#WeNurses - Thursday 26th July 2018 8pm (GMT Standard Time) Professional responsibilities & accountability

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This chat is guest hosted by @maxwele2

Professional responsibilities and accountability of collective leadership by Elaine Maxwell

Sir Ian Kennedy, speaking about his review of paediatric cardiac surgery in Bristol1 (published in 2001) remarked that the surprising thing was not how few people knew of the problems and high mortality, rather it was how many knew. He notes that

Bristol was a wash with data. There was enough information from the late 1980s onwards to cause questions about mortality rates to be raised both in Bristol and elsewhere had the mindset to do so existed. Little, if any, of this information was available to the parents or to the public.” P.3

This is a recurrent theme in public inquiries into health services and was raised again with the recent publication of the Gosport Inquiry2 into opiate related deaths. Some nurses had raised concerned (as happens in all public inquiries) but the majority had turned a blind eye. Content that their own personal practice met the required standards.

So why do professionals not act on failings, whether through system failure or malign intent?  In 1964, Kitty Genovese was stabbed to death outside her apartment in New York while bystanders who observed the crime did not step in to assist or call the police. Psychologists Latané and Darleydescribed this as the bystander effect and suggested that when there is a perceived diffusion of responsibility, no one takes responsibility and everyone assumes someone else has taken or will take responsibility to do something.

As healthcare becomes increasingly complex, there are calls for distributed and collective leadership within and across organisations. But do we have a mechanisms for negotiating the division of responsibilities and accountabilities within it?

The Nursing and Midwifery Council is clear that it regulates the actions of individual practitioners not teams or organisations. How do we, as responsible practitioners, therefore decide where our professional duty lies? If, as the Code4 suggests, we are to:

16.1 raise and, if necessary, escalate any concerns you may have about patient or public safety, or the level of care people are receiving in your workplace or any other healthcare setting and use the channels available to you in line with our guidance and your local working practices

then what action should be taken against those who don’t raise the practice of others? What if it is ‘rumour’ or a feeling without hard data? Where is the burden of proof, should it be balance of probabilities or beyond all reasonable doubt?  And what if a registrant raises concerns but no action is taken, is their responsibility discharged?

Next year will be the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Inquiry into Ely Hospital in Cardiff5. The report concluded that “there is a more pervasive atmosphere about Ely, summed up in Mrs. “Z’s” phrase about the “perpetuation of inertia”. Can we really say that we have resolved the perpetuation of inertia and as a profession take collective responsibility for patients’ safety and care?

And if we haven’t got there yet, what are we, the profession’s registrants going to do about it?


1) http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20090811143822/http://www.bristol-inquiry.org.uk/final_report/the_report.pdf

2) https://www.gosportpanel.independent.gov.uk/

3) Darley, J. M., & Latane, B. (1968). Bystander intervention in emergencies: Diffusion of responsibility Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 8(4, Pt.1), 377-383

4) https://www.nmc.org.uk/globalassets/sitedocuments/nmc-publications/nmc-code.pdf

5) https://www.sochealth.co.uk/national-health-service/democracy-involvement-and-accountability-in-health/complaints-regulation-and-enquries/report-of-the-committee-of-inquiry-into-allegations-of-ill-treatment-of-patients-and-other-irregularities-at-the-ely-hospital-cardiff-1969/

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In summary here are some of the answers to the questions that resonated most with us:

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

Question 6:

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 #WeNurses transcript

26 July 2018 20:00
Hello Teresa here #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:00
Hi there #WeNurses https://twitter.com/PDandE_NNUHFT/status/1022557223816507392
26 July 2018 20:01
@WeNurses #WeNurses I'm sat in front of a fan and ready to go ??.
26 July 2018 20:01
@WeNurses Good evening, Jo here tweeting from Greater Manchester. Would like to be cooler ???? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:01
@AgencyNurse Oops #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:02
@lilian_wittman great plan #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:03
Hello there #wenurses https://twitter.com/Deborah35855216/status/1022557539916042241
26 July 2018 20:03
@jomwlever hi Jo #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:03
@WeNurses Hi there. June here. Hot. Have a plastic bottle cooler on the back of my neck...it's working...#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:05
Thanks for joining us June and great plan #wenurses https://twitter.com/ProfJuneG/status/1022558027453538305
26 July 2018 20:05
@WeNurses A1 I think they are, aren't they? #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:06
@WeNurses I think everybody should be responsible for what they are doing...#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:06
@WeNurses #WeNurses absolutely, we work in a system and we all have to be responsible for the system
26 July 2018 20:06
#WeNurses I think that we are responsible for the care we give to any patient, does this give us collective responsibility ?
26 July 2018 20:07
@ProfJuneG @WeNurses #wenurses to whom? the NMC only regulates individuals as shown by #isabelamaro case
26 July 2018 20:07
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/clarepricedowd/status/1022558808248406016
26 July 2018 20:07
RT @Soby16536799: @WeNurses I think everybody should be responsible for what they are doing...#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:07
@Soby16536799 @WeNurses but what about for what their colleagues are doing? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:08
Thoughts on this ?? #WeNurses https://twitter.com/PDandE_NNUHFT/status/1022558965304057857
26 July 2018 20:08
Hello #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:08
@lilian_wittman if not, we get Mid Staffs, Morecombe Bay and Gosport scenarios #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:08
RT @clarepricedowd: #WeNurses https://twitter.com/clarepricedowd/status/1022558808248406016
26 July 2018 20:09
@PDandE_NNUHFT @WeNurses disagree, we have to be responsible for the whole team #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:09
Please elaborate #WeNurses https://twitter.com/Deborah35855216/status/1022559250109874176
26 July 2018 20:09
Q1: I believe this is explicit in our Codes of Ethics. Reply @WeNurses #WeNurses https://twitter.com/WeNurses/status/1022558256714199040
26 July 2018 20:10
@AgencyNurse #WeNurses if we see it and do nothing to support to improve or challenge, then we are responsible by colluding.
26 July 2018 20:10
@jomwlever @WeNurses So if someone does something wrong you don't have to worry about it? #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:11
RT @clarepricedowd: @AgencyNurse #WeNurses if we see it and do nothing to support to improve or challenge, then we are responsible by collu…
26 July 2018 20:11
@ProfJuneG I see but if i have raised concerns over others practice where does my reponsibility for the collective end ? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:11
@WeNurses You can lead b example, but culture has a incredibly strong influence #WeNurses safety influenced by multitude of factors
26 July 2018 20:11
@maxwele2 @WeNurses I think we can only supervise and raise concerns if any...we can't be responsible for somebody else's faults...#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:11
I would say we share that responsibility of we choose not to do anything about it. #wenurses https://twitter.com/AgencyNurse/status/1022559768999813125
26 July 2018 20:12
@ArmisteadCheryl @WeNurses it is sort of in our Code, but is it enforced? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:12
@clarepricedowd yes but if we do something and raise concerns where does our responsibility end ? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:12
#WeNurses @PDandE_NNUHFT I think we can certainly influence others but we should be responsible not only for our ow… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022560304130142210
26 July 2018 20:12
#WeNurses hello, Vanessa here A1 - most definitely our accountability spans beyond the patients we directly care fo… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022560395846983681
26 July 2018 20:12
@Soby16536799 @WeNurses so the poor patient just gets pot luck? not really patient advocacy #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:13
Ah now that is where personal courage does come into play. Reply @maxwele2 Reply @WeNurses #WeNurses https://twitter.com/maxwele2/status/1022560211603738624
26 July 2018 20:13
@AgencyNurse When something is done about the issue, or when your tolerance runs out and you leave? #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:13
RT @ProfJuneG: I would say we share that responsibility of we choose not to do anything about it. #wenurses https://twitter.com/AgencyNurse/status/1022559768999813125
26 July 2018 20:13
@lilian_wittman @PDandE_NNUHFT if the rest of the team is giving poor care, can mine be good (given its only part of the whole) ? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:14
RT @ArmisteadCheryl: Ah now that is where personal courage does come into play. Reply @maxwele2 Reply @WeNurses #WeNurses https://t.co/weyj…
26 July 2018 20:14
@ProfJuneG I don't know the answer June ... perhaps it's not black and white .. perhaps there are multiple answers here #Wenurses
26 July 2018 20:15
@AgencyNurse doesn’t our duty to the patient persist? nurses like saying they are patient advocates but are they really? #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:15
@ProfJuneG @maxwele2 @WeNurses I agree...??#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:15
@ProfJuneG @AgencyNurse This is the sad thing #WeNurses , good nurses leave as they are not supported when raising concerns
26 July 2018 20:15
Oooh, that's a good question....#wenurses https://twitter.com/maxwele2/status/1022560677431525378
26 July 2018 20:15
RT @ProfJuneG: Oooh, that's a good question....#wenurses https://twitter.com/maxwele2/status/1022560677431525378
26 July 2018 20:15
QUESTION 2 What stops nurses speaking up when they see practice they are uncomfortable with? #WeNurses https://t.co/IcEQlOWq8m
26 July 2018 20:16
interesting view, responsibility linked to position #wenurses https://twitter.com/lorraine_tinker/status/1022561058328850432
26 July 2018 20:16
@WeNurses hello #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:16
@AgencyNurse I think when it comes to patient safety perhaps it has to be more black and white? #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:17
RT @becksherrington: @WeNurses You can lead b example, but culture has a incredibly strong influence #WeNurses safety influenced by multitu…
26 July 2018 20:17
#WeNurses the fear of being labelled as whistle blower and maybe upsetting the routine.
26 July 2018 20:17
@WeNurses Fear of reprisal from their colleagues, feeling that they are ‘ sticking their head above the parapet ? ‘ #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:17
RT @vsweeney431: #WeNurses hello, Vanessa here A1 - most definitely our accountability spans beyond the patients we directly care for, incl…
26 July 2018 20:18
RT @lilian_wittman: #WeNurses the fear of being labelled as whistle blower and maybe upsetting the routine.
26 July 2018 20:19
Lack of psychological safety #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:19
@WeNurses #WeNurses depends on who is doing the bad practice, can be a personal cost if the person is senior or has… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022562053549158400
26 July 2018 20:19
@lilian_wittman @PDandE_NNUHFT but what if the culture is such that I don’t have influence? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:19
@lilian_wittman @WeNurses Definitely #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:19
RT @lilian_wittman: #WeNurses the fear of being labelled as whistle blower and maybe upsetting the routine.
26 July 2018 20:20
Nicely said #wenurses https://twitter.com/K_G_Spearpoint/status/1022562126525816837
26 July 2018 20:20
@lilian_wittman @WeNurses I agree #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:20
What are peoples thoughts about this ? #WeNurses https://twitter.com/maxwele2/status/1022561912826028037
26 July 2018 20:21
@AgencyNurse theme only get normalised when everyone accepts them, collective action #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:21
RT @AgencyNurse: Nicely said #wenurses https://twitter.com/K_G_Spearpoint/status/1022562126525816837
26 July 2018 20:21
RT @WeNurses: What are peoples thoughts about this ? #WeNurses https://twitter.com/maxwele2/status/1022561912826028037
26 July 2018 20:21
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/rosijones/status/1022562518194171905
26 July 2018 20:22
@WeNurses Nothing been done about previous concerns or not taking it seriously..#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:22
@ProfJuneG @WeNurses What I meant was we have responsibility as a team to ensure patients are safe as well as individual practice #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:22
@AgencyNurse We've always done it that way... the most dangerous phrase #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:23
QUESTION 3 Does collective responsibility mean no one is accountable? #WeNurses https://t.co/EUGAWD9yWH
26 July 2018 20:23
@WeNurses #wenurses how much time do we actually spend building our teams and fostering a collective feel? Fragmentation common when busy
26 July 2018 20:24
RT @lilian_wittman: #WeNurses the fear of being labelled as whistle blower and maybe upsetting the routine.
26 July 2018 20:24
So does this mean they were no longer responsible ?? #WeNurses https://twitter.com/EllzSummary/status/1022562901800968193
26 July 2018 20:24
@lilian_wittman @PDandE_NNUHFT not sure that worked in Mid Staffs or Gosport. Hope is not a plan #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:24
@AgencyNurse @clarepricedowd However all registrants have professional accountinility for both their actions & omissions #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:24
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/JeanetteMulher1/status/1022563259805822977
26 July 2018 20:25
An excellent question ... we fear the answer may be "not enough!" #WeNurses https://twitter.com/clarepricedowd/status/1022563160526610439
26 July 2018 20:25
@EllzSummary @AgencyNurse @clarepricedowd yes, people forget omissions are as significant as acts #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:25
RT @maxwele2: @EllzSummary @AgencyNurse @clarepricedowd yes, people forget omissions are as significant as acts #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:26
RT @clarepricedowd: @WeNurses #wenurses how much time do we actually spend building our teams and fostering a collective feel? Fragmentati…
26 July 2018 20:26
Not at all. It means no-one can escape the accountability. #wenurses https://twitter.com/WeNurses/status/1022563052917583873
26 July 2018 20:26
@WeNurses someone is always responsible be it the person themselves or the person in charge. #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:27
@WeNurses Absolutely not #WeNurses it's not a substitute for accountability
26 July 2018 20:27
@WeNurses there is a real danger that everyone is responsible so nobody thinks it is down to them so nothing gets done #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:27
#WeNurses of course not, we must all stand out and take responsibility whether collegiate or individual.
26 July 2018 20:28
or anyone who was aware and did nothing...#wenurses https://t.co/CgCEaMJsxx
26 July 2018 20:28
@gillsmac1 @WeNurses how do you decide who though? esp when patients recieve care for teams of people? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:29
RT @ProfJuneG: Not at all. It means no-one can escape the accountability. #wenurses https://twitter.com/WeNurses/status/1022563052917583873
26 July 2018 20:30
@Jo3_NHS Do you think duty of candour has made people take their responsibility more seriously? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:30
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/liavelvargas/status/1022564646459465738
26 July 2018 20:30
@maxwele2 @WeNurses To themselves, to eat other, to the patient? #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:30
@WeNurses To me it means everyone accountable ..#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:31
@ProfJuneG or as Ian Kennedy pointed out at the Bristol inquiry, everybody knew and no one did anything #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:31
QUESTION 4 What should nurses do if they raise concerns but poor practice continues? #WeNurses https://t.co/rp48ZUJH5U
26 July 2018 20:31
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/vsweeney431/status/1022564692936548361
26 July 2018 20:32
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/vsweeney431/status/1022564855369396226
26 July 2018 20:32
RT @maxwele2: #WeNurses https://twitter.com/vsweeney431/status/1022564692936548361
26 July 2018 20:32
@vsweeney431 @ProfJuneG @drury297 add the hashtag #wenurses and we’ll all hear your pearls of wisdom ??
26 July 2018 20:32
RT @maxwele2: #WeNurses https://twitter.com/vsweeney431/status/1022564855369396226
26 July 2018 20:33
@WeNurses Raise the concern to a higher level of authority within the service and/or other local relevant authorities! #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:33
@WeNurses #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:34
For me this is where the problem lies .... that we may raise concerns ... but what then ?? #WeNurses https://twitter.com/WeNurses/status/1022565129928499203
26 July 2018 20:34
@maxwele2 @Jo3_NHS Nope. #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:34
@WeNurses Raise it to the next level and put it in writing if it continues and nothing gets done #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:35
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/nhs4free/status/1022565758600142851
26 July 2018 20:35
I think this is a very good point indeed #WeNurses https://twitter.com/maxwele2/status/1022565704388816896
26 July 2018 20:35
Raise them at a higher level. Put the concerns in writing with evidence. Canvass sport from other people. #wenurses https://t.co/9xQ9R3Gfid
26 July 2018 20:36
@WeNurses Don't let it go. Speak up until something is done #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:36
@PUNCadp @WeNurses Agreed! Take it to the next level, no response, the next level ... #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:36
@AgencyNurse the Public Interest Disclosure Act allows for people to raise with the press as @ShaunLintern will attest #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:36
#WeNurses @maxwele2 I totally agree with that, I've seen it happen a few times.
26 July 2018 20:36
RT @AgencyNurse: I think this is a very good point indeed #WeNurses https://twitter.com/maxwele2/status/1022565704388816896
26 July 2018 20:37
@brown1992 @WeNurses exactly what I would do too until someone listened #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:37
@AgencyNurse #WeNurses the thing is not to think 'job done' & expect others to act, they may not, find allies if… https://t.co/iZ1HajkCLN
26 July 2018 20:37
Mmmm interesting ... this i did not know #WeNurses https://t.co/RxIkSHmzp4
26 July 2018 20:37
that would be 'support', although sport is good too... #wenurses https://t.co/2HLhIhcfKB
26 July 2018 20:37
RT @clarepricedowd: @AgencyNurse #WeNurses the thing is not to think 'job done' & expect others to act, they may not, find allies if not…
26 July 2018 20:37
@AgencyNurse united we stand, divided we fall. True collective leadership means all for one and one for all #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:38
RT @ProfJuneG: Raise them at a higher level. Put the concerns in writing with evidence. Canvass sport from other people. #wenurses https://…
26 July 2018 20:39
RT @maxwele2: @AgencyNurse united we stand, divided we fall. True collective leadership means all for one and one for all #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:39
#WeNurses if their concerns are not listened to, they need to repeat http://them.as often as they need to until things change.
26 July 2018 20:39
@PUNCadp I would hope that i would be too ... lets hope we never find ourselves facing these things though #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:40
@ProfJuneG @AgencyNurse I was always taught that if you see something bad, you're just as guilty if you don't speak up #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:41
@AgencyNurse @PUNCadp I have and I had to leave the job, but the guilt of going when it’s not sorted is immense #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:42
@WeNurses Let's also ask Nurses who spoke up what they did and what impact they had. #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:42
#WeNurses ensure that all concerns are documented, use you freedom to speak up guardians.
26 July 2018 20:42
@maxwele2 @PUNCadp one thing seems to be clear ... more support is needed ! #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:42
@maxwele2 @AgencyNurse It must have felt awful, but I'm sure you did all you could #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:43
#WeNurses (new at this!) https://twitter.com/vsweeney431/status/1022567918247264257
26 July 2018 20:43
RT @maxwele2: @AgencyNurse united we stand, divided we fall. True collective leadership means all for one and one for all #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:43
@AgencyNurse @PUNCadp i think we need more support from peers rather than calling for it from managers though #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:43
@AgencyNurse absolutely. and if you're leaving it's easier. I think . #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:43
QUESTION 5 Should the NMC take action against nurses who knew there was poor practice but did nothing? #WeNurses https://t.co/2xi59Rzsiw
26 July 2018 20:44
This sounds interesting #WeNurses https://twitter.com/vsweeney431/status/1022567918247264257
26 July 2018 20:44
@ProfJuneG yes, need fair blame not no blame #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:44
@maxwele2 @PUNCadp yes i think you are right #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:45
so, so true #WeNurses https://t.co/tTkP7hgsOH
26 July 2018 20:45
@ProfJuneG yes i think so too #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:45
#WeNurses I think that maybe a warning or file note could be issued to prove that standing by and doing nothing isn't an option.
26 July 2018 20:45
@PUNCadp @maxwele2 i think it depends on where you work .... as with anything good and bad exist #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:45
@AgencyNurse @maxwele2 @PUNCadp Courage to stand up and be counted #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:46
@EllzSummary @AgencyNurse @PUNCadp but as a nurse, are you abandoning your patients if the final voice of opposition goes? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:46
ooh interesting question #WeNurses https://twitter.com/WeNurses/status/1022568229221359625
26 July 2018 20:47
@WeNurses And continue to role model best practice #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:47
RT @AgencyNurse: ooh interesting question #WeNurses https://twitter.com/WeNurses/status/1022568229221359625
26 July 2018 20:47
@maxwele2 @AgencyNurse @PUNCadp But we have to ?nurture / create the culture to enable this to happen #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:47
RT @K_G_Spearpoint: @WeNurses And continue to role model best practice #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:47
This is reality for many people, I think. #wenurses We circle the wagons. https://twitter.com/PUNCadp/status/1022568226453106688
26 July 2018 20:47
#WeNurses https://t.co/vexud3izyV
26 July 2018 20:47
@maxwele2 @EllzSummary @AgencyNurse Difficult one... I'm sure you didn't take your decision to leave easily @maxwele2 #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:48
#WeNurses https://t.co/pXlYud10Dl
26 July 2018 20:48
I think they should, if it's clear no action was taken and they knew. #wenurses https://t.co/aiYyKb2ogB
26 July 2018 20:48
@WeNurses Tough one..#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:48
@WeNurses We are professionally accountable for our acts and omissions, surely we are duty bound to speak up?? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:48
RT @ProfJuneG: I think they should, if it's clear no action was taken and they knew. #wenurses https://twitter.com/WeNurses/status/1022568229221359625
26 July 2018 20:49
RT @vsweeney431: @maxwele2 @AgencyNurse @PUNCadp But we have to ?nurture / create the culture to enable this to happen #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:49
@vsweeney431 @AgencyNurse @PUNCadp how though? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:49
A differing perspective here #WeNurses https://twitter.com/EmilyGoss23/status/1022569419745181696
26 July 2018 20:49
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/rosijones/status/1022569436920864775
26 July 2018 20:50
@WeNurses But I completely agree - nurses have a duty to speak up. #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:52
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/dionne_whiteNUH/status/1022569943701839876
26 July 2018 20:52
#WeNurses @EmilyGoss23 at some point poor care always comes to light and we're all responsible for patient safety and prevention of harm.
26 July 2018 20:52
#wenurses https://twitter.com/K_G_Spearpoint/status/1022570173352566784
26 July 2018 20:52
Exactly this. A million times. #wenurses https://t.co/Ij9S4eWPWy
26 July 2018 20:52
@WeNurses Always escalate. The standard you walk past is the standard you accept @WeNurses #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:53
RT @tarailes: @WeNurses Always escalate. The standard you walk past is the standard you accept @WeNurses #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:53
RT @lilian_wittman: #WeNurses @EmilyGoss23 at some point poor care always comes to light and we're all responsible for patient safety and p…
26 July 2018 20:53
Yes of course! If there is clear evidence to support it! #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:53
@WeNurses In some ways, it shouldn't need to be encouraged. If nurses aren't doing this, then they are failing...#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:54
If there was a breech of the code then 100% yes #WeNurses https://twitter.com/WeNurses/status/1022568229221359625
26 July 2018 20:54
RT @ProfJuneG: Exactly this. A million times. #wenurses https://twitter.com/maxwele2/status/1022570075595923458
26 July 2018 20:54
RT @tarailes: @WeNurses Always escalate. The standard you walk past is the standard you accept @WeNurses #wenurses
26 July 2018 20:54
RT @ProfJuneG: @WeNurses In some ways, it shouldn't need to be encouraged. If nurses aren't doing this, then they are failing...#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:55
@WeNurses We all have accountability and this includes ignoring or turning a blind eye to poor practice @WeNurses #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:56
@WeNurses Role model, discuss, educate to demonstrate the value of reflective practice in our development at every opportunity #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:57
The opposite, it means everyone is accountable. As RNs we all have a code to adhere to @WeNurses #WeNurses https://twitter.com/wenurses/status/1022563052917583873
26 July 2018 20:57
#WeNurses I think reflection is an important way of changing the culture providing we learn from the event.
26 July 2018 20:57
@WeNurses Self reflection,trainings,discussion with colleagues...#wenurses
26 July 2018 20:58
#Wenurses https://twitter.com/Benandsebastian/status/1022571272859992065
26 July 2018 20:58
@tarailes @WeNurses agree, but how do we make sure accountability doesn’t fall between two stools? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:58
@RivkahMiar @AgencyNurse @PUNCadp how do we do that Rebecca? #Wenurses
26 July 2018 20:59
@EllzSummary @maxwele2 @PUNCadp eek !! #WeNurses
26 July 2018 20:59
@EmilyGoss23 @WeNurses totally agree, it's part of a nurses duty to speak up #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:00
@EllzSummary @AgencyNurse @PUNCadp true, but if you do leave, what’s your duty to the patients? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:00
@maxwele2 @RivkahMiar @AgencyNurse Duty of candour? #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:01
It's 9pm and thats all for tonight everyone ... thank you all for your fascinating tweets this evening #WeNurses https://t.co/6NVqSalNuM
26 July 2018 21:01
@vsweeney431 is this written up yet ? ??#wenurses
26 July 2018 21:01
Thank you especially to @maxwele2 who suggested and developed tonights discussion #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:02
@WeNurses Through group and individual supervisions!! With regular reflection practice built into nursing duties! @WeLDnurses #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:02
@PUNCadp @RivkahMiar @AgencyNurse suspect it needs a bit more #Wenurses
26 July 2018 21:02
@Benandsebastian @WeNurses gosh where do you work?! #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:03
Before we go .... if you want to reflect on tonights #WeNurses for your CPD then here is a link to our FREE MyWe to… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022573257424297986
26 July 2018 21:04
@maxwele2 ??.... not yet #WeNurses what’s fab is that it’s spreading across nursing ... it’s part of language, wasn’… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022573290009882624
26 July 2018 21:04
#WeNurses @ProfJuneG use of appraisals to set goals for improvement, revalidation, the use of a confidential reflec… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022573364966313984
26 July 2018 21:04
Excellent stuff! Thanks all. And exspecially to @maxwell2 for suggesting. #wenurses
26 July 2018 21:04
@Benandsebastian @WeNurses wow, we need to learn from that @vsweeney431 #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:05
RT @vsweeney431: @maxwele2 ??.... not yet #WeNurses what’s fab is that it’s spreading across nursing ... it’s part of language, wasn’t the c…
26 July 2018 21:05
RT @WeNurses: Before we go .... if you want to reflect on tonights #WeNurses for your CPD then here is a link to our FREE MyWe tool that wi…
26 July 2018 21:06
@EllzSummary @maxwele2 @AgencyNurse @PUNCadp It's possible. Most organisations should respond to a request fro an exit interview. #wenurses
26 July 2018 21:06
Nursing people with dementia > https://buff.ly/2La0vrG Coming up NEXT THURSDAY #WeNurses with guest… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022573948037472256
26 July 2018 21:07
@AgencyNurse agree, would reduce burnout, improve safety and save far more money than it cost #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:07
@maxwele2 absolutely ... seems like a no brainer ! #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:08
We agree ... most thought provoking and definitely something to relfect on ... thank you Elaine #WeNurses https://twitter.com/EllzSummary/status/1022574224588857357
26 July 2018 21:08
RT @WeNurses: Nursing people with dementia > https://buff.ly/2La0vrG Coming up NEXT THURSDAY #WeNurses with guest @derekfisher2907 https…
26 July 2018 21:09
RT @WeNurses: QUESTION 4 What should nurses do if they raise concerns but poor practice continues? #WeNurses https://t.co/rp48ZUJH5U
26 July 2018 21:10
Worth knowing #WeNurses https://twitter.com/supportNHSCIC/status/1022574696091578368
26 July 2018 21:10
RT @AgencyNurse: I think this is a very good point indeed #WeNurses https://twitter.com/maxwele2/status/1022565704388816896
26 July 2018 21:10
@WeNurses @maxwele2 Thank you @WeNurses & @maxwele2 ... my first twitter chat! Lots of thought-provoking points #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:10
@maxwele2 @AgencyNurse As you would say It's about presenting the evidence base. ;-) #wenurses
26 July 2018 21:11
RT @RivkahMiar: @maxwele2 @AgencyNurse As you would say It's about presenting the evidence base. ;-) #wenurses
26 July 2018 21:12
#wenurses Your views are being sought on #NHS #Safe #Staffing Bill before the 1st August can respond to survey & al… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022575526106554370
26 July 2018 21:13
@maxwele2 @WeNurses It needs to be multi professional #Wenurses
26 July 2018 21:13
@PUNCadp @WeNurses That would be very useful where I work #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:15
#wenurses Please respond with your views #patientsafety #safestaffing https://twitter.com/RCNScot/status/1022143722279067650
26 July 2018 21:16
@Ramen91528506 @WeNurses that’s great, can you tell us the impact? #wenurses I’m wondering if @charlottemcardl… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022576466486288392
26 July 2018 21:18
@WeNurses @derekfisher2907 Looking forward to this one, my passion #WeNurses
26 July 2018 21:25
RT @AgencyNurse: For me this is where the problem lies .... that we may raise concerns ... but what then ?? #WeNurses https://t.co/BFeEHR…
26 July 2018 21:25
#WeNurses https://twitter.com/shaunlintern/status/1022577453125038080
26 July 2018 21:26
#wenurses if you can’t get your concerns acted on, you can go outside the Trust. Goof guidance here https://twitter.com/shaunlintern/status/1022577898228736001
26 July 2018 21:33
@EmilyGoss23 #Wenurses Always think & do #WhatMattersToYou @WMTYScot #WMTY https://twitter.com/tommyNtour/status/1022557210969292800
26 July 2018 21:38
@EmilyGoss23 @WMTYScot #WeNurses You reminded me of very touching moment, it is often the small things that can mak… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1022582054981128192
26 July 2018 21:43
RT @tarailes: @WeNurses Always escalate. The standard you walk past is the standard you accept @WeNurses #wenurses
26 July 2018 21:48
RT @supportNHSCIC: @EmilyGoss23 #Wenurses Always think & do #WhatMattersToYou @WMTYScot #WMTY https://twitter.com/tommyNtour/status/1022557210969292800


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