #weAHPs link in with local public health teams & address #healthinequalities.
12 November 2020 20:26
@WeAHPs @jen1686 There are lots of active effective within Derbyshire, they tend to be based within gp surgeries or within social care #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:27
@WeAHPs The 'Inverse Care Law' also means that they might not access services in the first place, AHP leaders need to ensure systems are accessible to these populations #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:27
@jen1686 @WeAHPs Love to see this! Not forgetting the impact #AHPs can have in social prescribing too - as signposters, active prescribers, or supporting link workers through supervision and training. AHP framework here: https://www.rsph.org.uk/about-us/news/launch-of-new-social-prescribing-framework-for-allied-health-professionals.html #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:27
@WeAHPs Roles @ every level - strategic design of services to meet pop need, leadership in orgs to promote culture of inequality recognition and clinicians equipped with knowledge & motivation to deliver within this framework #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:27
@LA_Charlesworth @WeAHPs Advocate for them...hold on to that individual and pull in those professionals that are needed. Being dedicated to explaining to others what the need is, unpacking complex situations, pulling in the professionals we need, ensuring reasonable adjustments are made. #WeAHPS
12 November 2020 20:27
@jloweNHS @KeriH71 Agreed - I think digital inequality is an issue for many areas of health and education #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:27
That is great to hear Jenna. Anyone interest in social prescribing - check out this fab framework for AHPs https://www.rsph.org.uk/our-work/resources/ahp-social-prescribing-frameworks.html #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/jen1686/status/1326983626605604865
12 November 2020 20:28
@WeAHPs Also important to listen to our disabled colleagues as they are often forgotten about #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:28
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs as AHPs we perhaps build rapport to allow us to work more in partnership with patients to discuss health improvements. I would recommend health coaching and motivational interviewing skills.
12 November 2020 20:28
@davidjbuck I think AHPs can be strong advocates of change, think we have a positive approach but put the patient central to the solution #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:28
@WeAHPs Q1. Health inequalities effect: - access to services inc transport, tech, internet - distance to travel - finances inc to implement care plans - headspace to be able process / access info & services - interpretation of info / advice based on different lived experiences #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:29
#WeAHPs another document to look at later. https://twitter.com/davidjbuck/status/1326984560106758152
12 November 2020 20:29
RT @HindleLinda: #weAHPs Want to know about health inequalities in your area to help you plan services - check out this fingertips tool fro…
12 November 2020 20:29
RT @HindleLinda: Saw this great thread from @Mental_Elf earlier today on mental health inequalities. Very relevant to our chat #WeAHPs http…
12 November 2020 20:29
Some amazing contributions in this evening’s Tweetchat ?? please include #WeAHPs so we can capture the whole conversation ?? https://twitter.com/helenblomfield8/status/1326984493283090432
12 November 2020 20:29
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs i think we have a huge role to play. We often bridge the gap between patients and the services that are being offered. We need to be aware of barriers and take actions to break them down and not support and/or reinforce these barriers.
12 November 2020 20:29
RT @HindleLinda: #weAHPs Want to know about health inequalities in your area to help you plan services - check out this fingertips tool fro…
12 November 2020 20:30
Q3: Do you know of any examples where AHPs have played an important role in addressing health inequalities? Please share them with us #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:30
It is and you are right there is more to do to embed this into the daily practice of every AHP #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/MabelBarclay/status/1326984000418799616
12 November 2020 20:30
RT @Manning2Paula: We promote this as PHE Physical Actovotiy Clinical Champions. Its a great ethos. #weAHPs https://twitter.com/MabelBarclay/status/1326984000418799616
12 November 2020 20:31
#WeAHPs I think this is the key to sll our interactions listening, questioning, responding to the answers treating the patient as the expert https://twitter.com/helenblomfield8/status/1326985221569437727
12 November 2020 20:31
Every contact matters as an opportunity for #AHPs to influence lasting behavioural change. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/davidjbuck/status/1326984560106758152
12 November 2020 20:31
@davidjbuck I feel that #WeAHPs often develop trusting relationships with patients which give us unique opportunities to support patients to make healthy changes
12 November 2020 20:31
#WeAHPs this is a great point. There's seems to be this unwritten thought that everyone has a computer and WiFi we need to offer a number of options not just digital https://twitter.com/jloweNHS/status/1326984353650499586
12 November 2020 20:31
MECC...AHP services generally are embracing it...but are we recording outcomes? #weahps #healthinequalities https://twitter.com/hindlelinda/status/1326985625988456448
12 November 2020 20:31
Some really great themes coming from tonight’s #WeAHPs chat! I think the point about education is key, understanding health inequalities will surely help us address them
12 November 2020 20:31
@Sandraphysio @WeAHPs I agree, and I think an important part of this is not being afraid to have these difficult conversations! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:32
@WeAHPs On an individual level, we need to understand diversity and factors influencing health inequality more, we can then start to modify, and enhance our clinical offer to try to make the greatest impact possible #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:32
#HealthInequalities require a place based approach and so there is a role for AHPs in - giving communities a voice and working with them to build services; - ensuring equity of access and outcomes in practice; and - advocating local and national policy change #WeAHPs https://t.co/RuRkamTP0Q
12 November 2020 20:32
RT @Lelebee3: @SammerTang @WeAHPs #WeAHPs I saw this fab picture that depicts the various nuances of privilege some are unavoidable as you'…
12 November 2020 20:33
Much more to do in terms of recording #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/kerih71/status/1326986009268129792
12 November 2020 20:33
@WeAHPs Myself and many other deaf health care professionals have been raising awareness of the impact face masks has on the hearing loss population and campaigning for clear masks. Face masks have created even more health inequalities #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:33
#WeAHPs we use the MECC approach but have developed it further, trying to embed the approach across the whole of Derbyshire https://twitter.com/HindleLinda/status/1326985625988456448
12 November 2020 20:33
Agree Helen, I think theres been some brilliant progress in embedding HI into AHP education but it wasn't as explicit as it should have been when I trained nor when I was newly qualified - so there might be lots of AHPs out there with limited knowledge of factors #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/helenblomfield8/status/1326984493283090432
12 November 2020 20:33
@KeriH71 Absolutely agree, stronger long term research on the effect of MECC would improve buy in #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:33
@jen1686 @davidjbuck Yes we often have opportunities to build good rapport and that trusted therapeutic relationship can be really important #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:34
@WeAHPs Absolutely @OllybollyDh and @sallyhulm at Swansea Bay UHB with their MECC/co-production work. Some really exciting outcomes so far! #weahps
12 November 2020 20:34
@WeAHPs To what extent do you think models like those in here (not expecting to read now! - but essentially holistic models of behaviour support) are relevant to your practice directly (or indirectly, through referral etc?) #weAHPs https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/publications/tackling-multiple-unhealthy-risk-factors
12 November 2020 20:34
RT @HindleLinda: #weAHPs Want to know about health inequalities in your area to help you plan services - check out this fingertips tool fro…
12 November 2020 20:35
We will be evaluating the Quality Conversation programme in Derbyshire...watch this space #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/LA_Charlesworth/status/1326986417759809536
12 November 2020 20:35
RT @WeAHPs: A great visual, thank you for sharing! #WeAHPs ?? https://twitter.com/lelebee3/status/1326982159723339776
12 November 2020 20:36
@WeAHPs ????? engage students at UG level ????? share knowledge with colleagues to understand inequalities and its impact on health ?? Listen to service users ?? Goal setting with patients (understand their priorities) #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:36
@WeAHPs My friend and I are facilitating conversations at uni about empowered practice and terminology with consideration of all the protected characteristics #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:36
@WeAHPs Primary care AHP roles play a key role in tackling health inequalities. #FirstContactPhysio, providing high quality MSK care at the start of the pathway is a really good example of a population health based approach #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:36
@WeAHPs There are some fab #OTs involved in #socialprescribing in primary care, working to identify and target particular population groups - I'm hoping there's a few lurking on this chat! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:36
@helenblomfield8 @WeAHPs Completely agree and also need more AHP leadership roles at ICS and ICP level to make an impact #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:37
RT @Lelebee3: @SammerTang @WeAHPs #WeAHPs I saw this fab picture that depicts the various nuances of privilege some are unavoidable as you'…
12 November 2020 20:37
@WeAHPs Within pain management, we created one of the UKs first language specific and culturally adapted pain management programmes. A rehab programme previously off limits to non-English speakers. https://www.nice.org.uk/sharedlearning/a-language-specific-and-culturally-adapted-pain-management-programme #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:37
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs Ensuring that people with learning disabilities and autism are included in consultation of the design/ build of new services or buildings.
12 November 2020 20:37
I've managed to get our Quality Conversations programme into the preceptorship programme in one trust, more organisations to go though #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/jloweNHS/status/1326986542334816258
12 November 2020 20:37
@Sandraphysio I'd love to hear more about that Sandra #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:37
@helenblomfield8 @WeAHPs And given the sheer number of people who work as an AHP this is important. My worry is that you are already working so hard and such important work. What can be expected of you realistically to help tackle #healthinequalities in your view? What support do you need? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:38
@SammerTang @HindleLinda @PHE_uk Ditto @SammerTang - though I got lots of my knowledge from you! It is such a helpful place to start understanding your population #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:38
Agree. #AHPs have key opportunities to tackle #HealthInequalities as part of place-based approach working with communities focusing on asset-based community development models #WeAHPs @CormacRussell https://twitter.com/DavidJohnsRD/status/1326986264516718593
12 November 2020 20:38
@WeAHPs Podiatrists have a key role in early detection of peripheral arterial disease and cardiovascular disease. Often being able to diagnose anomalies such as atrial fibrillation before the patient is aware. Early detection preventing life changing development of co-morbidity #weahps
12 November 2020 20:39
And another couple of great #AHP examples https://www.rsph.org.uk/static/uploaded/2534b8f5-0131-40c5-9f06ff5430cb2ca7.pdf https://www.rsph.org.uk/static/067d8eec-b344-41b1-8c5f35544f26061e/054-Disease-Prevention-AKD-Revised.pdf #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:39
I think they shoukd be a foundation to all our interactions david. Most of AHP intervention is about behaviour change in one way or another #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/davidjbuck/status/1326986810388516866
12 November 2020 20:40
Q4: What things help to make it easier for AHPs to address health inequalities? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:40
12 November 2020 20:40
RT @HindleLinda: #weAHPs Want to know about health inequalities in your area to help you plan services - check out this fingertips tool fro…
12 November 2020 20:40
RT @HindleLinda: Saw this great thread from @Mental_Elf earlier today on mental health inequalities. Very relevant to our chat #WeAHPs http…
12 November 2020 20:40
@jloweNHS @SammerTang @PHE_uk Julie, you've just reminded me about your excellent translation piece developed with Sammer's help.#WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:41
RT @AHPs4PH: And another couple of great #AHP examples https://www.rsph.org.uk/static/uploaded/2534b8f5-0131-40c5-9f06ff5430cb2ca7.pdf https://www.rsph.org.uk/static/067d8eec-b344-41b1-8c5f35544f26061e/054-Disease-Prevention-AKD-Revised.pdf #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:41
It is essential that all AHPs have this taught at undergrad level, its z no brained as it is key to sll our interactions no matter what speciality we are based in #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/suhailainarkar/status/1326987191868923906
12 November 2020 20:42
#WeAHPs https://twitter.com/shimada_angela/status/1326988263861723136
12 November 2020 20:42
@davidjbuck @helenblomfield8 @WeAHPs I see it as key in developing services and future workforce, we need to change how we do this and immerse, learn and understand those areas of inequality within our local area to help tackle the issues #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:42
@WeAHPs AHPs have access to patient data that can tell which people groups are affected more by which conditions & in the process help with developing interventions - primary, secondary or tertiary. I think we need more primary intervention work going on in our areas of practice #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:42
@WeAHPs Recognition of the unique role and contribution of #AHPs and (as with all things) adequate funding! Examples of successful work elsewhere helps build the case for change in new areas. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:42
@suhailainarkar @WeAHPs Totally agree. Undergrad education need to have pop health as a core theme running through every module. Early exposure to primary care and other placements also key for a well equipped future workforce #WeAhps
12 November 2020 20:43
RT @WeAHPs: Q4: What things help to make it easier for AHPs to address health inequalities? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:43
@WeAHPs Advocating and listening to everyone individually because every piece of knowledge is valid. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:43
@WeAHPs Recognising that AHPs themselves might be perpetuating inequalities? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:43
@WeAHPs Better education on health inaqualities can help all AHPs MECC. However, the concept of health inequalities can be overwhelming & confusing (there are so many elements to it). Its important to engage with students, listen to service users & learn from eachother #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:44
@WeAHPs 1. Teaching as a pre-reg. 2. Support in the workplace. 3. Access to information on local services and training to support and address health inequalities. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:44
@WeAHPs Support for learning and development in this area is key #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:44
@DurkaDougall @helenblomfield8 @WeAHPs Strong connections with social prescribing services who have a better awareness of community assets than we do is absolutely invaluable. However I feel that if we look at all of our work with an equality lens we will ultimately help to reduce the strain on services #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:44
Another interesting read relevant to tonight's #WeAHPs conversation https://twitter.com/Mental_Elf/status/1326821113012350976
12 November 2020 20:44
RT @WeAHPs: A great visual, thank you for sharing! #WeAHPs ??
12 November 2020 20:44
@DavidJohnsRD Absolutely and AHPs are well established in May place based teams in effective MDTs so can share learning and expertise #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:44
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs Community podiatrist in Greater Manchester providing lower limb vascular assessments to diagnose & treat PAD, reduce CV events and mortality through optimising CV ?? and opportunistic AAA palpation in pets who otherwise ignored screening appts
12 November 2020 20:44
@WeAHPs Evidence of effectiveness of interventions. Acknowledgment this is part of our collective role as an AHP workforce. Management support. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:44
How do you adapt your practice to health inequalities? at individual level, community, policy, advovacy, planning etc. Is it something that you are clear about? #weahps
12 November 2020 20:45
Q5: What makes it harder for AHPs to address health inequalities? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:45
@WeAHPs Understanding what the inequalities are ? #weahps
12 November 2020 20:45
Becoming more self aware is really important and having conversations about this with teams. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/MelroseStewart1/status/1326989089393029130
12 November 2020 20:45
@WeAHPs Permission to work outside of the traditional boundaries of the NHS #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:45
Absolutely #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/jen1686/status/1326989200445616134
12 November 2020 20:45
@WeAHPs Better in service training of blind spots Recognition of "hard to reach" or rather "easy to forget" groups/populations Use of guidance/policies to inform proposals at a commissioning level Such as: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/QS167 #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:45
@DurkaDougall @helenblomfield8 @WeAHPs Also... support to widen participation to AHP training for under represented groups to increase the diversity of our profession #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:46
@WeAHPs Being supported to be able to deliver services in areas that are easy to get to, close to key services (X-ray/diagnostics )with good parking & public transport etc. Too often key AHP services are located at end of long corridors or in separate buildings. #estatesplanning #weahps
12 November 2020 20:46
@MelroseStewart1 @WeAHPs Agree, as a physio we lack diversity as a workforce and will be perpetuating biases and potentially not being open to challenging ourselves on diversity of treatment options/services/delivery #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:46
@WeAHPs Also grateful for leadership from within and beyond the profession supporting us to reflect on what needs to change. E.g. There's been some fantastic work on diversity within SLT and the impact this can have on quality of / access to services by colleagues inc @SLTeaTime #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:46
RT @MelroseStewart1: @WeAHPs Recognising that AHPs themselves might be perpetuating inequalities? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:46
@JustineMusiime @WeAHPs could you give some examples, what would this mean in practice? #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:46
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs routinely remove constraints to healthcare access with reasonable adjustment and increase someone's agency by supporting healthy choices. Do we have/ make more time for this or is it the training?
12 November 2020 20:46
@WeAHPs Transparent directory of services and work that exists in the local community- communication with each other #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:46
Initial graduate education and ongoing continuing professional development (CPD) that develop a bio-psycho-social understanding of health and wellness and the value of client-centred psycho- social interventions alongside biomedical interventions. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326988134928666625
12 November 2020 20:46
@WeAHPs #WeAHPs At stratigic level there is alot of support and understanding that AHPs help tackle health inequalities but operational management level need to understand and support. Need more AHPs at board level to promote how we can deliver on health inequalities.
12 November 2020 20:47
@MelroseStewart1 @WeAHPs Absolutely - I'm under no illusion that I understand the complexity of inequalities that exist and therefore I might be inadvertently contributing to them - this is why listening to people about their experiences (really listening - not looking for excuses!) is key #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:47
@WeAHPs Knowledge and confidence through education and training. Modelling behaviour seen by other multiprof colleagues, a cultural acceptance that its all HCPs role which will then lead to the expectation that its integrated into all care rather than an ‘add on’ #WeAhps
12 November 2020 20:47
@davidjbuck @chrisarmitage80 @helenblomfield8 @WeAHPs By understanding local need and challenges, championing solutions by say setting up local walking groups or utilising Green space prescribing #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:47
@WeAHPs AHPs degrees to include health inequalities studies as part of their education. Collaborative working with disabled population to help break down the barriers and address health inequalities. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:47
@davidjbuck Thinking back to my time in practice, whilst aware of health inequalities I’m not sure I understood how to adapt my practice or how I could contribute to tackling health inequalities. Examples of these in different areas of practice might be helpful #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:47
@WeAHPs Barriers in society. For example the social model of disability #WeAHPS
12 November 2020 20:47
@chrisarmitage80 @MelroseStewart1 @WeAHPs Does this mean better measurement, data, to help? If so, what sorts? Does anyone does this now? #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:47
@WeAHPs #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:47
Especially when we label client groups as “not engaging” or “hard to engage” #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/MelroseStewart1/status/1326989089393029130
12 November 2020 20:48
@WeAHPs Do joining up of health and care systems (#integratedcare) currently help you? How can they better understand and champion you role too in this - a key area for #pooulationhealth #WeAHPs?
12 November 2020 20:48
@WeAHPs Lack of acceptance that we might not know what we are doing to try and improve/reduce health inequalities on both an individual and system/service level #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:48
RT @WeAHPs: A great visual, thank you for sharing! #WeAHPs ??
12 November 2020 20:49
@davidjbuck RCan start with examining why we make the choices we make in practice e.g. do we afford time to individuals, not equally but appropriately? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:49
@WeAHPs Systems where things are sort of fixed. No new ideas allowed. #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:49
Great practice. How do they get support? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:49
@WeAHPs Structural barriers within and beyond the professions and a resistance to change. Staff seen as 'difficult' for asking Qs and questioning status quo. Difficulty accessing those who have the power to authorise and fund changes (e.g. commissioners) #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:49
Time constraints/workload, MECC and other ways not integral to practice but as an “add-on” means they risk not being included in practice. Also a lack of focus on health inequalities from top-down #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326989393236799491
12 November 2020 20:49
RT @WeAHPs: Q5: What makes it harder for AHPs to address health inequalities? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:50
Q6: If a framework was developed to help AHPs to better understand their role in tackling health inequalities what do you think are important things to include in it? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:50
RT @MelroseStewart1: @WeAHPs Recognising that AHPs themselves might be perpetuating inequalities? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:50
@WeAHPs Sometimes we can be guilty of thinking we can tackle every factor affecting health inequality alone - but this is impossible! We need time, space and permission to collaborate across organisational boundaries and and listen to people about their experience - staff too #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:50
Agree. More #AHPs need to gain strategic level influence by being at Board level as Exec and Non-Exec Directors. (This is slowly improving!) #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/helenblomfield8/status/1326989893562720256
12 November 2020 20:50
@WeAHPs Lack of coordination of system wide planning, too much silo working continues to persist #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:50
@JustineMusiime @WeAHPs Could you say a bit more about 'fixed' and what could be good changes? #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:51
@WeAHPs Lack of awareness amongst AHPs and so the inability to recognise these inequalities #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:51
#WeAHPs Q1 https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326979327250984960
12 November 2020 20:51
@WeAHPs Limited understanding of the need to address from others, ongoing services pressures, when services are designed without considering HI #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:51
Data collection and access I’ve taught a few sessions with medical students, F2s, dietitians & other AHPs - the reason for collecting some simple data is not always recognised. Without it tho, our power to identify issues, convince others & demonstrate change r impacted #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/weahps/status/1326988134928666625
12 November 2020 20:51
@WeAHPs Service modelling that is based on number crunching & not outcomes. Some of the recent necessary (COVID) changes to clinic templates have meant longer consultation times which has meant opportunities for meaningful behaviour change conversations #WeAHPs #HealthInequalities
12 November 2020 20:52
@WeAHPs Data! Sometimes these populations don't even reach the doors of HC services http://dclgapps.communities.gov.uk/imd/iod_index.html http://imd-by-postcode.opendatacommunities.org/imd/2019 https://fingertips.phe.org.uk/ Are useful resources to see what your local populations' demographic is and if it reflects what you see in your service #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:52
@WeAHPs Very small isolated teams trying to influence huge systems without supporters in the leadership structure. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:52
@davidjbuck @chrisarmitage80 @WeAHPs Some simple approaches can be effective such as examining and reflecting on personal interactions e.g. eye contact, time given to listening etc #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:52
@jloweNHS @WeAHPs And use the data available to support community groups evidence gaps and expand to respond to community need #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:52
@WeAHPs Having the resources, time and knowledge of organisations or services currently available to support individuals complex needs #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:52
... but thankfully there are some incredible champions and role models like you Mel #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/MelroseStewart1/status/1326989089393029130
12 November 2020 20:53
@WeAHPs Lack of awareness and understanding about ableism which is embedded in every aspect of our society. we are unknowingly and knowingly perpetuating ableism. At the core of this non-disabled are still and continue to be valued over disabled population #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:53
@WeAHPs Making models of care more flexible to allow patients to dip in and out of rehabilitation pathways whilst they are supported to resolve social challenge, instead of being discharged and sent to the bottom of the list or trying and failing to participate #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:53
@DavidJohnsRD How have you used data to make a difference to health inequalities? Be really interested in practical examples #weahps
12 November 2020 20:53
@Prof_IeuanEllis You are too kind #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:53
@WeAHPs Clear descriptors of privileges and ways to recognise Health inequality #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:54
@WeAHPs Examples of where #AHPs have successfully contributed to tackling health inequalities. Perhaps some signposting to additional reading/learning. Top tips, where to start etc #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:54
@Sandraphysio @WeAHPs @jen1686 @MariawWillis good to hear about link workers contributing to health inequalities in Derbyshire #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:54
@WeAHPs #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:54
@WeAHPs Fantastic work from colleagues #LDSpeechies inc @GeorgiaSLT and @SLTinSEND creating accessible resources to explain Government guidance during #COVID19 pandemic. (Check out the hashtag to see these and find out more) #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:54
@WeAHPs I wonder if it should be a thread of learning that flows through all pre reg training, becoming embedded into our way of thinking, as vital as understanding a clinical measurement or test? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:54
@WeAHPs Confidence in having difficult conversations with patients that may lead to triggering activation activity towards behaviour change. #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:55
These were some of my favourite parts of learning in my undergrad @OTatBrunel #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/SusanGriffiths5/status/1326990008453111808
12 November 2020 20:55
@davidjbuck @WeAHPs Staff not being able to bring in new suggestions and they get considered. It could sometimes be due to commissioning/ ring-fenced funding. #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:55
@helenblomfield8 @WeAHPs @JohnHerringOD And in #oldham we worked with 50 leaders across different to peer mentor across systems. Was powerful. Need to support #weAHPs to be included in these types of work and thinking more. Thank you for flagging.
12 November 2020 20:55
@WeAHPs Think a lot comes down to time... and its hard to hit a performance target that you can measure. It might take more time, but the heath benefits in the long time could be massive #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:55
@WeAHPs Framework absolutely must be developed in collaboration with the disabled population based on their experiences of accessing AHP services #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:55
@WeAHPs The power of online communities for supporting and learning from one another! #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:56
@WeAHPs Not recognising how inequalities arise and owning the problems as a team? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:56
@WeAHPs Examples of ways #WeAHPs can reduce constraints and increase agency and why this helps to reduce inequalities.
12 November 2020 20:56
I so agree that mental health relevent documnets be included in the strategy! #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/LD_Dietitian/status/1326991639974465542
12 November 2020 20:56
12 November 2020 20:56
@jloweNHS @jen1686 @WeAHPs Agree and through @ElizabethCasso1 project with @SalfordSPx we have seen the potential for OTs and Splw working together with the shared vision and philosophy #weAHPs
12 November 2020 20:57
@physio_stef @WeAHPs I think clear descriptors of specific health inequalities and privileges is definitely needed - as said before sometimes we assume AHPs have knowledge that they don't have @helenblomfield8 #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:57
@WeAHPs AHPs can undervalue or perhaps not recognise the things they already do to address HI - we need to get better at sharing good practice to build on it. Networks key to this #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:58
Sorry to @WeAHPs! Just catching up with #WeAHPs chat now and will read transcript! A good excuse - I was out on my #Movember run ?????
12 November 2020 20:58
@AHPs4PH #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/HindleLinda/status/1326983101738676224
12 November 2020 20:58
@WeAHPs ?? Research, theory & policies/initiatives ?? Aims of reducing inequalities ?? Approaches (tiered levels) ?? Needs Assessment / Baseline Data ?? Interventions ?? Outcome Measures ?? ?? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:58
RT @jloweNHS: @AHPs4PH #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:58
@MelaniePacker72 @WeAHPs How much do you already use frameworks like the @PHE_uk place based approaches to #healthinequalities for example? Or other such frameworks? Wondering how best to build not duplicate also #weahps https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-inequalities-place-based-approaches-to-reduce-inequalities
12 November 2020 20:58
Cultural competence, and also how health inequalities intersects with other social issues. True coproduction with affected client groups #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/WeAHPs/status/1326990651322322945
12 November 2020 20:59
@JanetThomas47 We hope you had a great run! A great cause ?? #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:59
@WeAHPs Our professional body @RCSLT have been working on a fantastic #CommunicationAccess project to improve communication accessibility for all, enabling organisations to work with their customers and local communities to effect meaningful change. #WeAHPs https://twitter.com/5_News/status/1326963310592397313?s=19
12 November 2020 20:59
@WeAHPs Understanding health inequalities is the start but staff need tools to see how they can chip away at the inequality & effect some healthy behaviour change, otherwise it can seem like a too big mountain to climb #WeAHPs
12 November 2020 20:59
@AbiHend @WeAHPs A really good point, actually stopping/reflecting and understanding existing practice and how it could be contributing - requires a framework to assess? #weahps
12 November 2020 20:59
@WeAHPs @JanetThomas47 Missed my run today! #WeAHPs


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